
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

Donald Trump and his father, Fred, were sued in 1973 for systematically discriminating against black people in housing rentals.

Donald Trump's father was arrested at Ku Klux Klan riot in New York in 1927, records reveal

The articles point out precisely how Trump and has late father have been racist. He really is a nasty piece of work.

For every black person who doesn't want to work with a fascist there is a devout Christian who doesn't want to work with a homosexual or a Muslim who doesn't want to work next to a Hindu. Note that they can't express their views in the workplace in any case, however they should be free to hold them outside work. Your statement could have been expressed in 1955 America as "everyone has a right to free speech but they have to accept the consequence of spreading views that will dilute the purity of our American race". What's the difference? Values have moved on, principles should not have. You can't have free speech for only the people with whom you agree.

I would not suggest that free speech is only for the people with whom I agree but I'm not sure that the examples you quoted are exactly similar sides of the same coin.

I don't think its just black people who don't want to work with facists, its everyone (or should be). Unfortunately there are some people (other than neo-nazis) who hold the type of views you mention but actively campaigning and using violence to remove rights from and subjegate certain groups based on inherent characteristics of that group, and a superiority complex, appears to be by and large the special preserve of facism.
We've already agreed that violence and incitement is unacceptable. Let's move on and address freedom of speech for all, whether gay, straight, right on or homophobic bigot. When is it not OK?
We've already agreed that violence and incitement is unacceptable. Let's move on and address freedom of speech for all, whether gay, straight, right on or homophobic bigot. When is it not OK?

When it advocates crimes? When it supports criminal behavior? When it offers up examples of criminal behavior, true or untrue, as being paths worthy of following?
Covered by incitement laws, I would have said. I think each of the 3 above are incitement in English and prob Scottish law and the rest of the UK. Don't know about the USA as I said earlier.
Covered by incitement laws, I would have said. I think each of the 3 above are incitement in English and prob Scottish law and the rest of the UK. Don't know about the USA as I said earlier.

Well the POTUS appears to be above the law then - if applicable in the States.
Like deliberately shoving into people drinking Pimms?

What crime is that Joe?

I honestly don't know. Not incitement because they are usually too pissed and busy guffawing to take a swing...

Would it not be considered an "anti fascist" protest anyway regardless of whether said fascists had a permit?
What crime is that Joe?

I honestly don't know. Not incitement because they are usually too pissed and busy guffawing to take a swing...

Incitement to stupidity.

I managed to make a number of them wobble, others to spill their pimms and tagged a couple with my shoulder. They were in the wrong. Cars would have been keyed if I had only had some with me.
Like deliberately shoving into people drinking Pimms?

For the record the pfm politburo deliberately shove into people drinking any type of fruit cup.
Consumers of Champagne are tolerated, so long as it's a vintage grand cru in the correct type of glass.
I've just finished watching that video on Charlottesville. Words fail me. That Christopher Cvntwell is a particularly nasty piece of work. The reporter, Elle Reeve, managed to stay calm, considered and rational throughout. I'm not sure I'd have been able to do that.

Trump and his band of idiots have empowered scum like Cvntwell and his followers, as well as all the other far right/'alt-right' morons. I dread to think where this is going. People must continue to resist this toxic ideology.

I only hope and pray it doesn't end up like this here.
I only hope and pray it doesn't end up like this here.

Our racist idiots can't get hold of guns, but they certainly exist. The EDL, Britain First, BNP, NF and a fair chunk of UKIP are all of this mindset. They are simiarly growing in numbers empowered by racists like "Tommy Robinson", Nigel Farage, Aron Banks, James Dellingpole, Katie Hopkins, The Sun, Mail, Breitbart etc. It is all the same shit. We've already seen an MP murdered, an immigrant kicked to death and a van driven into a Mosque.
Our racist idiots can't get hold of guns, but they certainly exist. The EDL, Britain First, BNP, NF and a fair chunk of UKIP are all of this mindset. They are simiarly growing in numbers empowered by racists like "Tommy Robinson", Nigel Farage, Aron Banks, James Dellingpole, Katie Hopkins, The Sun, Mail, Breitbart etc. It is all the same shit.

A note of caution: the IRA 'couldn't get guns' either.

