
Exposure 3510 range

Yes lots of companies do it seems . Amazing to hear john prefered the exposure to accuphase .of course no tone controls on the exposure :):)
To be fair to the Accuphase, I left the tone controls set at their midway setting.
I'm not saying that the 280 was not good and it probably is "the better amp", but I think the 3510 was probably more like the Allegri + into EWA A40, that I have at home, into Compasses.
If only the exposure pre-amps had headphone stage built in, I'd probably go for one, into my A40, but in my thinking to simplify my system, I'm seriously thinking about the 3510 option.
Although, did someone mention that a 5 series integrated may be on the cards?
The dealer quoted £4950 for the E280. I was also thinking of the phono stage board too, but that's another £1K. The 3510 was quoted as £2400 + £320 for mc board.
I did ask about the E380, but believe they said was £6400 or £6500, not totally sure! But alot of money!
Has anybody else heard of a new preamp above the 5010 or is it me just hoping. Only asking as I’m looking to purchase a 5010 but don’t want to get one and there is a better pre coming soon.
Anyone compared the 3510 with the rega aethos or elicit mk5?
No, but FWIW in different environments and slightly different systems, I had shop demos of the 3010S2D and compared against the 5010 pre/monos. The 5010 was best but that was in A/B testing against the 3010s, or the 3010 pre and stereo power amp. The Aethos on home loan was a close run thing. It was also up against loaned SN3 and H190. Aethos had good presence and sounded powerful, not lean or fatiguing. Personally I found the increments in volume control with the Aethos to be very critical. Not much revolving of the knob from nothing to very loud. It was too difficult for me to control. This may be resolved by now. I also wanted a more visible indication of where the volume setting was at in a dimly lit room. Speakers were ATC SCM40 MKIIs.

The 3010 pre/monos to me had all the PRAT of the Naim, but slightly less shouty, and you didn’t need to leave them in standby the whole time. The Naim upgrade eco-system also put me off. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the Exposures. The lead guy at Exposure (sorry his name escapes me) was very helpful answering questions. Now with the need for domestic harmony, I could not add another rack/stand to accommodate my deck and Blu-ray player. I’ve put to one side the Exposures for a one box solution.

If you can get a loan so you can try with your gear in your room environment.

