
Winter election II

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You said....

"if you vote Tory, you don’t care about the worse off."

I never said that any such thing. I just tried to point out that your original statement was not necessarily true. Election choices are multifarious and consequently complex.

I don't vote Labour because I hate the rich. iyswim ?

you agreed it’s true
the consequence of which is that the less well off are not foremost in ones thinking.
There are three pages on causality for you to read through if you seek enlightenment. I give up the fight.
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Among the usual 'disgusting anti-Corbyn' bias I read in The Times daily, today there were 2 or 3 articles praising policies that were closer to Labour than the Tories. An economist criticised the Tories on spending, saying their manifesto was offering little apart from 'getting Brexit done' and suggesting increased govt. spending on infrastructure and investment. Libby Purves had a go at 2nd home owners and landlords in general, raising the idea of higher taxes for 2nd homes, and greater security for tenants. What a poor choice for the electorate, its either the cost cutting low-on-ideas Tories, or the freebie loving anti-capitalist Labour party, with an uncharismatic divisive leader.
As I predicted, the Chief Rabbi couldn't help himself

In the Times, Ephraim Mirvis said "a new poison - sanctioned from the very top - has taken root" in the party.

"What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government? This anxiety is justified."

What a complete load of guff, he couldn't tell a poison if it came in a glass bottle with a scull and crossbones on the front. If he's really whipped up this level of anxiety in the Jewish community then he only has himself to blame, it's tremendously irresponsible. If he carries on like this it will only serve to normalise anti-semitism as nobody will listen anymore - Wolf, there's a wolf!
As I predicted, the Chief Rabbi couldn't help himself

In the Times, Ephraim Mirvis said "a new poison - sanctioned from the very top - has taken root" in the party.

"What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government? This anxiety is justified."

What a complete load of guff, he couldn't tell a poison if it came in a glass bottle with a scull and crossbones on the front. If he's really whipped up this level of anxiety in the Jewish community then he only has himself to blame, it's tremendously irresponsible. If he carries on like this it will only serve to normalise anti-semitism as nobody will listen anymore - Wolf, there's a wolf!
I stopped listening to jokers like this long ago.
As I predicted, the Chief Rabbi couldn't help himself

In the Times, Ephraim Mirvis said "a new poison - sanctioned from the very top - has taken root" in the party.

"What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government? This anxiety is justified."

What a complete load of guff, he couldn't tell a poison if it came in a glass bottle with a scull and crossbones on the front. If he's really whipped up this level of anxiety in the Jewish community then he only has himself to blame, it's tremendously irresponsible. If he carries on like this it will only serve to normalise anti-semitism as nobody will listen anymore - Wolf, there's a wolf!
I haven’t read the article, but assuming what has been reported is the best and worst of what he has to say, the Rabbi’s rant is remarkably devoid of actual content. It seems to be nothing but a spittle flecked stream of consciousness attack with no detail, no substance and no evidence based examples.

Where is the actual evidence for anything the Rabbi has said?

Jackie Walker, sacked *(for asking for black people to be included in Holocaust Memorial Day)
Peter Willsman, sacked *(for pointing out that the Israeli Embassy we’re behind antisemitism attacks)
Chris Williamson, sacked *(for say Labour was too apologetic over antisemitism)
Marc Wandsworth, sacked.... *(for say Ruth Smeeth was being briefed by the Telegraph)

...what else is outstanding?

*edit. There are undoubted cases of antisemitism within Labour, much of it from people unable to distinguished between attacking the state of Israel and attacking the people of Israel, but these are the high profile cases highlighted by among others the Board of Deputies British Jews and the only stated evidence against them is their criticism of the State of Israel.

Ive posted this before, but I’ll post it again, because it compelling. It’s a film by Jon Pullman about the case against Jackie Walker, herself a Jew, and black.

I haven’t read the article, but assuming what has been reported is the best and worst of what he has to say, the Rabbi’s rant is remarkably devoid of actual content. It seems to be nothing but a spittle flecked stream of consciousness attack with no detail, no substance and no evidence based examples.

Where is the actual evidence for anything the Rabbi has said?

It's the opening of the article i.e. it was meant to be widely quoted, the rest is behind the paywall for the intended (Tory) audience.
Labour announce wide ranging Race and Faith policies (timed no doubt in response to Chief Rabbi's attack)
Telegraph; Corbyn promises children will be taught about the evils of the British Empire
BBC; Teach British Empire injustices in Schools-Labour

I'm done with BBC News.
Labour announce wide ranging Race and Faith policies (no doubt in response to Chief Rabbi's attack)
Telegraph; Corbyn promises children will be taught about the evils of the British Empire
BBC; Teach British Empire injustices in Schools-Labour

I'm done with BBC News.

Yes, I'm sure they anticipated it.
As I predicted, the Chief Rabbi couldn't help himself

In the Times, Ephraim Mirvis said "a new poison - sanctioned from the very top - has taken root" in the party.

"What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government? This anxiety is justified."

What a complete load of guff, he couldn't tell a poison if it came in a glass bottle with a scull and crossbones on the front. If he's really whipped up this level of anxiety in the Jewish community then he only has himself to blame, it's tremendously irresponsible. If he carries on like this it will only serve to normalise anti-semitism as nobody will listen anymore - Wolf, there's a wolf!

Ephraim Mirvis urged people to vote "with their conscience" - I say vote with your brain.
Ephraim Mirvis urged people to vote "with their conscience" - I say vote with your brain.
Indeed. Don't vote Labour: get far right, quasi-Fascist Tories. How well is that likely to go for the Jewish community?

Not to mention that the Jewish community has been vigorously supported by the Islamic community of late. How would it feel if you are a Muslim, if Jews voted as a bloc for the obviously Islamophobic Tories?

Let's hope any defectors go to the LibDems, and that most of them were habitual Tory voters, not Labour.
Chief Rabbi says ‘no’?

How one perceives the anti Semite stance (or otherwise) is moot and a question of perception.

But perception becomes reality when the head of the Faith (well half the faith, since they are factioned too) publicly states that his church does not support JC....wonder if those initials have anything to do with it.....and they are gripped with fear and uncertainty as a community.

First time a church leader has ever been outspoken in a GE, and now the Arch Bish of Cant has also come out in support.
Chief Rabbi says ‘no’?

How one perceives the anti Semite stance (or otherwise) is moot and a question of perception.

But perception becomes reality when the head of the Faith (well half the faith, since they are factioned too) publicly states that his church does not support JC....wonder if those initials have anything to do with it.....and they are gripped with fear and uncertainty as a community.

First time a church leader has ever been outspoken in a GE, and now the Arch Bish of Cant has also come out in support.
Has he? I'm surprised. I'd have thought the obvious injustice and moral degradation of the Tories might have him keep his own counsel. France has laws about separation of church and state. We could use something similar over here. They (CofE and Jewish faiths in particular) need to butt out of politics.
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