
All purpose football thread 20-21 season II

I don't know what you can do against the clubs to stop this, but you could do a Kerry Packer, and ban the players taking part in international competitions for a fixed time.
I would have thought Boris would have more pressing things to worry about than chairing meeting about it.

Well, quite. What possible role would/should the Government have anyway?

Given that Boris thinks that 'greed and capitalism' are what delivered the Covid vaccines, you'd think he'd be in favour of this super-duper league.
The best comment on this whole travesty I've read was from Patrick Bamform of Leeds: After Monday’s game, the Leeds forward Patrick Bamford also spoke out. “I can’t quite comprehend [it]”, Bamford said. “It’s amazing the amount of uproar when somebody’s pocket is being hurt. It’s a shame that doesn’t happen with issues like racism.”
I recall during the Lockdown a football pundit saying that football an industry, not a sport.
I’ve always felt it’s all about profit.
Venture capitalists buying clubs just to make money, and the players being paid
appalling amounts of money.

What happened to sport ?
For the owners it's a business. For the fans it's a sport. Therein lies the problem.

And Boris smells votes. He's right.
Football is a cultural thing in the UK, would the planning authorities and police be so benevolent to an openly commercial operation
TBH, and from the perspective of a non footie fan, I wonder what power the government has to intervene? If it does have powers to intervene, then on what basis? And, depending on the basis, should it have such powers? If governments get to unravel commercial decisions because of a public uproar, they'd better be sure there's a proper reason for doing so.
You're correct Sue, it's not for governments to intervene, but for the national associations to do so - yes you can play in that series but not in ours!
Could be that as well as my suspicion, we may find out in a few days.

Mourinho is a good manager, Spurs is a bit of a selling club so there is only so much you can do. They bring in top managers but don’t seem to want to go the extra mile with backing them.
I think he was a good manager. His Spurs team have gone backwards the last few months. This was the season for doing something with the football world being so out of sorts and he's got some very decent players there.

I'm guessing the thought of losing Kane and Son has a lot to do with the decision to remove him. Think he's had his last chance of managing a 'big 6' PL club.

Sorry, couldn't help myself there. Still depressed at the recent events.
You're correct Sue, it's not for governments to intervene, but for the national associations to do so - yes you can play in that series but not in ours!
That was my thought, too. So I was a little surprised by the ‘we’ll leave no stone unturned to fix this’ messaging from the DCMS.
It would be good to see the teams concerned thrown out of the League before the end of the season so that it hits their finances hard before the new league gets going. They'll lose all their players, immediate income streams, etc etc.

Trevor Francis signed for Forest for a record £1m in 1979, that's £5m in today's money, but we see transfer fees of ten times that amount as the current norm. Football needs saving from itself, perhaps this is the catalyst...
We got rid of Jose! But I wonder why Levy pulled the trigger less than a week before a cup final, even if it is only the Caribou. Someone else lined up, perhaps?
HOWEVER, after the Super League announcement, I give zero fs. Even if (as I suspect) it all blows over and was really just a negotiating ploy to screw more money for the big clubs from the Champions League, Levy was ready to sell out the club and our history. Levy is the problem now.

I assume that the Board had decided they were going to make a management change no matter what happened in the Cup Final. There is clearly unrest and division within the team dressing room. If Spurs won the cup under Mourinho, it would, for him, be justification of his ways and methods. The Board decided they cannot risk that outcome and it was better he went right away. On the TV footage of Jose unpacking his car yesterday, he looked forlorn. £15m on the drip for the next 12 months means he won't go short looking for a new job. He loves living in London, but now has very limited options there and within the Premier League. I watched the Netflix All or Nothing documentary and I thought Levy came across well -he was approachable and mixed well with the players and management. Unfortunately, Jose came across as very divisive and the series title was apt in that regard.

I wouldn't be surprised if Levy has a replacement already lined up and it is announced today. Perhaps even a manager until the end of the season such as Rafa Benitez.
I hope it goes it ahead. It will allow the big 6 to stew in their own greed & fall flat on its face when players realise they can no longer play for their country.

As a supporter of a relatively modest club this could be a good thing as a sense of reality will return to the game. When you have players in the Championship earning £30-50k a week the madness needs to stop.
Have not followed professional team sports for the last few months. After a lifetime of being a fan, have simply lost interest.

Today’s news about this new league strikes me as a bit sad (for supporters of domestic competitions), but predictable (because of the money involved).
I'm a lifelong Chelsea fan and stopped watching matches at the end of last year for the same reason as you.
I'd be lying if I said I hadn't missed it just a tiny bit but the events of the last 24 hours or so, for me at least, is the final nail in the coffin.
There seems such a unanimous public outcry among football fans worldwide that the solution should be simple.

Mass boycott of matches, cancel TV subs. No more revenue. End of.
Real Madrid boss
"When you don't have any income other than from television, you have to find a solution to make more attractive matches that fans all over the world can watch with all of the big clubs," said Perez.

"Young people are no longer interested in football. They have other platforms on which to distract themselves."

Ah, maybe they plan to put the matches up on YouTube and make money off the ads.

