
Audio aesthetics disasters : what were they thinking.

I could happily sit and look at those Naim boxes glowing gently as long as they didn’t have to be connected to speakers (sorry!), for me the big ATC speakers some on Pfm used to rave about fell further from the ugly tree. Beaten though by speakers I think were called Avalons and frankly looked like having a pair of coffins in the room.
I remember those - called Isobelisks IIRC...
Came across a new candidate in an eBay interesting auctions thread. Pink Triangle THE PIP:


Probably not a pure class A, otherwise it would get on fire pretty quickly !
Oh, wait, isn’t it the one they used in the flinstones ? Gosh, I remember the turntable but not the amp..........
Probably not a pure class A, otherwise it would get on fire pretty quickly !
Oh, wait, isn’t it the one they used in the flinstones ? Gosh, I remember the turntable but not the amp..........
Actually, I bet it was class A.... It was a pre amp and very highly rated in its day. In fairness, that example is a bit battered and the photos are horrible. It looked fine sitting next to the matching PT turntable in period.
Came across a new candidate in an eBay interesting auctions thread. Pink Triangle THE PIP:


It's aged well too, obviously constructed from the world's finest hardwoods and finished by Chippendale (one of the male the strippers not the furniture maker). A match for their equally hideous turntable, good find :D

A whole Marantz CD52 resides inside the case work, including the front fascia.

I does look nicer than the Marantz and to be fair I've listened to several modded CD players which sounded, and measured, much better than their virgin counterparts.
Things like optimised grounding, removal of unessential circuits, better electronic components, improved PSU, etc. make wonders.
I've always liked the DNM stuff. It was so carefully thought through.
Never heard the DNM amps, though I’ve owned NVA and Albarry which both subscribed to at least some of the same philosophies. I was put off the DNM stuff having tried some of their reson speaker cable, that just killed the music. I figured if they could sell that stuff, we were probably in a different place as to what we wanted.
Sonically the DNM stuff was stunning. It was just aesthetically oddball and, although expensive, felt absurdly cheap. It was also pretty fragile stuff. But musically superb.


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