
Recommended movies etc on Netflix/Amazon Prime II

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Just watched ‘Da five bloods’ & thought it was excellent, some really compelling performances from the cast. It is not perfect, it shifts around a little but a very thought provoking film. I hope it gets due recognition.

It is considerably better than the other major picture release on Netflix, The Irishman.
I know it’s most certainly been mentioned before, but we have spent the last couple of weeks watching a couple of episodes of ‘Ozarks’ each evening....
What a fabulous series, I haven’t enjoyed anything as much as that for a while... Yes the plot is a bit crazy at times, but as a break from Covid, home schooling and watching the government lie everyday it’s been most enjoyable.

Totally Recommended. There are 3 series, 10 episodes each so that’s 30 hours of compulsive TV - I’ve had girlfriends for less time than that.
Tales from the Loop is worth a binge. It’s very good in a Black Mirror sort of way and anything with Jonathan Price, is IMO deserves a butchers.
Will watch the last episode on the morrow.
If you enjoy extreme sports (surfing, skiing, hang gliding, etc.), check out Magnetic on Netflix.
has anyone bothered with the latest/current season of "billions"? is there anything redemptive?

what a colosal waste of acting talent that has been so far.
Anyone been watching "State of Happiness" on BBC? Slow, gentle drama about the arrival of the oil industry in Norway in the early 70s. No guns, no violence, nothing gratuitous.... and also no real baddies either, just a bunch of people dealing with their lives, making mistakes, acting selfishly at times but generally trying to do their best. Quite heartwarming and I enjoyed it.
Yes, we enjoyed that a lot, too.

Just caught up with the last two series of The Last Kingdom on Netflix - having watched the first two series on BBC when they came out. Good rollicking fun based on Bernard Cornwell's "Saxon" novels.
On Amazon a very moving documentary the Angel of Nanjing about a man who on his own time has saved more than 300 people from committing suicide on the Nanjing bridge. Truly inspiring if difficult to watch in parts. Having suffered from mental health issues myself i was very moved encouraged and feel motivated to do more good in this world after watching this.
I know it’s most certainly been mentioned before, but we have spent the last couple of weeks watching a couple of episodes of ‘Ozarks’ each evening....
What a fabulous series, I haven’t enjoyed anything as much as that for a while... Yes the plot is a bit crazy at times, but as a break from Covid, home schooling and watching the government lie everyday it’s been most enjoyable.

Totally Recommended. There are 3 series, 10 episodes each so that’s 30 hours of compulsive TV - I’ve had girlfriends for less time than that.
Just been cancelled according to some sources.
Yes, we enjoyed that a lot, too.

Just caught up with the last two series of The Last Kingdom on Netflix - having watched the first two series on BBC when they came out. Good rollicking fun based on Bernard Cornwell's "Saxon" novels.

Been sort of enjoying this but to be frank, its a pale shadow of the first two series which were produced by the BBC before it went over to Netflix. Now its worse than "The Vikings", and that is saying something. The dialogue, acting and writing are various shades of wooden in series 4, and obviously the production budget has been slashed since the BBC days. I very much doubt that there will be a further series.

One of the best things about the earlier series was the portrayal of King Alfred as a great king, but a flawed peevish man. Now he's gone it has lost a lot of its mojo.

Michael Wood did a good documentary on his daughter Aethelflaed, the Lady of the Mercians - Uthred's love interest in series 4 of the Last Kingdom. But its currently unavailable. Probably be on BBC 4 next week then!
If you enjoy extreme sports (surfing, skiing, hang gliding, etc.), check out Magnetic on Netflix.

Equally as good if not better in some ways is Don't Crack Under Pressure. Just got a new big-screen telly and it all looks great.
I know it’s most certainly been mentioned before, but we have spent the last couple of weeks watching a couple of episodes of ‘Ozarks’ each evening....
What a fabulous series, I haven’t enjoyed anything as much as that for a while... Yes the plot is a bit crazy at times, but as a break from Covid, home schooling and watching the government lie everyday it’s been most enjoyable.

Totally Recommended. There are 3 series, 10 episodes each so that’s 30 hours of compulsive TV - I’ve had girlfriends for less time than that.
Laura Linney is so good, she manages to be a ‘mom’ & be completely amoral.
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