
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

Ah, I hadn't realised you were in/talking about Europe, and yes, it is a different scenario there as Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan etc testify. Thankfully the UK being an island makes it a heck of a lot harder and more expensive to get the things in.
Laws on gun control are as tough if not tougher in most European countries as they are in the UK. The problem is that you can buy a gun in a country with lax laws then drive to another without any checks.

Weapons such as kalashnikovs tend to be sourced in the ex-communist states and, in just about every country, are banned.

Here's a list detailing gun ownership per country:
Well the POTUS appears to be above the law then - if applicable in the States.
That's part of my point. AIUI the USA has more liberal free speech laws than England/UK. I doubt the POTUS could have said what he did in the UK, and I am sure that he wouldn't have.
That's part of my point. AIUI the USA has more liberal free speech laws than England/UK. I doubt the POTUS could have said what he did in the UK, and I am sure that he wouldn't have.

I suspect he might have done. I don't get the impression, scripted comments aside, that all that much thought and calculation goes into these presidentiary utterings. They (Twitterings, and press conferences) give the impression of being pretty much stream of consciousness stuff.
When it advocates crimes? When it supports criminal behavior? When it offers up examples of criminal behavior, true or untrue, as being paths worthy of following?

You appear to be suggesting that it's legally acceptable for Muslim Extremists to publicly advocate domestic terrorist activities in America on television in the USA. To call fellow Muslims to arms and instigate jihad.

I would personally be surprised if that were allowed in Louisiana.
Laws on gun control are as tough if not tougher in most European countries as they are in the UK. The problem is that you can buy a gun in a country with lax laws then drive to another without any checks.

Weapons such as kalashnikovs tend to be sourced in the ex-communist states and, in just about every country, are banned.

Again being an island with hard border checks keeps the vast majority of it out and pushes the price of what does get in way, way above what some loser lone white supremacist or Islamist fascist could ever afford or even know where to buy. If these nutters could obtain AK47s and endless supplies of bullets do you really think they'd use a rental van or a kitchen knife in preference? Do a little research on UK gun crime, it is either drug gangs (as stated a multi-£bn industry) or very, very occasionally a random nutter with a famer's shotgun (e.g. Derrick Bird). I'm sure one day it will happen, but I can't ever imagine it being a regular occurance as there are no soft-boarders between potential terrorists and the AK47 supply chain the way there are in continental Europe.

The white supremacist/fascist loser that murdered MP Jo Cox did have a 'gun' of some kind, but IIRC it was largely home made and used small hunting calibre bullets. It would have been of little use in anything other than a targeted murder.
You appear to be arguing with yourself!


I thought I would quote the post that Steve was referring to when suggesting things might be different in the USA Joe. I'm not sure any of those activities would be deemed legal anywhere with a democratically elected government in 2017.
After Trump's remark that there were "fine people people on both sides" during the Charlottesville clashes, Melville House are rushing Mark Bray's Antifa: The Anti-Facsist Handbook into print and onto Kindle.

"Bray’s book Antifa covers the history of the anti-fascism movement," says Alison Flood at The Guardian, "from its origins in Europe in the 1920s to its exponential growth in the US over the last year ...

"Bray describes his book as “an unabashedly partisan call to arms that aims to equip a new generation of anti-fascists with the history and theory necessary to defeat the resurgent far right" ...

"One of the most fundamental principles of antifa is “no platform for fascism”, Bray argues, and is a rejection of “the liberal notion that fascism is a school of thought worthy of open debate and consideration.”

"Their activities include educational campaigns, working with communities, monitoring fascist individuals and being prepared to “physically confront the far right when necessary.”"

Greg Palast reporting one of the black victims, a school teacher, beaten by fascist/KKK scum in Charlottesville is being charged with assault (

Got an email about this today. The situation is bad and a clear example of how the police and judiciary in America are letting white supremacists get away with racial violence while clamping down on black victims.

Question in this years Dotard IQ exam: Is this the end of A beginning ? Or is it the beginning of THE end ?
Greg Palast reporting one of the black victims, a school teacher, beaten by fascist/KKK scum in Charlottesville is being charged with assault (

Palast does not make it clear that the charges stem from an earlier in the day incident. There is video. The later victim whacks a nazi flag-carrier on the street with a stick. The nazi may or may not have been using the flag to attack another man. Maybe it goes to court, maybe the teacher will plead to a lesser charge.

Every so often I still get shocked by comments sections. The one on You-tube here is full of hate, with n-words by the dozen.

Video is from an unreliable source, and there is an apparent cut in it....
A 20 year old that has a bachelor's degree and did additional courses/tests to become a Virginia schoolteacher. He is something special. Reminds me of all the underaged asylumseekers that have a bachelor's degree, very special. Why do journalists print this BS.
Have you watched Michael Moores "Who shall we invade next"?
He explains how the US criminal system and the lifetime voting ban has been used to keep the Southern states Red
What's currently happening in Poland puts Charlottesville in the shade.

About 100,000 marchers. Full-on Nazi-ness. Praised by the government. Described as patriots by the Polish equivalent of the BBC.


