
Inclined bed therapy? Anyone tried it..

I know where there are wards full of desperately sick kids, most in need of a miracle so why don't you distance heal them you f ucking charlatans?
Especially if there energy is very much based in the ego and lower mind as you seem to be Cav from your replies and responses. I have given you plenty of material to research but you haven't..

Refer me to some credible peer reviewed sources that confirm something you seem unable or unwilling to put into words by way of explanation and I will change my view.

As it is, I think you prey on the vulnerable for your own gain. Even more reprehensible since you never meet those you deceive.
Refer me to some credible peer reviewed sources that confirm something you seem unable or unwilling to put into words by way of explanation and I will change my view.

As it is, I think you prey on the vulnerable for your own gain. Even more reprehensible since you never meet those you deceive.

I prey on no one. And deceive no one as stated earlier. You're deluded with your explanation of what I do and offered you the ability to trial it free with no obligation or wanting any payment as you stated you had back pain earlier in the thread. How can that be preying? How can what I do be preying if both parties are happy with the transaction? Especially if I get the testimonials I have. I suggest you try and find these people you think I have deceived as you'll be wasting your time because there are none! Any who had no benefit had my time for free! I have a very well paid corporate job which means I do not have to deceive people to "make" a living..

Check out the links I have shared you may discover you have been lied to your whole life.

If you have back pain then if nothing else raising your bed will help.

Do any of my responses sound like I am trying to decieve? The science however is an area which is little known as it is not something which is taught at Physics at degree level at Exeter university!
Refer me to some credible peer reviewed sources that confirm something you seem unable or unwilling to put into words by way of explanation and I will change my view.

As it is, I think you prey on the vulnerable for your own gain. Even more reprehensible since you never meet those you deceive.

Spot on. Too much of this stuff amounts to little more than snake oil peddled by snakes..distance healing..FFS.
I know where there are wards full of desperately sick kids, most in need of a miracle so why don't you distance heal them you f ucking charlatans?
It seems that some here 'believe' in the possible efficacy of 'distant healing' and some don't. Some are open minded about the subject, some are not, while some are downright nasty about it.

That there is no understood pathway for such phenomena should not, in itself, be a reason for outright dismissal; there are many things that science can not yet understand.

Looking at the published scientific studies of distant healing should lead us to be at least open minded. Here are some links that may be useful in this regard:

Finally, a study of money and healing would make it clear that very few, if any, healers get rich from this work. Insulting those who participate or believe in this phenomenon does not strike me as the way to go.
How would one do a double blind study of inclined bed therapy I wonder? Rig up some sort of optical illusion so they couldn't tell if they were inclined or not?

Also if any distance healers want to fix my malfunctioning endocrine and central nervous systems please feel free.
Also if any distance healers want to fix my malfunctioning endocrine and central nervous systems please feel free.

C Maxwell Cade used to believe that all healing is self-healing and that the healer would enable this in the healee.

There is of course a difference between 'healing' and 'curing' or 'fixing'. If you PM me some details of your malfunctions, I'd be happy to give you some time.
It seems that some here 'believe' in the possible efficacy of 'distant healing' and some don't. Some are open minded about the subject, some are not, while some are downright nasty about it.

Insulting those who participate or believe in this phenomenon does not strike me as the way to go.

If you are so sure visit Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool, breeze into the wards like a new messiah and offer your healing powers to those kids.

I would never insult those who out of desperation turn to these charlatans but those who peddle this false hope, for their arrogance and pomposity alone, deserve everything they get.
If you are so sure visit Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool, breeze into the wards like a new messiah and offer your healing powers to those kids.

I would never insult those who out of desperation turn to these charlatans but those who peddle this false hope, for their arrogance and pomposity alone, deserve everything they get.

I've worked at the cancer centre at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (at no charge) but Liverpool is a bit too far to go. I don't offer false hope, just an option and possibilities that what I do may help. I am neither arrogant or pompous and nor do I 'breeze into the wards like a new messiah'.

What's your problem?
? Where did that come from. A charlatan is something I am not.Sorry you feel you have to judge someone you have never met. If that is what you take from what I have written above then I think you need to grasp the English language a little more.

