


I use Avondale's mains cables, interconnects and speaker cable.

I can recommend them all, they are excellent in sonic performance and in value for money.

What more can you ask for.



Hi john
I have all as you mention above, exellent products and vfm.
Same as the other gear Avondale produce
[hand made ] quality hi end amps etc
Quality components .[not more for less ]
Just my twopence worth on the whole avondale thing! Id had a number of discussions over a long period with les about what to him, must have been fairly mundane questions - Always dealt with courteously and helpfully, once we'd had a fairly long mull over life in general!!

When I finally got round to being in a position to consider the Voyagers, there was no "sell", hassle etc. "I have a couple somewhere - Ill fire them up to you, give them a try, take your time, if you dont like them, just send them back"! Ideal!

Great gear, which I still have, great approach(at least for me) - I have had a couple of follow up questions, which and are always dealt with by someone(Les or Ben) who know and understand. Unlike sooo many purchases Ive had in the past where you can only communicate via the "dealer"?

Personally, I have no concern about whether the web site is great or crap - I can usually see most of the things Im be interested in. I guess I have an inward suspicion that the "flashier" the site - the poorer the stuff they are trying to convince you to buy!

It aint the glitz, its the substance.

Out of the country but still with a weather eye on PFM.

I haven't tested the MSX back to back with a TPX, but it was put up against my home build PSU. NAP 140 traffo, Hacker board with Qspeed diodes and Mundorf 10k caps, big ass hand wound inductors and Teddys finest SuperTeddyreg. It was also tried against the same bits but with Les's TPR2 regs.

In both cases the MSX was tighter, faster and deeper, more effortless in the bass and more nuanced. Both with my very modded prefix and with my Superline. I was on the verge of selling the Superline, before I added the MSX it just didn't sound 'the money'...

Now it's staying.

I had tried the Hicap and prefix previously and I thought the teddyreg PSU was the better power supply at the time. But as I say i haven''t tried hicap, tpx and MSX back to back.
Thanks for answering sq!

Sounds like a very good option, then. And as Les offers a refund if his boxes don't make you smile, there's hardly anything to lose, is there?

I actually would like two PSUs - one for my prefix and one for my 1991-issue Nap 140 (definitely unmodded but recapped by Darran last year).

Best wishes,
Thanks for answering sq!

Sounds like a very good option, then. And as Les offers a refund if his boxes don't make you smile, there's hardly anything to lose, is there?

I actually would like two PSUs - one for my prefix and one for my 1991-issue Nap 140 (definitely unmodded but recapped by Darran last year).

Best wishes,

what were you envisaging to do with the 140 power supply?
I am sorry. I need it for the Nac 62 not the 140. That is how I envisage things. My bad. OUCH!

Best wishes,
I think Les has given us a great insight into what he feels his business is about, and i like it. It is very rare these days to get what is 'the personal touch' I just don't know how he gets the time to build these products whilst talking to current and prospestive clients.(visions of a phone and computer strapped to his chin springs to mind)
I am using their black link in my system and i am very impressed, i guess on the whole my feeling is that if its not broken don't fix it. Not that Avondale needs it but good on you Les.
I always look at everything that comes up "FS- Avondale" as i would love to try some of their kit. My next purchase will be an upgrade for my 32.5 and i look forward to chatting with Les. It would be a purchase that won't make Les his first million but i bet it will come with the same attention as if it were.
It will be from Australia but hey the phone connection is pretty good these days.:)
Excellent post Nirvanah.

We need to support the cottage hifi industry as this is where the enthusiasts are, along with value for money, and more for less.
I think Les has given us a great insight into what he feels his business is about, and i like it. It is very rare these days to get what is 'the personal touch' I just don't know how he gets the time to build these products whilst talking to current and prospestive clients.(visions of a phone and computer strapped to his chin springs to mind)
I am using their black link in my system and i am very impressed, i guess on the whole my feeling is that if its not broken don't fix it. Not that Avondale needs it but good on you Les.
I always look at everything that comes up "FS- Avondale" as i would love to try some of their kit. My next purchase will be an upgrade for my 32.5 and i look forward to chatting with Les. It would be a purchase that won't make Les his first million but i bet it will come with the same attention as if it were.
It will be from Australia but hey the phone connection is pretty good these days.:)

Hi nirvana

You will not be disapointed
Les and Ben the tops ,shame you cannot pop in and see them.
No bull from avondale

Also do not forget zenner who is a very helpfull person,
always on hand to help with the avondale products

Hope you are still listening to Jimmy Barnes over there.

also do not forget zenner
And I am amazed at the over reaction that goes on here when some mild criticism of the avondale webiste is voiced. Contrast this with the very gracious response from Naim when far nastier things were said about their site/forum.

At the end of the day I am just one bloke posting his impressions. Is it really necessary to bring out the cavalry?

In the best possible taste...bollocks.

The Naim forum is not at all easygoing. The Naim police are anything but gracious, they simply stamp.

Ps, I'm not an Avondaler, but I was once in the distant past a Naimist.
The Naim forums is very easy going if you play by the rules, which are clearly stated.

With my comments I was referring to a very long thread on there recently inviting feedback about their new forum - which was universally panned by most Naimees in no uncertain terms. Naim were very gracious about this and kept the thread open for over a month, despite the very angry and critical feedback that was posted there. My comments here were nothing compared to what was posted in that thread, I can assure you.

Getting back on topic it is good to see Avondale continue to move away from Naim and develop their own products, even if they still use the same basic Naim approach on the whole. Competition is good for the consumer and the industry.
The Naim forum is full of halfwits. I managed to get one of old guard to describe the switch on sound of the various generations of amps. It was about a page!
Back on topic:rolleyes:
I will deffo be investigating the MSX and TPR2 Reg boards for up and coming projects they sound exactly what I have been trying to make myself :);) but I know LesW's will be so much better than my bodge up :(


