
Potential Level 4 heat warning for Sunday/Monday/Tuesday in England (i.e., you might die)

Walked to the corner shop this morning and 4 guys were just getting started tarmacing a driveway, was already above 30 at the time - a nice day for it.
Currently hovering around 40 in the back garden (out of the sun) Upstairs it's 33, blinds and windows shut.
Was out on the bike a bit earlier for a couple of local errands - did start to get a bit windy but not at all cooling. Got an exhibition opening in town to go to later, trying to decide whether to cycle or take the tube.
Weirdly, the main road here is being resurfaced over a couple of weeks, and they are working this week!!!!! Lord alone knows how much they must have drunk today but I assume that it is contract and the machinery has to be moving to earn, and they have work waiting.

It hit 40C in the north-facing shade an hour or so ago here, just W of Leicester. Indoors, no real efforst as the bungalow is well insulated and part shaded by trees - 27C.

It may be the long covid screwing with my thermostat again, but I have had no trouble sleeping in 23-24-25C. A small consolation for the other hassles of LC.

Seriously looking forward to the 60% chance of a thunderstorm mid-late evening here.
Mrs. W has just returned home from work and reliably informs me that it's 42° outside - downstairs in the house it's 24°.
Time for a nice cup of tea.:)

Whilst they are indeed still erecting coal fired power stations they also installed approximately 40% of the world's Solar PV last year.

Maybe if we stopped transferring our production to China we could produce things here in the UK in environmentally friendly production facilities?


Not so much bearing a grudge as being slightly suspicious of a company run by people that have a track record of behaving poorly. If it was the only beer on offer I'd suck it up - but there are plenty of alternatives. I don't feel that I'm depriving myself ;-)
Likewise, I'm not interested in giving any money to a company run by what appears to be a sexual predator.

People still wonder how Tim Westwood et al get away with it, well, one reason is people making excuses for them or brushing away serious allegations.
I have lived in Bristol for 30 years and lived in London for 15 years before that. It’s getting on for 50 years since I left the Wirral peninsula, though my three siblings and most of their children have never moved away.
I get similarly high reasings with my similar Fluke temp meter. The back yard is about 42-43c, a black windowsill 55c, brickwork in the sun about 43. I assume this is not how one measures weather. Surface temp and air temp are clearly very different.

Of course - thank you. This explains why our digital thermometer was reading 47c when I plonked it on the patio!
I see why they have to treat people like idiots and tell them to how to keep cool.

Just been to a garden centre cafe/restaurant packed full of self combusting silver tops eating hot meals and drinking coffees. It was already about 8 million degrees in the garden centre, never mind the flipping caff :rolleyes:

