
why Corbyn may well win the next election.

3 foot off the ground on the beginners level of a kids climbing wall!!!!
GO Jezzer. What a man.

Are you familiar with the concept of light hearted humour?

I'm hugely impressed that it's taken you a fortnight to come up with your cutting riposte. Well done.
With McDonnell now condoning tax cuts for the middle income earners as a way of stimulating the economy (and accepting right-wing economic orthodoxy) maybe Labour are making a play for the middle ground after all. Just goes to show.
Cuts for the middle class make some sense as a broad economic stimulus. You want to give money to people who will boost aggregate demand by spending it, as opposed to investing it, or buying land, etc. Anyway, whatever their BS 'orthodoxy,' in actuality the right generally cuts taxes for firms, and very rich people.
Cuts for the middle class make some sense as a broad economic stimulus. You want to give money to people who will boost aggregate demand by spending it, as opposed to investing it, or buying land, etc. Anyway, whatever their BS 'orthodoxy,' in actuality the right generally cuts taxes for firms, and very rich people.
You could also boost demand by increasing the incomes of poor people, as they tend to spend every extra penny they can get, which I'd have thought was more Labour's thing?
With McDonnell now condoning tax cuts for the middle income earners as a way of stimulating the economy (and accepting right-wing economic orthodoxy) maybe Labour are making a play for the middle ground after all. Just goes to show.
I can't get worked up about this either way. Labour's 2017 manifesto was never about taxing the middle class. I suspect McDonnell saw a political trap and chose to sidestep it. I'm more concerned about a mentally hill, homeless 17 year olds being asked to live in a tent for five weeks.
He really has to win. The current shower are presiding over something I never thought I’d live to see-
Homeless 17 year old given a tent to live in by his local authority-

Welcome to 21st Century Tory Britain!

Vote Tory and you're voting for an increase in human misery. What's more, mist Tory supporters won't think there's a problem with this. As long as they're alright, why would the problems of others come onto the radar.

Coming soon to Tory Britain, another winter NHS crisis and crippling financial problems caused by universal credit.
I can't get worked up about this either way. Labour's 2017 manifesto was never about taxing the middle class. I suspect McDonnell saw a political trap and chose to sidestep it. I'm more concerned about a mentally hill, homeless 17 year olds being asked to live in a tent for five weeks.

Are there a large number of homeless 17 year olds ? If so, is it a British phenomenon ? Children often stay in the family home in places like Italy into their 30s.
Are there a large number of homeless 17 year olds ? If so, is it a British phenomenon ? Children often stay in the family home in places like Italy into their 30s.

I doubt it`s a huge number but you will always get troubled youngsters who can`t take living at home or whose parents can no longer cope as well as broken up families where there is no home for the kid to live.

The idea of consigning such youngsters to live in a tent is unbelievable.
Are there a large number of homeless 17 year olds ? If so, is it a British phenomenon ? Children often stay in the family home in places like Italy into their 30s.

Young people are increasingly living at home into their 30s because they can't afford to buy a house. In many of the UK's more affluent areas many can't afford rent.

There are many family/social issues that force kids onto the streets and I don't know the numbers. I can bet the numbers have increased dramatically under eight years of Nasty Party rule. After all, rough sleeping in England has increased by a mere 169% under the good old Tories.
Are there a large number of homeless 17 year olds ? If so, is it a British phenomenon ? Children often stay in the family home in places like Italy into their 30s.
Stats are difficult it seems:
The number of young people (aged 18-24) that were considered to be statutory homeless by their local authority has fallen slightly over the past two years, and in October-December 2017 stood at 2,830. This figure is 8% lower than the same period in 2016.

Statutory homelessness refers to the number of households (i.e. individuals or couples) who were found eligible for help under relevant homelessness legislation,24 and generally form the basis for official statistics.

The level of statutory acceptances, however, only partially represents the scale of youth homelessness, as many young people will be considered not to be in priority need. Also, many people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness do not approach their local authority for help for a number of reasons, such as being unaware of their housing rights and entitlements, or due to certain expectations of the response they might receive. In addition, young people may receive assistance from their local authorities via prevention and relief initiatives without having had a formal homelessness assessment.Prevention and relief statistics do not list an age breakdown, which makes it difficult to assess the extent to which these initiatives account for the reduction in statutory homelessness.

A significant number of young people who are homeless will therefore not be captured in these statutory statistics, and official estimates are likely to underestimate the scale of the youth homelessness in England. and Homeless 2018.pdf
TL;DR: yes loads, more that show up in official statistics.

Young benefits claimants are deliberately targeted for sanctions, employment opportunities are few and precarious, families are struggling, housing limited, rents extortionate, landlords are unregulated and predatory. Proper Dickensian stuff and a recipe for youth homelessness. Worse for those of colour as many local councils and some homeless charities work with the Home Office to deport those who aren't able to prove Britishness as part of the Hostile Environment. Sick picture but good news for landlords, gangmasters, racists and sexual predators, and a price worth paying for many more who fret about tax rate thresholds.

I'm sure there are lots of decent Conservatives though.
Stats are difficult it seems: and Homeless 2018.pdf
TL;DR: yes loads, more that show up in official statistics.

Young benefits claimants are deliberately targeted for sanctions, employment opportunities are few and precarious, families are struggling, housing limited, rents extortionate, landlords are unregulated and predatory. Proper Dickensian stuff and a recipe for youth homelessness. Worse for those of colour as many local councils and some homeless charities work with the Home Office to deport those who aren't able to prove Britishness as part of the Hostile Environment. Sick picture but good news for landlords, gangmasters, racists and sexual predators, and a price worth paying for many more who fret about tax rate thresholds.

I'm sure there are lots of decent Conservatives though.
A bleak picture indeed. So why do you think Labour is supporting Conservative tax cuts for the relatively well off?