This thread is about inclined bed therapy anyway so if you have nothing positive to add I suggest you hijack another thread.

If it looks like sh!t, smells, like sh!t and tastes like sh!t.....

How would one do a double blind study of inclined bed therapy I wonder? Rig up some sort of optical illusion so they couldn't tell if they were inclined or not?

Also if any distance healers want to fix my malfunctioning endocrine and central nervous systems please feel free.

Plastics play a large role in dirupting the endocrine system.

There quite a few studies on this."endocrine"

A book I think is was called "Slow Death by Rubber Duckie" discussing everyday toxins which mess with the natural way the body works.

Some free info >

Plastics. Soya. Grains. Would be areas to investigate as I pm'ed you with further information.

This site contains affiliate links for which pink fish media may be compensated.
C Maxwell Cade used to believe that all healing is self-healing and that the healer would enable this in the healee.

There is of course a difference between 'healing' and 'curing' or 'fixing'. If you PM me some details of your malfunctions, I'd be happy to give you some time.


I have offered the same, free of course, as that could be seen as snake oil selling. Some clever bod once said knowledge is power, this is being held back from people, maybe deliberately.

Curing and fixing, if possible, will require changes to the way the person lives, for this knowledge is required. Some things however can not be completely fixed improvements however most certainly will be possible with the right attitude and knowledge.

I know doctors who are sorting our autism with parasite cleanses, detoxes and good nutrition / gut bacteria.

I know doctors who are enabling continual remission from some stg.4 cancers with detoxing (mercury/fluoride), nutrition (organic raw food) and emotional work (clearing past traumas: fear/guilt/anger etc)
There are MANY more... Cancer is not a disease - Andreas Moritz is worth looking into.

Some amazing things are being done globally with plants/herbs, clean water, specific healing modalities and other things... + Removing toxic materials (mercury fillings/Fluoride toothpaste are two biggies, there are others) and toxic "food"/"drinks". A lot of these have been sold as good or have been placed in everyday life as "normal"...
Some of these herbs are BANNED from USA / Europe.. i spoke to a lady in London using herbs from Africa a few years ago.

Some of these things are common sense and will NEVER have a double or triple blind study done on them as some of these things are virtually FREE to do and just require a mind set change and a little bit of research into these areas. Then action.

The wrong attitude (aggression/anger/fear) by some, does seem to be being displayed on this thread however which will not aid the people exhibiting this trait or enable them to get well. It will be their lesson to resolve it at some point in the future. I wish them well with this.
I can recommend investigating NLP > maybe with David Sheppard >

I had a third great night on my inclined bed :) .. Highly recommended!
I have no real view on this, but I believe the film "Men who stare at Goats" (great film btw), is based on a true story of the US Military's attempts to use similar?

I am 100% convinced Derek Acorah is a laughable fake, but I once saw a Hypnotist, Andrew Newton & well, I just don't know what to say about it............. If all the people he had running about were plants, then the show can't make profit.

Also seen Derren Brown live. How do we explain the stuff he does? Or Dynamo??

I do believe they rely on people being receptive to it. Doubt they could Hypnotise or Heal someone who didn't believe.

We did years of Martial Arts as kids. Witnessed some little old blokes do stuff that just weren't feasible. We all got chance to spar with these Masters. Even at 13, I was towering above, but when they blocked, it felt like they had iron bars for bones :eek: So Chi is something I believe can be channelled.
Remote Viewing, Homoeopathy & Remote Healing are three of the things that just don't sound right to me but to many others they are accepted facts.

Photos or it didn't happen! is a line often seen on the internet.
Good science or it didn’t happen! may be more to my way of thinking.
People have recreated all of those acts without using hypnosis.

How then? Me & my brother are as cynical/sceptical as they come. We booked Andrew Newton, Front row circle so we could see all the fakery. Even in the interval, we were stood near people we'd seen on stage, just having a drink, looking "normal"... the music starts for 2nd act (007 theme) & these people suddenly start flinging themselves about with pretend pistols...

How is it done then?

