
Anybody been on the Linn Forum recently?

I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tony hadn't been approached. The Wam, these days, in an overtly commercial interest and, lets be honest, they need the traffic.
Not that bothered, even though I have a complete Linn system and enjoyed using the forum. Main thing for me is that they’ll still have some form of beta platform - hopefully I can still be a part of that.
I did sign up on the Wam but can’t yet find any Linn area, but then I’ve never been good with maps.

My ‘dealer’ who shifts a lot of Linn stuff says most of his customers aren’t even aware of the forum’s existence. Chances are it was a lot of hassle for very little return.
I think Linn is underestimating the amount of knowledge they accumulated over the years and how useful their forums, and Googles indexation of it, were.

I can understand that the 'dealers' customers never use the forums, but younger people buy their kit here or on other sites and may not visit their local dealer very often.

Linn has suddenly become a lot less relevant for people wondering what Aktiv means or why it could be worthwhile to start with LK amps compared to the new Sonos amp.
Those people could be persuaded to save up for a secondhand DSM, and eventually a Katalyst upgrade.

I've never been to a dealer 'just because', I only step in after I made a shortlist based on information from the interwebz.
I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tony hadn't been approached. The Wam, these days, in an overtly commercial interest and, lets be honest, they need the traffic.

No, no contact with me at all. Whilst I obviously very much welcome any ex-Linn Forum members to pfm, I’d not have wanted to take any content or setup a dedicated room. pfm thrives because it is independent.

Are WigWam taking/importing the data? I never actually visited the Linn forum so don’t know anything at all about it, I have no idea how big it was, what forum platform it ran on etc. Was it a good forum?
Having been there since the start, that's a tough one to summarise. There were certainly very good things (Linn engineer contributions) and some very poor things and lots of stuff in between. Does that help? :D

Did either Ivor or Gilad T get in the mix the way Julian used to over on the old Naim forum? I liked the Naim forum back then, it was a good place.
Did either Ivor or Gilad T get in the mix the way Julian used to over on the old Naim forum? I liked the Naim forum back then, it was a good place.
I recall a couple of posts from Gilad, but that's all. Don't think Ivor posted, unless he had some fun under an alias.

Didn't know Julian posted in the early days of the Naim forum. I will have to have a read.

The HiFi forums seem to tick along OK these days, but I do miss the time when I first came upon them - suddenly in contact with so many other folks that share the same hobby and being able to get answers to all those wierd and wonderful questions that had been on my mind for years. I learned a hell of a lot. Still learning of course, but that was rich pickings.
Didn't know Julian posted in the early days of the Naim forum. I will have to have a read.

It was a previous incarnation of the forum back in the 1990s on a very different platform, none of his posts exist on the current forum to my knowledge.
I did frequent the Linn forum when I had a dalliance with acquiring a KDS. I was welcomed and got some good advice from members and recognised some people from the naim forum. Then I discovered Roon and went down a different avenue.

Seems a shortsighted decision to me, they will probably pay a lot of money to generate the level of feedback and disciples a forum generates.

There is a reason apple, Microsoft and even Dietpi have forums.

It was a previous incarnation of the forum back in the 1990s on a very different platform, none of his posts exist on the current forum to my knowledge.
Thanks. I found the old forum but none of the posts are saved :(

Maybe someone has a copy. I posted in the DIY section as I found an old thread, but the link is now broken.

EDIT: Thanks Martin Clark in DIY section:
The Linn forum of late, the last year or so, was not as good as the early days when streaming and setting up a NAS needed some guidance.

There were some very technical posters on the Linn forum, as there are on PFM, but all the knowledge will I assume be lost unless they transfer the posts to WAM.

I suppose Linn like many other companies look on client interaction as second to sales turnover.

However the one thing that is a concern is that many older Linn products are now unable to be serviced as the parts needed are no longer available and I am assuming that their latest range will follow that trend.

At least there are still a few companies like Naim/Quad/Rega who can repair most of their product line.

I can see Linn in the future being taken over, depends if it keeps it's identity the same way Naim has.

Sad in a way to see Linn go the way it has, there must be many people who started with some Linn equipment however the starting prices of their products now have almost put buying new out of reach of most people, maybe that is just the way things are now.
Having been a quite active Linn forum member, but with hardly any experience on others, I can't say whether it was good or not. It's probably a matter of taste too.

As Linn does quite some things their own way, they really need a dedicated place where people can find information about Aktiv, Exakt and SPACE optimisation.

I'm not so sure what to do now, as a software engineer by trade and physicist by study, I liked their approach to audio:
I'm not so much of a hardware guy, and I find the brazillion amplifier, cable and speaker brands quite daunting. I ended up with a nice stack of Linn equipment because that saved me from a lot of driving around and listening to different stacks of hardware in a lot of different places.

Well, I'll try to see if becoming a rug fetishist works for me.
If I remember correctly, Wam was more about bodging and DIY, hardly the place where I'd expect Linn to end up.

The old Linn forum was a BB one, but quite an old implementation I guess, probably that platform was quite rusty and I know at least 2 Linux guys left Linn over the last year. So maybe theat was part of the problem?
Just tried to join WAM and it will not let me.

Their joining system is not helpful and there is no feedback as to why you can progress further if there is an issue.

Looks a bit of an unhelpful place if that is an example of their forum.

