
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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My best mate is a catholic. Does that mean I can’t call him a catholic?
Of course you can, you could probably slap his arse and call him shagnacker or goatfker and he won’t mind - he’s a mate. Go try it and see how much fun you really can be.
Of course you can, you could probably slap his arse and call him shagnacker or goatfker and he won’t mind - he’s a mate. Go try it and see how much fun you really can be.

Not even mildly amusing - in keeping with 99% of the stuff I’ve read posted by you. You didn’t explain what’s wrong with describing a Jewish person as a Jew. Presumably that’s because there is nothing wrong with it.
Seems someone's a bit sceptical...

She doesn't have a real suspicion about this, because she knows that Labour have absolutely nothing to gain from the deal going through. I know the SNP and Labour are rivals and all that but it ought to be possible to make a case against your opponents without pretending to be thick, and assuming that your supporter are too.
Only the link that I posted earlier - they seem to be hoping for it to be heard this afternoon?
Jo Maugham's Twitter might be the best place for updates?

I've seen very little beyond the headlines - it seems a bit contrived to me at first glance. The irony is that it all rests on Rees-Mogg's own amendment...
^ Don't know, but Jo Maugham made mention of it before the 'deal' was agreed, siting section 55 of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018, which states that it is “unlawful for Her Majesty’s government to enter into arrangements under which Northern Ireland forms part of a separate customs territory to Great Britain”.
She doesn't have a real suspicion about this, because she knows that Labour have absolutely nothing to gain from the deal going through. I know the SNP and Labour are rivals and all that but it ought to be possible to make a case against your opponents without pretending to be thick, and assuming that your supporter are too.

You might be correct (though I'm far from convinced), but I'd say scepticism and cynicism are the order of the day, given all the game-playing etc. that surrounds this whole mess. :(
Thank you. Sincerely.

I have thought for many years that Britain is on a knife edge. The solution to most of our problems is a proper socialist Labour government. It’s our only chance.

If we get Brexit and (God forbid) a Johnson hard right Tory government, the future for my kids and grandkids is truly grim and I’ll be urging them to head abroad.

Looking on the bright side, I’m hoping that it pans out like this

1. Boris loses the vote on his crap deal.
2. The LibDems ditch their vile historical support of the Tories and accept that Corbyn as an interim PM is the ONLY way there is any chance of achieving their avowed aim of stopping Brexit.
3. Nigel Farage’s narcissism gets a turbo boost and he puts Brexit Ltd candidates up for election and takes dozens of seats off the Tories.
4. Labour forms next Govt and negotiates a new deal and offers that deal v remain.
5. Britain votes remain and Labour move on to set country on the right course.
6. Tory Party destroyed.

I’m praying it happens.
Praying will not work Harry. Tory Party under Boris will not be destroyed, quite the opposite I fear as he is popular amongst those who are easily pleased & react to headline grabbing buzz words to feed their political diet.
I'm afraid come the next election ( I would say January after an extension once the deal fails on Saturday) & all things being equal in the political world (haha, i know) I hold little hope of a hung parliament in favour of Labour or any other party but even at this juncture nothing has changed my mind on my initial prediction of Brexit never happening.
She doesn't have a real suspicion about this, because she knows that Labour have absolutely nothing to gain from the deal going through.

Labour have been such a useless incoherent non-opposition on Brexit that anything that gets it off the table is likely in their interest. The last thing they want is to face an election on their three year old “umm, err, well, hmmm” Brexit strategy as they will inevitably get wiped out. Even the very worst disaster-capitalist Brexit Johnson, Rees Mogg, Farage etc can burp up gets that three year humiliation off the table and allows the party to build an election campaign on their traditional safe social issues etc.
^ Don't know, but Jo Maugham made mention of it before the 'deal' was agreed, siting section 55 of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018, which states that it is “unlawful for Her Majesty’s government to enter into arrangements under which Northern Ireland forms part of a separate customs territory to Great Britain”.

That's right - It'll come down to the differences for NI really being enough to constitute a 'seperate customs territory' - some degee of independence within a customs territory is acceptable apparently - just reading wiki. It seems complex to me and not the black and white case being presented by Maugham
Ragaman, I think you need to consider the Farage factor. Watching his mate Tice on TV and he’s definitely taking a ‘no surrender’ approach. Farage said the same. Brexit PLC have a say in this.
Aha. Your luck is in then. I’m just back from the three month ban you imposed on me. You know how useless I am with political bets so here’s your chance to win yourself a few quid. I say fewer than six Labour MP’s will defy the whip though I’m fairly hopeful it won’t even be that many.
No need to welcome me back ;-)
Welcome back Harry. I did wonder where you had gone.
Labour have been such a useless incoherent non-opposition on Brexit that anything that gets it off the table is likely in their interest. The last thing they want is to face an election on their three year old “umm, err, well, hmmm” Brexit strategy as they will inevitably get wiped out. Even the very worst disaster-capitalist Brexit Johnson, Rees Mogg, Farage etc can burp up gets that three year humiliation off the table and allows the party to build an election campaign on their traditional safe social issues etc.
Their approach has been completely coherent, but lots of people have persuaded themselves that they don't understand it by frothing about 5D chess and decision trees for the last year or so. Sturgeon's Tweet only really makes sense in the context of this kind of widespread performative idiocy. Just everyone pretending not to understand very basic things, like 1st 2nd 3rd preferences.

As for Labour deliberately wanting to stave off an election I don't think this is credible. I mean, it's not possible for a start: Johnson doesn't have a majority and won't be able to govern without an election, and Labour won't be able to resist pressure to call for an election. The leadership also know they don't have forever to implement their reform program and that the Tories will be much strengthened in the short to medium term by getting their Brexit over the line.
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