
Ortofon's MC Anna and 12" arms

It isn't so, though. In comparison, I found the V to be rather 'forced' sounding. I can see how this would be interpreted as greater dynamics, but the V-12 was more natural. Nothing would have made me happier to save a while bunch of cash and take the V home, but it didn't work out like that.

Except it actually is if you read the reviews. And it's consistent with theory. Even our own paskinn, the most vociferous V12 advocate, agrees.
The basis being that the s7 is akready a contender for the top and so the new improved model plus a paralell tracker is likely to take it up a notch

Hes a litle flowery however his prose doesnt disqualify him as a deck designer

They are excellent

Bub I dont interect with you in the hope you will heed my opinions but rather because you are an amusing numpty. This thread has put that beyond doubt
The basis being that the s7 is akready a contender for the top and so the new improved model plus an paralell tracker is likely to take it up a notch

Hes a litle flowery however his prose doesnt disqualify him as a deck designer

They are excellent

Bub I dont interect with you in the hope you will heed my opinions byt rather because you are an amusing numpty

Charmed, I'm sure. I still don't rate your opinion, though. You've been on the booze?
Of course you dont. You dont buy for sound you buy for other reasons. Hence the proxy decision by guru and reliance on endorsements.

No ... typing poorly on my mobile without wearing my glasses. I am tee total for the record
Except it actually is if you read the reviews. And it's consistent with theory. Even our own paskinn, the most vociferous V12 advocate, agrees.

I do not agree...I said, and have for years, that the V12 sounds less dynamic than the nine . That same observation has been made by numerous experienced listeners, using their own terms. This is a description, not a judgement.
In fact, I think the tonal balance of the 12 is correct, the dynamics of the 9 are a slight distortion, probably based on a little tracking error. I base that on listening, but also on direct comparisons between the 12inch and parallel trackers....the 9 sounds the odd man out.
Got to go, the cat has caught a mouse and just woken-up my partner to give it to her. She screamed and doesn't seem to appreciate the present. People are so ungrateful.
Of course you dont. You dont buy for sound you buy for other reasons. Hence the proxy decision by guru and reliance on endorsements.

No ... typing poorly on my mobile without wearing my glasses. I am tee total for the record

Nonsense. I am realistic enough to realise that shop demos are no way to choose a top turntable. Reviews, and advice from proper independent experts is a far better way.

All you get on forums is people pushing the thing they bought, then usually getting all upset when you don't buy into their specific choice. I'm not surprised that you and Merlin don't approve of my choice - this is a repeating pattern of behaviour from the two of you. I'm quite surprised to be having a disagreement with paskinn as he seems like an SME fan. But hey.

The guy I've been talking to is not a fanboi of any make of turntable or tonearm, and has no axe to grind whatsoever.
I do not agree...I said, and have for years, that the V12 sounds less dynamic than the nine . That same observation has been made by numerous experienced listeners, using their own terms. This is a description, not a judgement.
In fact, I think the tonal balance of the 12 is correct, the dynamics of the 9 are a slight distortion, probably based on a little tracking error. I base that on listening, but also on direct comparisons between the 12inch and parallel trackers....the 9 sounds the odd man out.
Got to go, the cat has caught a mouse and just woken-up my partner to give it to her. She screamed and doesn't seem to appreciate the present. People are so ungrateful.

Tonal balance is really nothing at all to do with dynamics, but anyway your opinion is gratefully noted. Other people say the V12 is (comparatively) slow, undynamic, and lacks the resolution of the V.

How much longer can we go round this circle?
How much longer can we go round this circle?

Surely that's down to you? The thread is about the Ortofon MC Anna in a 12" arm. Two things you apparently know little about. Why you need to endlessly defend your / your "guru's" turntable buying decision is beyond most of us. It's beyond tedious too. At least Jek, Merlin, Paskinn etc have direct experience in using 12" arms and are relaying personal experience rather than simply regurgitating the soundbites of others.
Other people say the V12 is (comparatively) slow, undynamic, and lacks the resolution of the V.

