

To be fair to Les, Rega's website aint all that and they seem to be doing just fine.

To be fair to Rega, you can easily obtain prices and information about their products from any number of sources. You don't have to phone or ask for a 'special price list' by email.
Come on fella lets have a little of the "positive" energy to even things up a little. I am fighting off being a grumpy old man at the best of times!
Not so Postive energy - in all this time you've spent ranting on about Avondale you could of made a call to Les, had a nice chat and got far more informative information than you would spending 6 hours on the internet. He runs a very small, specialist company, he isn't Naim or Rega. It's surprsing how many people are afraid just to pick up a phone and speak to people these days.
Sounds promising, although a bit worrying that you are so under staffed. Thanks for the update.

Under staffed.? In what way.? There are two of us with all the work we can handle and very happy to deal with our many 'genuine' customers - some going back almost 30 years.
I think some of the posts on this thread need removing...there's some biased rubbish being spouted.

I'll come and solder for you in the evenings Les :)
Under staffed.? In what way.? There are two of us with all the work we can handle and very happy to deal with our many 'genuine' customers - some going back almost 30 years.

"there are only two of us here and we're at the workbenches 99% of the time.. I'm sure with a slicker web based business we could have many more orders, but who's going to build them? "

Sounds under staffed to me ....
Not so Postive energy - in all this time you've spent ranting on about Avondale you could of made a call to Les, had a nice chat and got far more informative information than you would spending 6 hours on the internet. He runs a very small, specialist company, he isn't Naim or Rega. It's surprsing how many people are afraid just to pick up a phone and speak to people these days.

And I am amazed at the over reaction that goes on here when some mild criticism of the avondale webiste is voiced. Contrast this with the very gracious response from Naim when far nastier things were said about their site/forum.

At the end of the day I am just one bloke posting his impressions. Is it really necessary to bring out the cavalry?
Oscar Wilde: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

I'm grateful to the honourable but obtuse gent for the free advertising brought about by his obsession with my business practices.

I'll have to bow out now as there is some paint drying in the next road and I'd like very much to observe to process..;)
There's far too much negative energy on this thread.

Les and Ben don't want Avondale to be a global industrial giant. They epitomise everything that is good about what was once called cottage industry.

They make superb products by hand for discerning customers, the vast majority of whom are delighted with their purchases. Their service and back-up is exemplary.

Due to ridiculous demands from some people, they recently took a decision to withdraw from the supply of the parts and bare printed circuit boards that so many on this forum have benefited from over the years. Their web site is in a state of flux; they are in the process of introducing a number of interesting new products and it's not surprising that this all takes time.

I wish the moderators would step in and remove some of the repetitive carping and ridiculously minor criticisms unfairly leveled at them in this thread.


p.s. This will be my only contribution to this thread.
Oscar Wilde: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

I'm grateful to the honourable but obtuse gent for the free advertising brought about by his obsession with my business practices.

I'll have to bow out now as there is some paint drying in the next road and I'd like very much to observe to process..;)

Before you do so, and seeing as you are here, perhaps you could say what the Multicap 2 will cost, as that is all I am really interested in?
There's far too much negative energy on this thread.

Les and Ben don't want Avondale to be a global industrial giant. They epitomise everything that is good about what was once called cottage industry.

They make superb products by hand for discerning customers, the vast majority of whom are delighted with their purchases. Their service and back-up is exemplary.

Due to ridiculous demands from some people, they recently took a decision to withdraw from the supply of the parts and bare printed circuit boards that so many on this forum have benefited from over the years. Their web site is in a state of flux; they are in the process of introducing a number of interesting new products and it's not surprising that this all takes time.

I wish the moderators would step in and remove some of the repetitive carping and ridiculously minor criticisms unfairly leveled at them in this thread.


p.s. This will be my only contribution to this thread.

I am sure Les is a big boy, and is able to take a little criticism of his web site. I am a totally unbiased observer, I am not in the market for any new kit at the moment, and, to me, the criticisms you refer to are mild and fairly constructive.

So why the massive over-reaction?

LesW runs his business how he wants to.

It's no secret that I'm not keen on the Avondale sound BUT the quality of the products, the obviously close relationship with customers and the fact he produces what he wants to in the numbers he wants to is something I respect.

Those critisizing Avondale would do well to start their own company and see how they fair.

There must be some historical subtext to folks' rather strong reactions to what appears to me as very innocuous comment on this thread.

Anyone running a business will welcome well-meaning and constructive criticism; whether they decide to act on it is entirely up to them of course.
There must be some historical subtext to folks' rather strong reactions to what appears to me as very innocuous comment on this thread.

Anyone running a business will welcome well-meaning and constructive criticism; whether they decide to act on it is entirely up to them of course.

Or Avondale fanbois make Apple fanbois seem tame!

I'm afriad that isn't how you're coming across at all.

Well, thats when I am not having to defend myself against the very vociferous Avondale police on here... Cmon gusy, just chill out. Surely you can all handle someone saying a website isn't very good?

I was/am after all genuinely interested in the multicap 2 as a Supercap alternative for my Nac82....
Well, thats when I am not having to defend myself against the very vociferous Avondale police on here... Cmon gusy, just chill out. Surely you can all handle someone saying a website isn't very good?

I was/am after all genuinely interested in the multicap 2 as a Supercap alternative for my Nac82....

If you're genuinely interested pick up the phone and have a chat with Les, it's really not that difficult.
If you're genuinely interested pick up the phone and have a chat with Les, it's really not that difficult.

It is if you live in Spain :)

Anyway, we have been over this ground before and I don't want to be accused of repeating myself.... I think enough has been said on the subject already.

