
Useful facts or tips that everyone should know

Always tell your partner she/he looks better after sex. Best way to find out whether the relationship and the rocks are converging.
Always tell your partner she/he looks better after sex. Best way to find out whether the relationship and the rocks are converging.

It is certainly a fast way to reassure yourself, or not, that they have the sense of humour you think they have!

Mind you, your first problem is getting the sex. Compliments afterwards seems rather redundant if you do.
When you buy hifi gear on eBay, have it delivered to work rather than home, This way you can enjoy looking at it rather than having to explain yourself and your ‘stupid addiction’!

Things can then be swapped out when her indoors isn’t in.
There is a universal law of nature which states that things always happen at the most inconvenient moment.
Use this to your advantage.
For example, if you are waiting for an important phone call, leave phone in kitchen and get in the bath... it will ring.
If a bus isn't coming, go into the corner shop, it will come as you are waiting for your change.
If the traffic lights are stuck on red, get out and open the boot, they will go green.
And so on.

