
Lib Dems - Tories in Disguise

The Lib Dems’ position on Brexit is becoming increasingly incoherent and unclear. So they’re lucky that Labour’s most talented communicators have defected to them.

Angela Smith there, remembering not to say anything racist. A huge loss to the labour movement.
Yeah thoughts and prayers with the Lib-Dems there. Wonder why our Angie’s so reluctant to fight an election?
I do find it rather amusing that the LDs can move further forward in seats without an election than either the Tories or Labour are predicted to do with one!
It's certainly ironic that the party of democrats has found that dodging elections is the best way to build their numbers. They're doing more to discredit parliamentary democracy than Johnson.
She's not contemplating less than 300 seats, apparently. :rolleyes:

I said earlier on that the Lib Dem proposal to revoke Article 50 will get a lot of Remain voters from both Labour and the Tories. It is in a way the best deal going if you are a Remainer.

Obviously I have no idea exactly how many seats the Lib Dems will get in a general election. But it wouldn't surprise me if they did better than Labour.

The reason for this is quite simple - Brexit is a bigger issue than anything else.

With the Tories and Lib Dems you know exactly where they stand. This will attract voters. Labour meanwhile continue lick the backsides of both Leave and Remain supporters, many of whom are going elsewhere.

I don't like Swineson, but she has made Corbyn and Labour look very stupid. He will be left with a nasty taste in his mouth and not in power.

I said earlier on that the Lib Dem proposal to revoke Article 50 will get a lot of Remain voters from both Labour and the Tories. It is in a way the best deal going if you are a Remainer.
Unless you actually think that remaining is more important than being a Remainer.
We will revoke A50 is about as clear as it gets.
Only if they form a majority government. Otherwise it's second referendum.

Which is a problem for them. What happens if somehow they end up with influence, there is a second referendum, it reiterates leave, then what? Better to be up front and honest.
Unless you actually think that remaining is more important than being a Remainer.
It means that the Lib Dems' strategy, if it's successful, will split the remain vote and make Brexit more likely. Which is bad for people for whom actually remaining is a priority. For those who just want to bang on about how great the EU is and how stupid people are and when are the grown ups going to return then sure, it's the best Remain offer going.
So what is Corbyn's "credible" leave for people to vote for and will he campaign for or against it?

It would be whatever the best deal that can be (re-)negotiated will be *so as to then be able to give people a defined choice* between an agreed form of 'leave' conditions and arrangements versus 'remain' in a referendum.

That way the pig is out of the poke and people can see what can be offerred in reality as distinct from off the side of a bus. We could then leave *know where we are going* or decide to stay.

i.e. To allow us all to make a *real world* choice, not one between "project unicorn" and "project fear".
Go Greens!

Why do they need one? They aren't the ones promising to come up with something credible.
Because if the LDs can't form an absolute majority they will almost certainly have to endorse a second referendum.

In that scenario, it makes sense to put a relatively sane Leave option on the ballot paper (staying in a customs union as a bare minimum). In contrast, a No Deal option (as once contemplated by Vince Cable) would be a *really* bad idea:
So what is Corbyn's "credible" leave for people to vote for and will he campaign for or against it?
I’m pretty certain PaulR will not be offering a defence of Corbyn should his life depend on it, but me myself I don’t understand why Labour’s position is problematic. It is clear. It is to put a Leave deal up against Remain and let people decide in a referendum. Some will argue that the Leave Deal is best, some will argue that Remain is best. We listen to both sides, weigh up the arguments, do a little research, and vote for which we feel is best. Why is that difficult? Why can’t I cope with one Labour politician arguing for a Leave Deal and another arguing for Remain and making up my own mind?
I just heard Swinson on the news state that the Lib Dems will prop up neither Johnson nor Corbyn, so if that makes it into the manifesto I’m happy enough. I just want them to behave as a block vote as they have been doing since the last election, they should not compromise and take jobs from either of the dinosaur parties in any coalition. Just act as independents on a vote by vote basis.
I do love reading the vitriol that Labour supporters reserve for the Lib Dems. Most entertaining.
I do love reading the vitriol that Labour supporters reserve for the Lib Dems. Most entertaining.

You want to see the attack spam/memes on Facebook etc, I’m getting shares of shite from entities as utterly irrelevant to my life as ‘Huddersfield TUC’ etc! The Hattons are clearly rattled!
I do love reading the vitriol that Labour supporters reserve for the Lib Dems. Most entertaining.
What do you think of the vitriol that the Lib Dem leader, in the big wide world outside pfm, has reserved for Labour leader?

And, more important, her relative restraint on all things rabid right wing Tory?
What do you think of the vitriol that the Lib Dem leader, in the big wide world outside pfm, has reserved for Labour leader?

And, more important, her relative restraint on all things rabid right wing Tory?
You’re wasting your time. He won’t understand as he’s unaffected by what is going on.

