

I've had very good experiences with their products, and with their customer support. I don't like his politics, and his ego is large as a mountain. I'd be interested to see how he explains this decision.
'nah, that's the People's Popular front of Dyson over there ..:'

HE has not left Britain. He has moved his Finance Director and department to Singapore. Not such a big deal. Britain is a small part of his sales operation - it is a very large international company. The Corporation Tax rate in Singapore is little different to the UK - so he has not domiciled the company in some dodgy Caribbean island.

Meanwhile a large Engineering and R & D dept remain in Wiltshire. Still in Britain too is his electric car project - a lot of investment going into that.

As far as I know he still lives in Britain and is buying a lot of farmland, investing in new farming technology.

And I like his products - we have three - mains vacuum, battery vacuum and hair dryer, all solidly reliable. A previous DC04 lasted some 15 years with one mains cord replaced. At work the Dyson hand dryer is quieter and more reliable than the old unit.
All production already moved out of the UK to Asia. Electric car production will take place in Asia. Corporate HQ leaving Britain for Asia. Urges Britain to walk out of the EU without a deal. Read the tea leaves.
I am confident the electric car R&D is likely to be shifted to Singapore, not Wiltshire. The Singapore government likes to subsidise R&D operations, more than manufacturing
Not what the company says. Manufacture in Asia for sure - that will not be Singapore either. There is already some R & D in Singapore anyway.

Someone I know of is involved in a tussle for his services between Dyson and Tesla. Lot of UK University research in this area is highly thought of.
The factory was supposed to be in Singapore, but I have my doubts. Modern car factories take enormous space for very few jobs - exactly what Singapore does not want. I bet that the factory will be in Johor or Batam.
I don't know much about James Dyson or why he polarises people the wrong way. I don't live in the UK, so I guess I don't see much news about him. That being said, I have had two Dyson vacuums and a cordless one. The first Dyson DC04 lasted over ten years. My current one (not sure which model) is larger, heavier and noisier. But it still sucks mighty fine after nearly 10 years of service. It is now relegated to garage floor and car vacuuming duties.

For domestic cleaning, we now use a Sebo Felix - which is much quieter and more manoeuvrable. I don't have any axes to grind with Dyson, nor do I have any particular brand loyalty either.
The only Dyson vacuum cleaner I bought on a cracking deal from John Lewis was useless, and I sold it on ebay at a profit weeks later. Unfortunately, signora loves her hair dryer, so I wouldn't dare chop that in.
I really don't understand those hand dryers. All they seem to do is spray water all over the floor. Seems anti-hygienic to me.
Wetherspoons haven't seen any business from me since the referendum either. Still thinking about a JCB.
Dyson deserves credit for the concept used in his machines (I think). But others have caught up and make better thought out, more durable and more user friendly machines at less cost. Our DC04 was falling to bits almost from day one. The much lighter and cheaper Vax Mach Air which replaced it has been a much better machine.

