

Thanks - that is a help but it still says "We are reviewing our product range and price list at this time" so I guess that may not be accurate.
Avondale is a tiny enterprise which clearly does not encourage more business than it can reasonably deal with.

It is also, on this forum, beyond any criticism...
The Avondale website looks OK to me. Just look at the crap for the new dynavector amp or the Shahinian site that hasn't been updated for years

Also some other small outfits don't even have a website, refuse to put things in writing and have to be nagged on the telephone to complete your order. They all have full order books. Go figure.

Not a price in/on site. Oh and if you really want to see how bad a web site can be just try navigating your cruise options on the Royalcarribean site - a nightmare and I'm still trying.


Hi PE still going.

You may be best looking for a secondhand Multicap (if you can find one) as I don't think that you will be getting a new one even if you crawl on your hands and knees all the way from Spain to get it! :D

Are you anywhere near that other well known PFMer who went to Spain I think - Mr Parry?

As they say in Parliament: "I refer the honourable gentelman to the answer I gave some time ago:..

The thing is P-E people have offered to help you earlier on in this thread and even an offer of a special price list from Les, but you choose to ignore that and to carry on moaning like a bitch, it's all rather transparent and pathetic. Let's face it you aren't going to be buying anything from Avondale so why don't you go and direct this Positive energy in to something, er, positive.
The Avondale website looks OK to me. Just look at the crap for the new dynavector amp or the Shahinian site that hasn't been updated for years

Also some other small outfits don't even have a website, refuse to put things in writing and have to be nagged on the telephone to complete your order. They all have full order books. Go figure.

Not a price in/on site. Oh and if you really want to see how bad a web site can be just try navigating your cruise options on the Royalcarribean site - a nightmare and I'm still trying.



Agree with DV I think the Avondale site is a good one really I dont have any problems navigating it any for any further info I just phone Les so you get to speak to the man him self:cool: pricless Id say and I have had some cracking deals from him in the past as well;).

Also Agree about the Royal Carabean site as well its crap and I have just returned from their Holy Tour around the med on the Mariner of the seas, wonderfull ship and great holiday but cheap it aint take a supercapped credit card :D

I remember when there was no internet.So there were no websites to bitch about.You heard about a product and you did your homework and a lot of digging.You found a phone number and you made that call. Or.. you were at the mercy of dealers and their prices.

Websites have existed for a handful of years and yet people think that they are an absolute right.. that if you don't have a slick willy website you are a failing business.

I remember when there was no internet.

You got to deal with real human beings and have real relationships with the people you dealt with.You don't/can't/wont have a relationship with Linn or Naim or any of the other big players. You will with Les if you approach him as a human being and not a website.And I don't ever recall Linn or Naim or anyone else putting the prices of their products on their websites can you?
How refreshing an Avondale thread that hasn't turned into a slanging match......................... oh wait a minute!!:eek:

I for one am looking for ward to hearing/ hearing about les's new product lineup. For me the lower cost preamp and power supply looks tempting, wonder how it will sound compared to my 32.5/hicap??
Agree with DV I think the Avondale site is a good one really I dont have any problems navigating it any for any further info I just phone Les so you get to speak to the man him self:cool: pricless Id say and I have had some cracking deals from him in the past as well;).

Also Agree about the Royal Carabean site as well its crap and I have just returned from their Holy Tour around the med on the Mariner of the seas, wonderfull ship and great holiday but cheap it aint take a supercapped credit card :D


Thats the ship we are booked on - 14days Eastern Med. Its a small small world. Eh thats Disney isn't it!


For the benefit of those who haven't perhaps been on Pink Fish for all that long - the reason you are seeing what appears to be an over-reaction to Positive Energy's comments is that this is far from the first time he has done this. He appears unable to resist posting sly, sniping comments any time Avondale is mentioned in the Audio Room and has helped to provoke some really strong arguments in this way.

By the way, I'm not an Avondale 'fanboi' (although I have bought and used a number of their products in the past and I heartily second Andrew/Flatpopely's comments). I just dislike people having a go, especially when they do so sneakily and try to dress it up as genuine interest/concern.

(Climbs off soapbox...............)
Websites have existed for a handful of years and yet people think that they are an absolute right.. that if you don't have a slick willy website you are a failing business.

Yes, you really do need a good website these days. The world's changed and that's the way of things, like it or not.

Unfortunately it has led to a society that's very reluctant to pick up a telephone and actually talk to a human being; it's become a bit of a lost art, hasn't it? It does cut both ways because more often than not, should you be fortunate enough to find a cunning way to actually talk to someone human, they often don't really want to talk to you! Nice to discover Avondale are the exception here but nevertheless it's reassuring to learn that they do intend to improve their website and make it a bit easier to find out the information you're looking for.
Thats the ship we are booked on - 14days Eastern Med. Its a small small world. Eh thats Disney isn't it!



Realy, thats great you will really enjoy it, ita a cracking ship, entertainment, food, drink, tours, best holiday I ever had realy ;)

For the benefit of those who haven't perhaps been on Pink Fish for all that long - the reason you are seeing what appears to be an over-reaction to Positive Energy's comments is that this is far from the first time he has done this. He appaears unable to resist posting sly, sniping comments any time Avondale is mentioned in the Audio Room and has helped to provoke some really strong arguments in this way.

(Climbs off soapbox...............)

I think my criticism has always been open and direct, respectful. I have never used foul or insulting language about Avondale or anyone else here. Nothing sly or sniping about my comments whatsoever.

I agree with you though that discussion of Avondale's products has often led to heated comments here on pfm, and in the past on the Naim forum - but such animosity goes a long long way back and certainly pre-dates my participation here. Some people seem to act tribally about their favorite hifi brand, as if any criticism is directed at them personally. Or maybe its just the web and how people use it to "vent"...
I have built several DIY Avondale products and for me the high quality was at a price i could afford. How many companies can you ring and speak to someone who knows the product and is willing to help you?
I'll stick my neck out and say the price of the multicap (basically its 2 X TPX1) would come in at around £900.
Suffolk Tony if you want some info feel free to send me a PM and I'll PM my phone number.

