
All purpose Championship football thread

Southampton were always known as our sister team as the pair of us survived and sometimes prospered in the First Division for so long. I still blame Liverpool and the Heysel events for the season we missed out on Europe. Hillsborough has erased Heysel from the collective memory today but it should never be forgotten!
Is that where ‘Marching on Together’ came from?
Southampton have the slogan, ”We march on”

But at least Saints can lay claim to marching, on the basis of that New Orleans jazz standard “When the saints go marching in”, a tune that did not go down so well when played by a (visiting) jazz band at the Pompey Beer Festival. Nearly caused a riot,
As far as I am aware Leeds is the only club to have its own song, the rest of them just steal songs and change the words.

Leeds fans pissed up at KingsX - doing their best to create a river of piss and vomit in the street....
Did you mention the Norwich stabbing and the Southampton pitch invasion that also ended up with fighting?

