
Your best ever upgrade

Sorry to say it, but after 26 years I upgraded my (Lingoed) LP12 to a Technics 1210 and haven't looked back. I hadn't realised how wowy a Sondek is.
From Japanese electronics with flashing LED’s and lots of watts per channel to the very bland but great sounding Sugden A48.
sondek, surprised at your post I have always found the 1210 a bit dead which the LP12, isn't, but then DD is for me and as for you Jack..which EAR valve amp?
sondek, surprised at your post I have always found the 1210 a bit dead which the LP12, isn't...

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I decided tunes and rhythms matter more to me than 'attack' or 'dynamics'. To be fair though, I haven't noticed less of those. I do notice that it's easier to follow tunes, harmonies, and syncopated beats with the 1210. Sustained notes have more poise.
Getting the QS Ref stand then the kind of valve amplification that still gives pR&T and a whole lot more and the Acoustic Precision Eikos CD player. The order is a chronological one only.
An ortofon om5 to a At120ET........ It sounds very good..... Just think where i can go next as i'm just getting started, new amp, pre, phono, connects and speakers. The journey has just begun......... My base line is very modest. I can only dream to hear some of the systems i see bantered around here.
have you heard the new one.. its quite a jump

I haven't*, but as I have not long got the mk 1 version, I won't be looking for an audition. It's hard to imagine it could be that much better, but as always, it's only hard till you actually hear the better sound. Needless to say, I think the mk 1 version is very special.



* I have heard a full akurate system and a full klimax system, both fronted with ds players and as much as the klimax was better, it lacked something, especially when you consider the cost. My own ds is used with Meridian amps so I dont have the full flavour Linn sound but what I do have is very good.

