
Inclined bed therapy? Anyone tried it..

mmm, well reading the web site is curious
I can`t see how elevating the bed can help the chap to walk

I spend a great deal of my life getting folks who sleep in a chair with grossly oedematous legs to go back to bed to get them elevated and we prefer them elevated above the heart not below! of course there is a risk iof heart failure if the legs are elevated too much in gross oedema

apart from the hiatus hernia folks I can`t see much benefit and of course if you slide down the bed you are at risk of friction damage to the skin
mmm, well reading the web site is curious
I can`t see how elevating the bed can help the chap to walk

I spend a great deal of my life getting folks who sleep in a chair with grossly oedematous legs to go back to bed to get them elevated and we prefer them elevated above the heart not below! of course there is a risk iof heart failure if the legs are elevated too much in gross oedema

apart from the hiatus hernia folks I can`t see much benefit and of course if you slide down the bed you are at risk of friction damage to the skin

Listen from 40 minutes.. the bed needs to be straight but inclined higher at the head end to allow the bodies circulation to work..
Both me and the wife have layed down and noticed a difference with this new angled bed .. more energy flowing in the body.. tingles was what the wife described it as.. Anyone who does tai chi will know this as chi flowing. We are both energy sensitive so will be interesting to see the effects of this 8 inch raise with a few nights sleep.. If laying for a few minutes is noticeable!

I worked out an easier way.. Each leg was 4 inches so I removed the ones or one end and chocked the head end up 4 inches on some clean bricks (temporary) and left the middle legs in place.. :)
I had to spend some time in hospital after an accident. I remember there was concern about thrombosis and the return blood flow from my legs.
There was no mention of tight stockings then, so they raised the foot of the bed by 5ins or so to assist with blood return and reduce swelling and seemed happy with the improvement after a day or so and I spent most of my stay like that, with my feet raised.
That was 40 years ago. I don't know how much medical thinking has changed since and whether they would do the same today?
My other half says I should try it again as I definitely need more blood to my head rather than other parts!
Both me and the wife have layed down and noticed a difference with this new angled bed .. more energy flowing in the body.. tingles was what the wife described it as.. Anyone who does tai chi will know this as chi flowing. We are both energy sensitive so will be interesting to see the effects of this 8 inch raise with a few nights sleep.. If laying for a few minutes is noticeable!

I worked out an easier way.. Each leg was 4 inches so I removed the ones or one end and chocked the head end up 4 inches on some clean bricks (temporary) and left the middle legs in place.. :)

Are you really a Physicist?
I had to spend some time in hospital after an accident. I remember there was concern about thrombosis and the return blood flow from my legs.
There was no mention of tight stockings then, so they raised the foot of the bed by 5ins or so to assist with blood return and reduce swelling and seemed happy with the improvement after a day or so and I spent most of my stay like that, with my feet raised.
That was 40 years ago. I don't know how much medical thinking has changed since and whether they would do the same today?
My other half says I should try it again as I definitely need more blood to my head rather than other parts!

How do trees get their fluid? This guy goes into it.. the bed is raised the opposite to the way you had it Steve.. your feet are LOWER than your head NOT higher! I suggest listening to the show I linked above and checking out the guys webpages. Dr and nurses have been involved in this as he discusses in his interview.

A quote I heard recently "you can take knowledge to a brain, but you can't make it think" :)

Feeling good after my sleep on the inclined bed.
I have a Physics degree from Exeter university.. and an MSc from Southampton ISVR in sound and vibration. Why? I also do distant energy healing. Not a usual combination I must admit.

And you believe in all this utter tosh? Crystal therapy etc...
And you believe in all this utter tosh? Crystal therapy etc...

I don't believe. I know. There is a difference. Look up Vogel an IBM crystal engineer who did a lot of physics in this area of "Tosh" as you call it. What qualifies you to be so opinionated to dismiss this? Have you actually experienced any of these things or are you going on your own programming from the mainstream?

I can highly recommend reading a book called "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart if you're ready to break free of your current paradigm .. Or watch a documentary called "What the bleeb do we know?" ... The whole of society is "steered" in specific ways to poo poo a lot of this knowledge. Leading quantum physicists are in the documentary above and physists I learnt about at Exeter are in the book the field, just not the experiments on the curriculum, funny that..
OK riddle me this batman.

You also claim to perform distance healing, in order to do this you must be able to 'target' someone, so tell me where I am right now and I may believe you?
OK riddle me this batman.

You also claim to perform distance healing, in order to do this you must be able to 'target' someone, so tell me where I am right now and I may believe you?


There are testimonials there and more I have to upload.

Just because you're a skeptic does not mean it isn't possible, I don't need to know a location of people to be able to tap into their energy.. I have no interest in knowing where you are to be honest.. probably Sat in your pants behind a pc screen ;) If however you have anything you'd like me to tune in to (read my site) and are genuinely open minded enough to at least try it my Skype details are on my site as are my contact details.

Some info on Marcel Vogel

Quite a bit is on the internet about the ability of water to be programmed as a liquid crystal... Also by Emoto with water ice crystals..
One is complaining abotu a bad back, any chance of remote energy healing? I see you can do this healing al the way to America so I'm sure Northumberland should be no problem.
One is complaining abotu a bad back, any chance of remote energy healing? I see you can do this healing al the way to America so I'm sure Northumberland should be no problem.

As I say contact me if you want a trial, FOC. On one condition, you say what you experienced here. By all means pm me in pfm too for this.

