
All purpose football thread 2022/23 Season

Please explain?
Obviously as a lower league supporter I can’t begin to match your knowledge of the game.
How can I improve?

One tongue in check post by a poster (who I don't even think is a Liverpool supporter) and you "love it when the massively entitled ‘big club’ fans start losing it when things stop being so easy". To improve I suggest you resist the temptation to take cheap shots on a flimsy pretext.

Knowledgable football supporters are not limited to the Premier league. Based on my experience on the terraces there might even be an inverse relationship :D.
Entitlement comes in all shapes and sizes. I’ve supported Wrexham since the mid 1970s and remain astonished how many of our younger and older fans feel that our current money entitles them to criticise the manager because we’re only in second place when we “should be top”. It’s a massively entertaining and embarrassing mix of people who shouldn’t be allowed near social media accounts putting their genuine ignorance of how sports work and their very obvious sense of entitlement out there.
We're used to that now. At least 4 of our first team regulars have been rumoured to be targets for 'big 6' er 'big 7' clubs.

I just hope that what is left of our recruitment team can keep unearthing young gems.
An excessively stupid remark. Getting a like from Brian tells its own story. Please do better.
Oh dear. Dragging stuff from other threads into the football thread.

@Woodface happens to make far more insightful and interesting posts than yourself, perhaps you should do better.

Grow up.
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One tongue in check post by a poster (who I don't even think is a Liverpool supporter) and you "love it when the massively entitled ‘big club’ fans start losing it when things stop being so easy". To improve I suggest you resist the temptation to take cheap shots on a flimsy pretext.

Knowledgable football supporters are not limited to the Premier league. Based on my experience on the terraces there might even be an inverse relationship :D.
Self awareness fail given your previous effort. Try to do better.
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One tongue in check post by a poster (who I don't even think is a Liverpool supporter) and you "love it when the massively entitled ‘big club’ fans start losing it when things stop being so easy". To improve I suggest you resist the temptation to take cheap shots on a flimsy pretext.

Knowledgable football supporters are not limited to the Premier league. Based on my experience on the terraces there might even be an inverse relationship :D.
Well, actually you are wide of the mark, you don’t think my comment was ‘tongue in cheek’, why take it so seriously?

I was chatting to a long time Chelsea fan yesterday & he is pretty sanguine about the whole situation, it’s just their turn after the last 20 years of elevated success.

My comment wasn’t even aimed at Liverpool specifically either.

To be honest unless your club has been relegated down to Div 3 & been in administration you don’t know your born etc.

Many of the clubs supported on here have never had a protracted downturn in fortunes.
Entitlement comes in all shapes and sizes. I’ve supported Wrexham since the mid 1970s and remain astonished how many of our younger and older fans feel that our current money entitles them to criticise the manager because we’re only in second place when we “should be top”. It’s a massively entertaining and embarrassing mix of people who shouldn’t be allowed near social media accounts putting their genuine ignorance of how sports work and their very obvious sense of entitlement out there.
Wrexham are a very well supported club, hope the fans enjoy the ride.
2 strong line ups for tonights match.

Any predictions? Chris sutton appears to think that Chelsea are going to a hiding, but I'm not sure that I share his confidence......
2 strong line ups for tonights match.

Any predictions? Chris sutton appears to think that Chelsea are going to a hiding, but I'm not sure that I share his confidence......
My prediction is that City will win by at least 2 clear goals.
Looking at the team sheets it occurred to me that not one single Chelsea player would get into City's starting line up with the possible exception of Kova.
Can't imagine that City can be so poor & lethargic in the 2nd half - looked like they thought turning up would be enough.
Pep will be reading the riot act for sure.
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A great win but a poor performance. This season will take its toll and, despite Pep's desire to win all trophies, I think there will be a lot of rotation on Sunday.
Can't imagine that City can be so poor & lethargic in the 2nd half - looked like they thought turning up would be enough.
Pep will be reading the riot act for sure.

I don't think it is an attitude issue, I think that some players are very leggy indeed and the formation was not helping. I am pleased he made the necessary adjustments but we are not in a great period of form, as 1 point from the previous two league games shows.

