
Cutting edge actives destroy passive rivals in head to head showdown

I like the sound of the word 'resolutio', a bit like resolution but with a bit of Italian pizzazz :D

...the Dutch&Dutch extended deeper and had far greater resolutio than any of the passive loudspeakers....
Insta-fail on the 2nd link when someone makes a suggestion that the actives must automatically be "full range", whereas passives seemingly aren't.

I've heard some actives armed with DSP technology, and whilst they can be massaged, they're still not completely immune to the laws of physics. More to the point, use the right DSP capable source, and some of that range extension can be achieved with passives.
Of course traditional passive speakers can be full range they just tend to be rather larger than the Kii/8C!
But when you measured the active vs passive LS50s the measurements were almost identical, and I thought you based all your judgements on measurements of frequency response?
I didn't measure the Dutch&Dutch / Harbeth in the customers house , I am certain they would have objectively reflected the subjective sound quality .
The Harbeth were good, just a little indistinct compared to the D&D , and obviously nowhere near the same bass extension .
You've not answered my question, as ever. I didn't refer to the sound test you've linked, since this is a locked blog I cannot access. Your sensational headline makes a claim about actives vs passives, so I referred to your comparison of active vs passive LS50s. Your measurements showed little difference.
The measurements were similar but you would expect that from two identically sized loudspeakers using the same drivers.
The Dutch&Dutch and Kii's speakers are quite unlike the active 50's I don't see your point.
2john the difference between 8C and Harbeth is so large that unsighted comparison was not necessary ,although if you visited here we could conduct an unsighted comparison for you.
The "blanket" quote seems to refer to Shahinians. Who'd have guessed a studio nearfield control monitor would sound different to a far-field omnidirectional home speaker? I bet no one saw that coming! Can we get to the review of bananas vs. potatoes now please?
So was this like a 'Robot Wars' thing, where the active speakers, equipped with circular saws, ripped the passive speakers to pieces?
To be fair, the title of this thread refers to "cutting edge" actives, which I assumed is intended to refer to those containing arrays of drivers to control low-frequency directionality in order to avoid or compensate for room modes. So KS50 active/passive comparison largely irrelevant here. I havn't heard any, but (being very aware of how important room interaction is) I am prepared to accept the possibility this could be one of the very few genuine advances in SQ over the last many decades.


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