

I have looked on facebook and the Avondale site and cant find the prices for the 821 pre amp, multicap 2, etc...

I imagine Les was eager to get the news out about the new products but it just doesn't look good....

We're desperately trying to ration the amount of work we have and constantly have to allocate scarce resources. Most 'serious' enquiries are made by personal contact which invariably ends up in a pleasant chat with the customer before the order is placed.

I don't run a 'buy-it-off-the-page' bucket shop outfit.

Your comments only serve to illustrate just how little interest you have in what I make and that's altogether fine by me old chap.

Thank you.
We're desperately trying to ration the amount of work we have and constantly have to allocate scarce resources. Most 'serious' enquiries are made by personal contact which invariably ends up in a pleasant chat with the customer before the order is placed.

I don't run a 'buy-it-off-the-page' bucket shop outfit.

Your comments only serve to illustrate just how little interest you have in what I make and that's altogether fine by me old chap.

Thank you.

I am actually interested in your multcicap 2 for my Nac82 - which is why I paid your site a visit. According to your site you can order all products online via the website, so I am not sure what your 'buy-it-off-the-page' comments refer to?

I don't know you personally but given how often you refer to how amiable and chatty you are when people call, I do find this to be at odds with how angry/disgruntled/resentful you come across when you post online....
I rest my case :D

LOL! I actually find my own account useful as I live in a different area to where I grew up and it enables me to snoop on what my non-audio geek friends are up to. The pfm page is little more than a bookmark / making sure I have the name, it's never made much sense really as pfm is a social networking site already - why would someone want to post pfm related content there rather than here?

I actually find my own account useful as I live in a different area to where I grew up ...

Same here, plus I also live a long way from places where I made friends, who also moved on, etc.

I like Facebook, don't go to often tho'

I like Avondale too, and I'm surprised by the price criticism. The Avondale gear would be very much more expensive if sold through a "regular" distribution scheme, by "regularly" structured company.
I can't understand criticism - implied or otherwise - of Les or Avondale over prices or customer support?! The most important thing their reputation rests on (and it's an excellent reputation) is looking after their customers. The fact their gear reportedly sounds superb makes the company even more attractive. I for one would certainly love to use their gear, and I'd be confident I'd be looked after as well.
The criticism wasn't of the price per-se. It was given the prices charged I expected their website to be better with more information/support. It just looks amateurish at present.
I like Avondale too, and I'm surprised by the price criticism. The Avondale gear would be very much more expensive if sold through a "regular" distribution scheme, by "regularly" structured company.

It's not criticism though is it? It's quite possible to simultaneously have boutique pricing (compared to, say, a Richer Sounds product) and be excellent value from a hi-fi nerd's perspective compared to other hi-fi nerd products.

Facebook is a tool. Use it if is is helpful; you don't need to let it use you.
I am not sure that PE actually needs to worry about Avondale prices as he is likely to fail the entrance exam anyway!

What personal attack, a bit of banter surely?

You do appear to have some sort of agenda about Avondale though and I was curious about it.