No they don't....I know of not one review that says any such thing. You just misquote people. The reason we go round in circles is because you keep making claims without a scrap of evidence or experience. It's one thing for people to listen , and reach different conclusions (normal), it's quite another to vigorously assert claims about things you have never heard.

Found the poor mouse, dead. Down the loo the poor creature went. Cat's still looking for him. Life is cruel, one moment he is a happy mouse, the next.....
Surely that's down to you? The thread is about the Ortofon MC Anna in a 12" arm. Two things you apparently know little about. Why you need to endlessly defend your / your "guru"'s turntable buying decision is beyond most of us. It's beyond tedious too. At least Jek, Merlin, Paskinn etc have direct experience in using 12" arms and are relaying personal experience rather than simply regurgitating the soundbites of others.

It was established early on that no-one has an Anna. Reasonable advice was given, then thread drift set in.

I have direct experience of 12" arms. I see it as the 12" arm owners defending their choice, and the interventions by Jek and Merlin were predicted weeks ago. Paskinn has posted elsewhere that the V12 is less dynamic. I agree the discussion is tedious, though.
No they don't....I know of not one review that says any such thing. You just misquote people. The reason we go round in circles is because you keep making claims without a scrap of evidence or experience. It's one thing for people to listen , and reach different conclusions (normal), it's quite another to vigorously assert claims about things you have never heard.

I haven't misquoted you. Post 4 here:

Other people have in fact said what I stated.

Anyway, we have made our choices.
I have direct experience of 12" arms.

Where? In what context have you compared the two? Hint: asking a "guru" does not count!

FWIW I consider anyone hopelessly entrenched on either side to not even understand the question. It actually all hinges on context, e.g. high compliance cart, pick the lighter 9 inch arm, real low-compliance job like the Anna go 12" every time. There's just no reason not to as if you can afford the Anna you can afford the deck, arm and space too, and it is the better match of the two.

PS The thing that baffles me somewhat is why SME don't make a 10" or 10.5" Series V. They made / make 10" versions of the 30xx and M (though in many ways the latter is a fudge as the 10" M2 is only actually 9mm or so longer than the 9"! They owe me half an inch as my M2-10 is only actually an M2-9.4"!).
Where? In what context have you compared the two? Hint: asking a "guru" does not count!

I'm not telling you. Is this some sort of kangaroo court? What difference does it make? I'll PM you if you really want to know, but really!

The opinion of a guru (and some other people) doesn't count, in your opinion. But it does count very heavily, in mine. So we are left with a difference of opinion, which is what makes forums go round.
The opinion of a guru (and some other people) doesn't count, in your opinion. But it does count very heavily, in mine. So we are left with a difference of opinion, which is what makes forums go round.

Come on, blustering into a thread, proudly proclaiming an anonymous "guru" (coincidently one that told you to buy something very expensive) as the way, the truth and the light is, well, somewhat troll-like to put it mildly! It's hardly intelligent discussion is it? It's one tiny step removed from "my dad can beat your dad", but with no evidence of any dad being present.
Come on, blustering into a thread, proudly proclaiming an anonymous "guru" (coincidently one that told you to buy something very expensive) as the way, the truth and the light is, well, somewhat troll-like to put it mildly! It's hardly intelligent discussion is it? It's one tiny step removed from "my dad can beat your dad", but with no evidence of any dad being present.

He didn't tell me to buy something expensive. I asked him what he thought of the two alternatives: SME 30/2 versus SME 30/12. It's not even slightly troll-like, in actual fact. I have been completely honest. I could easily have pretended to have had a demo, but that is really not my style.

You know who he is, and I'm trusting you to keep that confidential. You can, at least, agree that he is 100% impartial in this particular debate. Whether you rate his opinion is up to you. I do.

I don't really know where you are going with the dad chat.
I do think it's very good of you to indulge your guru's tastes in this way. I'm sure he'll appreciate it whenever he comes to visit. I look forward to reading more of his opinions in future. Which cartridge is he recommending that you buy? Does he also prefer a certain brand of biscuit when he comes or are you retaining some autonomy regarding biscuit choices? Perhaps you have a different guru for biscuits?
James' last "guru' was John Watson of Mana fame, who I believe was partially deaf in one ear from listening to his ATC's too loudly Guy.

