

Thanks - I had looked at the site but obviously not hard enough!

I just saw a message saying "Several products are to be announced soon."

I've been using Avondale amplification for about 5 years now (Grad 1, TPX1, M2 monoblocks) and have found the products superb - both in pure quality terms and in value for money.

I had a mailshot from Les at Avondale yesterday regarding new products, the main information centering on the MSX micro power supply; but I am signed up to receive their newsletter though. I guess Jirka is too?

John R
I fitted TPR1's (I guess they are) to a Snaps - it made a huge improvement.

(I've seen and heard sq's power supply - it does get pretty hot, not as hot as many Class A amplifiers I have encountered - but reasonably warm (but not hot enough to worry you).
SQ, do you have a modified version of the MSX or are you using custom cables? Without a line-out socket on either the Superline or the MSX (as far as I can see), I am curious as to how you are connecting to your preamp!
Thanks - I had looked at the site but obviously not hard enough!

I just saw a message saying "Several products are to be announced soon."

I've been using Avondale amplification for about 5 years now (Grad 1, TPX1, M2 monoblocks) and have found the products superb - both in pure quality terms and in value for money.


Hi Mark
As John R rmentions ,sign up to Avondales news letters.

SBL quality cross overs well on their way also .

Very nice gear you have Mark,
my next move is the Grad 1
Good as Avondale's products may be I personally am put of by their website and lack of prices/strange product rollout strategy, where you get bits of information but not the full picture. For example, having just visited the site to check out the new products mentioned I was disappointed to see no firm information about prices, availability, etc. Just a note that they are reviewing their products/prices etc. that has been up for weeks now.

Given the boutique prices they charge for their kit you would expect more by way of information and support. I just cant get over the impression whenever the name Avondale is mentioned that they are just amateurs.... albeit very capable, and well respected on pfm.

And before people get all defensive about Avondale and accuse me of being a Naim employee or whatever, I would remind them of the very negative feedback that was voiced about the Naim forum on the Naim forum only recently and very graciously received by Naim themselves...
Given the boutique prices they charge for their kit ........

I don't get what you mean? As a bass player there are plenty of 'boutique' amps out there. These are made in small numbers, usualy, but not always, to a high standard and are always very expensive compared to 'mainstream' amps like Ashdown.

Avondale is made in small quantities, IMHO to a high standard, but are way, way cheaper than the 'mainstream' like Linn or Naim.

Boutique? maybe, but not on price.
I have looked on facebook and the Avondale site and cant find the prices for the 821 pre amp, multicap 2, etc...

I imagine Les was eager to get the news out about the new products but it just doesn't look good....

