
All purpose football thread 2023/24 Season

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Bid for Connor Gallagher rejected. Excellent news. He was best player on pitch against Brighton with some stiff competition. Scored a goal, saved a goal, broke up play and set things up. Terrific all round performance
I echo that sentiment but if you believe The Guardian he's available for sale - perhaps someone needs to tell the comedian running the club that he's one of only two senior midfielders left as he's sold all the others.
All that aside 40 mill would be attractive if he only had one year left on his contract - which he hasn't. Chelsea should be trying to persuade him to sign an extension to the two years he has left - a very decent & versatile player who always gives his best imo.
A good start for City in pre-season, with victories against Yokohama and Bayern Munich. Minutes in the legs for the whole squad, except the injured KDB, and very good performances, so far, from Rico Lewis, Oscar Bobb, Kovacic and Stones. Lewis could be an absolutely top player and his ceiling, at just 18, is incredibly high.

I can't help but smile at the Spurs owner now being charged with insider trading, and the Liverpool players leaving for 'oil money', as it shows the deep hypocrisy in the game - not a good quality. Hurling rocks at the greenhouse is no good if you're saddled with half a billion in debt, declaring a loss while your turnover is one of the biggest in the game; taking the dollar having spent years preaching about state ownership; insider dealing; betting on results; or ignoring your own sponsorship arrangements and missing developments. While we might not like everything in the game, and ALL clubs will push the boundaries, we are fans: we want to get to the game safely, watch great entertainment, and share a love of our club with fellow fans. I wish everyone the best for the season ahead. No injuries to the players, no violence on the terraces, and may the entertainment and banter be fun.
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Honours even with Chelsea who seem to have found a striker in Jackson. Gordon looking extremely sharp and the just turned 17 Lewis Miley drawing rave reviews in what was a heavyweight pair of midfields.
I thought Chelsea edged it on performance, but only slightly. Cucurella at fault for the Miggy goal, not happy with him in our last line of defence.

Gallagher good again, hope he stays.
A good start for City in pre-season, with victories against Yokohama and Bayern Munich. Minutes in the legs for the whole squad, except the injured KDB, and very good performances, so far, from Rico Lewis, Oscar Bobb, Kovacic and Stones. Lewis could be an absolutely top player and his ceiling, at just 18, is incredibly high.

I can't help but smile at the Spurs owner now being charged with insider trading, and the Liverpool players leaving for 'oil money', as it shows the deep hypocrisy in the game - not a good quality. Hurling rocks at the greenhouse is no good if you're saddled with half a billion in debt, declaring a loss while your turnover is one of the biggest in the game; taking the dollar having spent years preaching about state ownership; insider dealing; betting on results; or ignoring your own sponsorship arrangements and missing developments. While we might not like everything in the game, and ALL clubs will push the boundaries, we are fans: we want to get to the game safely, watch great entertainment, and share a love of our club with fellow fans. I wish everyone the best for the season ahead. No injuries to the players, no violence on the terraces, and may the entertainment and banter be fun.

I well remember the video of Khaldoon when he said about knowing everything other clubs are doing. Is it all starting to come out now?
A good start for City in pre-season, with victories against Yokohama and Bayern Munich. Minutes in the legs for the whole squad, except the injured KDB, and very good performances, so far, from Rico Lewis, Oscar Bobb, Kovacic and Stones. Lewis could be an absolutely top player and his ceiling, at just 18, is incredibly high.

I can't help but smile at the Spurs owner now being charged with insider trading, and the Liverpool players leaving for 'oil money', as it shows the deep hypocrisy in the game - not a good quality. Hurling rocks at the greenhouse is no good if you're saddled with half a billion in debt, declaring a loss while your turnover is one of the biggest in the game; taking the dollar having spent years preaching about state ownership; insider dealing; betting on results; or ignoring your own sponsorship arrangements and missing developments. While we might not like everything in the game, and ALL clubs will push the boundaries, we are fans: we want to get to the game safely, watch great entertainment, and share a love of our club with fellow fans. I wish everyone the best for the season ahead. No injuries to the players, no violence on the terraces, and may the entertainment and banter be fun.

I for one am disappointed that Henderson took the cash - the others, Firmino and Fabinho have their own reasons I guess but £52M incoming plus three large salaries off the balance sheet must improve the club’s future I imagine? There’s an intimation in your post that you know the game is bent with oil money tbh, quite ironic
I for one am disappointed that Henderson took the cash - the others, Firmino and Fabinho have their own reasons I guess but £52M incoming plus three large salaries off the balance sheet must improve the club’s future I imagine? There’s an intimation in your post that you know the game is bent with oil money tbh, quite ironic

There is no intimation - I don't consider 'oil money' bent any more than I consider hedge-fund money bent - but the irony of clubs complaining about FFP and oil money now being done for insider trading, FFP and oil money is absolutely what I am laughing at. Don't forget Stevie G - though I understand that he has left because it feels like one big family, or something like that.
There is no intimation - I don't consider 'oil money' bent any more than I consider hedge-fund money bent - but the irony of clubs complaining about FFP and oil money now being done for insider trading, FFP and oil money is absolutely what I am laughing at. Don't forget Stevie G - though I understand that he has left because it feels like one big family, or something like that.
THFC are not being "done" for insider trading, it is Joe Lewis, their owner, who is.
The same could be said about Sheikh Mansour, but isn't. It is by City fans, but not by opponents, just as I will say that Spurs are involved in insider trading because their owner is. However you look at it, Joe Lewis' personal wealth has an impact on Spurs.
I have no axe to grind with Spurs, though I know that Pep does. The point is that the hypocrisy is based on tribalism because we are, fundamentally, fans of our clubs, fans of our players, and will always be so. In the dance, there are only really two clubs that I never want to win, but I wouldn't wish for any of their players nor their fans to be injured playing or supporting the sport and the teams that they love.
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