
$170 Billion and Counting: The Cost of Brexit for the U.K.


Legal Alien
$170 Billion and Counting: The Cost of Brexit for the U.K.
Fergal O'Brien
10 January 2020, 09:44 GMT

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to “unleash Britain’s potential.” First the economy has to catch back up with the rest of the world.

Research by Bloomberg Economics estimates that the economic cost of Brexit has already hit 130 billion pounds ($170 billion), with a further 70 billion pounds set to be added by the end of this year. That’s based on the damage caused by the U.K. untethering from its Group of Seven peers over the past three years.

Collateral Damage
Brexit has already cost the U.K. economy £130 billion, and there’s more to come
That’s based on the damage caused by the U.K. untethering from its Group of Seven peers over the past three years.

The damage has been caused by the political impotence to implement a decision.

Business confidence and hence investment has been non existent for the last 3 years.
It's not too far from the national debt of a small country like Portugal.

Doesn't that worry you?

How does it it compare to Nigeria or Eritrea though ?
Portugal is the 42nd largest economy in the world how that relates to the UK I have no idea.

The political and national impotence in implementing a decision is what has cost most of the money.
Money markets and business hate indecision.

If your point is wasted money then what could the EU do with this.

