
Beatles - Remastered

The mono set has been ordered. :)

Now for the painful 2- to 5-week wait before ships, assuming it's not sold out.


2/5 weeks, blimey! I just ordered the Mono Box this morning from Amazon UK and I could have had it delivered tomorrow for £8 extra but being a cheapskate I'll wait the extra day and get it for £1.50:D
But 2 to 5 weeks, can't be right, surely?
That mono set does look awfully tempting...I wonder if it'll come down in price any?

Well, I *allegedly* got mine from QVC for £182 including shipping, but as of this morning they've still not received stock, so who can tell if I'll actually own it in the next week or so?

Either way, I've ordered the stereo White Album and Abbey Road. Not sure if I'll bother ordering Yellow Submarine... Let it be sucks IMHO as Phil Spector ruined it, so I'll stick with the ...Naked version.

That's what the e-mail said -- Amazon Canada has zero boxes in stock -- so I assume the 2- to 5-week wait is for the next shipment to arrive.

I'm thinking it may never happen, though, as a worldwide run of 10,000 copies may have already been presold.

Are there vinyl format releases of these 2009 remasters, does anyone know?
@ Joe: that was the original claim, but it looks like a second run, see here

@ JTC: supposedly though I've not seen anything definite. See posts 4 & 6 on this thread for some 'definitely maybe' info

My mono set arrived today and I am feeling very smug at having pre-ordered from Amazon several months ago @ £150-odd. The listening starts now!

I think I'll wait for the LPs...

My first memories of the Beatles are my parents tut-tutting during the mid 60s about their terribly long hair, and they go playing that terrible music so loud, bla bla bla. My dear mother now admits (in retrospect) that they were quite tidy looking, and she actually quite likes some of the tunes...

Perhaps because I came late to their music - for reasons described above - I struggle to see them as rockers or bluesmen. Apart from their huge sociological impact, I have always thought of them primarily as great song writers, with an uncanny ability to package memorable lyrics and melody into 3'.
Now we need the Zeppelin catalogue to be looked at again.

But not by the folks that did the Mothership Best of.
Well, I picked up Revolver and, ah, a few others today. Revolver is my favourite Beatles album. Don't have a copy of the previous CD version with which to compare, but the sound seems cleaner and more natural than I remember (could be my insanely great system, of course). This release seems to have been carefully and expertly done, at least based on what I've heard so far.
The packaging is pretty awesome, too.
Last night I listened to Please Please Me; With the Beatles; Hard Day's Night; Btles for Sale; and the first disc of Mono Masters.

They all sound good, though I really don't have anything to compare them with. But I'm happy to have them and enjoying the listen so for me it's money well spent.
Well, it's not exactly the Beatles in Dub, but there there's good(ish) bass. I'm not sure if previous perceived lack of bass was really down to mix or to 80s systems...
Certainly doesn't sound thin, perhaps not quite the nth degree of midrange warmth there could be, but it's clean without thinness or stridency, at least in my system.
Vocals are very good, a little of the residual essiness you'd expect from the use of toppy German mics at close range, but on the whole the impression is of very competently recorded and engineered music by men in lab coats, ie done the way it should be.
OTOH, Abbey Road. Holy Mother of F*ck.
Did you buy the box set Joel, or just pick out a few favs? I have to admit I'm wrecking my head over this at the moment as I never kept a 'collectable' set of Beatles vinyl, mine are all 70s stereos (or worse), so I'm half tempted to dump the lot in the shop and buy the CD box. But then there is the mono / stereo issue, I can't afford to buy both sets, and my preference is for up to and including Revolver in mono, the rest in stereo, i.e. neither package fits. That the mono box doesn't even have Abbey Road, YS and LIB, and costs more just confounds the issue. The really f***ing annoying thing is that they could have done it all in one, i.e. put both the stereo and mono mixes of the first handful of albums (as they have in the mono box) and just the stereo of the later ones. There only needed to be one box as who gives a toss about the 1987 stereo mixes etc, they needn't have been there at all. Arrrgggghhh.... decisions...


