
What has happened to (small) speaker prices

Used to be Cyrus. They were tripping over Cyrus products at one point.
Mmm? Young cyrus, a fine fellow and never one to follow the crowd..young cyrus knew his own mind and cared not a jot for pleasing the stupid public..young cyrus found a great truth and his acolytes knew too..then cheek by jowl the word got about , and sophisticated listeners found benison in young cyrus's truth as the proof of the pudding is in the hearing..and once cyrus was heard, we all seemed good back in those halcyon days..
Mmm? Young cyrus, a fine fellow and never one to follow the crowd..young cyrus knew his own mind and cared not a jot for pleasing the stupid public..young cyrus found a great truth and his acolytes knew too..then cheek by jowl the word got about , and sophisticated listeners found benison in young cyrus's truth as the proof of the pudding is in the hearing..and once cyrus was heard, we all seemed good back in those halcyon days..
And young Cyrus put a lot of Ads in the mag at the time. Is there a correlation?
I don't get why hi fi and also computer/laptop prices have gone up while TV's are as cheap as chips these days, and domestic appliances seem fairly static

Computer/laptop prices are rock bottom, so cheap it’s pretty much a given they’ll be in landfill within three years. I can’t remember exact prices, but when I was an IT manager back in the ‘90s a typical business-grade laptop (486 to early Pentium-era) was crazy expensive even with the economies of scale I had buying 50-100 or more at a time. Same with desktops if you wanted a good reliable brand (IBM, Compaq etc). You were certainly talking more than a decent spec LP12 or three-box Naim amp for a corporate-grade laptop. These days you can get a usable laptop for about £300 from PC World or wherever. Ok, it’s built like crap using slave labour in China, but it’s a powerful tool. The thing that makes me feel old is that a £45 Raspberry Pi is vastly more powerful than say a DEC Alpha, IBM RS/6000 or SGI workstation, which would have cost getting on for as much as a car in the 1990s!
I don't get why hi fi and also computer/laptop prices have gone up while TV's are as cheap as chips these days, and domestic appliances seem fairly static

One thing that has contributed: in the last 5 years patents for certain important flatscreen components have expired. Therefore the TV producers had to pay less for the components and could afford lesse prices for their final products. The component industry had of course to digest significant price drops.
It's basically very similar to the situation when the patents of a drug expire and generic forms of the same active pharmaceutical ingredient are allowed to be brought to market.
Last edited: last 5 years patents for certain important flatscreen components have expired.

Also, have you seen the inside of a modern TV?? They are total junk. They are cheap because they are flimsy plastic junk. Even the better brands are rubbish.
Very good everybody. I’m not ever going to buy a modern tv thanks to you lot!

Can somebody now suggest an antique pair of loudspeakers to beat my ruark sabres plse? :D
Ruark made beautiful speakers, and I've always liked the name as well for personal reasons. Unfortunate that they're uncommon in the Antipodes.

What are the boxes made of? I reckon the best are made of veneered particle board which appears to be an historical construction now.
Also, have you seen the inside of a modern TV?? They are total junk. They are cheap because they are flimsy plastic junk. Even the better brands are rubbish.

I will leave you with your well made TV and stick with my crap 55” nano tech LCD that doesn’t make you think you are drunk whilst watching a programme, it also a costs a lot less in real terms than its 1970s counterpart.
I wrote a poem about TVs and tablets and phones etc all being piled up and we buy the latest apple touch 4 is excellent but now wont work as the apps need updating and no updates to be had..I wonder how much of that massive pile could have been re used if they carried on providing updates? At least give us a choice? Old clunky ipod or nice new hyper speed ipod? What we get is no or nearly new..or nothing! Grrrrr
A new pair of Harbeth LS3/5a's were priced at £343.00 back in 1989 (Hifi Choice listing).
A couple of years earlier you could have bought some Yamaha NS1000M's for £900.
You have a choice. You know what Apple are like and you chose to buy Apple. That's is your choice.
Well the others arent much better...its a modern day malady, all this consumerism..with no concern for what we throw away..send it abroad..out of sight out of mind..

