
Anybody been on the Linn Forum recently?

There was a lack of co-ordination at the very least. Linn made the announcement yesterday but there was no proper acknowledgement on the Wam until this morning when a post was made in the owners club section. How they develop this will be interesting because a single thread wont get the job done. I can understand GDPR will be an issue for transfer if that is what they intend to do and they will need a sub forum to handle it.
Tin.... if it helps you gain any perspective ( about me ) a previous system of mine ( for quite a number of years ) was thus..


Plus... all Linn interconnects ( still use them ) and Linn speaker cables.
Well, obviously that doesn't help at all. ;)
My setup is all digital. :oops:

And to put that into some perspective too; my ex got to take the ClearAudio turntable and all the records. We decided that splitting that way it would give either of us a better change to create a nice single source system instead of having to put money towards a double source system with relatively small amounts of media.
I miss some albums, obviously, but that would have happened no matter how we split. I don't regret having a single source system though. :D

More 'positive' news: I found smileys :rolleyes:
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I must say I quite welcome any ex- Linn forum members contribution on PFM.

It's ying and yang, PFM is bedevilled by an anti Naim or Linn brigade with a equal but opposite annoyance quotient.

Maybe initially as folk find their feet, but over time it is always absorbed and just fades into the general identity and diversity of the place. pfm is a very old forum, it has seen many others come, peak, trough and finally go, and has adopted many orphans along the way! Linnies should fit in fine, most of us know their quaint little bouncy-bouncy rubber-band deck rather well! ;-)
The point I think Joe was making and I would agree with is that Linn/Naim enthusiasts are like cable enthusiasts. Their faith has no rational basis, they need to communicate with other enthusiasts to keep the faith alive but are unable to participate in rational discussion. Although cable threads are handled well here the only sign of integration is that people tend to keep the "discussion" to roughly one active thread. Perhaps this would work with diehard Linn enthusiasts if they came here in numbers which looks rather unlikely at the moment.
The point I think Joe was making and I would agree with is that Linn/Naim enthusiasts are like cable enthusiasts. Their faith has no rational basis, they need to communicate with other enthusiasts to keep the faith alive but are unable to participate in rational discussion. Although cable threads are handled well here the only sign of integration is that people tend to keep the "discussion" to roughly one active thread. Perhaps this would work with diehard Linn enthusiasts if they came here in numbers which looks rather unlikely at the moment.
Where does the faith come in exactly?
Did you know that Linn makes nice cables too? No idea how they compare with other brands obviously because that would be blasphemous. ;)

I don't think Linn equipment is better or worse compared to other brands, but as I get very confused when listening to different setups, I took the easy way out and let Linn worry about the parts.
I do think that Linns 'Source First' approach makes a lot of sense, rationally.
Does that make me a priest?

But really, there have been a lot of discussions on the Linn forums with members disagreeing with Linns decisions. I don't think that Linn owners are that much different from other people.
Linns source first approach makes sense to accounting when they were selling the CD12 and LP12
There are already a number of Linn forum members who have been posting here for a while, so its good to see Tony's view that more will be welcomed.

I think the idea that anyone from there is automatically a fanboi is OTT - there was a fair amount of constructive criticism going on over there.
A state of the art digital source is now really inexpensive, perhaps it made slightly more sense with a turntable but only slightly.
Would you care to explain the rational basis?

When information is lost, or noise is added, by the source, all the amplifier and subsequent components can do is to reproduce those errors perfectly.
A waxroll powered by a great amp will still sound shitty, only louder.

So, if your upstream is as good as can be, the rest of the chain can reproduce that faithfully.

As I wrote this rationally, please return the favour by not writing things like 'So I should add a dCS streamer to my Sonos set.' :p

In my setup my streamer was about 30% of the total value, based on current pricelists.
When information is lost, or noise is added, by the source, all the amplifier and subsequent components can do is to reproduce those errors perfectly.
A waxroll powered by a great amp will still sound shitty, only louder.

So, if your upstream is as good as can be, the rest of the chain can reproduce that faithfully.
This isn't a rational argument for the source first and nicely illustrates the role rational thought plays when it comes to enthusiasm for Linn products. It is effectively a statement that it doesn't matter where in the chain distortion is produced because it will get heard. Therefore a rational approach is to improve the weakest link in the chain and not the first (unless it is also the weakest).

Now there is of course nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about Linn and similar marketing lead products like cables, Naim, MQA,... but you run the risk of getting called if claims are made that they are (conventionally) rational or value for money. Conventionally because some people are clearly extraordinarily happy/content with owning Linn/Naim hardware despite the technical performance for the price. Given this happiness a rational case based on factors other than technical performance for the price clearly must exist for them if not for the rest of us.

As I wrote this rationally, please return the favour by not writing things like 'So I should add a dCS streamer to my Sonos set.' :p

In my setup my streamer was about 30% of the total value, based on current pricelists.

I think you might be confusing me with someone else. I had to google dcs and I am still not clear quite what it is for (apart from the obvious).
I think you might be confusing me with someone else. I had to google dcs and I am still not clear quite what it is for (apart from the obvious).
I have no idea what the obvious one is, but I meant these:

Obviously we agree on fixing weakest links, but the idea that any information absent from the start cannot be retrieved later on, no matter how exquisite the amps or speakers.

I'm not a native speaker, so I'm not so sure what you mean with "Given this hapiness a rational.."
Obviously Linn is an expensive brand, but when bought second hand it's not that bad, but as I'm not quite sure what you mean, this may be an incorrect reply. :)
So why did you bother to buy a DS? Surely you must have heard about the CD12 or LP12 beforehand.

I was looking for an alternative to Roon that supports Qobuz and has a similar easy to use interface, the DS Kazoo client interface most certainly wasn't it.

I've heard the CD12 and owned a few LP12's but wasn't looking to use the builtin Linn DAC.
Obviously we agree on fixing weakest links, but the idea that any information absent from the start cannot be retrieved later on, no matter how exquisite the amps or speakers.
Nor can it be retrieved from the middle or end. Failing to think in a rational way like this is what enables Linn/Naim/cable/... type marketing to work for you whereas not for others. There is no great problem here given it is only hi-fi and the upside is that some Linn/Naim/... enthusiasts can bond, for want of a better word, with the hardware/brand much more strongly than is the case for others that reason more rationally about hi-fi.
The point I think Joe was making and I would agree with is that Linn/Naim enthusiasts are like cable enthusiasts. Their faith has no rational basis, they need to communicate with other enthusiasts to keep the faith alive but are unable to participate in rational discussion. Although cable threads are handled well here the only sign of integration is that people tend to keep the "discussion" to roughly one active thread. Perhaps this would work with diehard Linn enthusiasts if they came here in numbers which looks rather unlikely at the moment.

Lawks, one does read some bollox on this forum..........LOL
The reason for the wholesale adoption of the Linn GIGO near religion was that at that time amplifiers were pretty technically competent, but the beginning and the end of the reproduction chain could add significant amounts of distortion, or just simply lose information.
Despite there being in existence already devices which had minimised these faults, say EMT/Garrard/Thorens/SPU and Tannoy/JBL/Altec and perhaps KEF, there were many whose performance was so so, these were vulnerable to the Linn publicity machine, who went initially after the LP source market.
Speakers would come later, with their own special line of bulldung...single speaker demos, no watches worn, etc, etc.
Then there was that seance-like tapping along to the music bollocks...

