

I have never used foul or insulting language about Avondale or anyone else here.

I agree with you though that discussion of Avondale's products has often led to heated comments here on pfm, and in the past on the Naim forum - but such animosity goes a long long way back and certainly pre-dates my participation here. Some people seem to act tribally about their favorite hifi brand, as if any criticism is directed at them personally. Or maybe its just the web and how people use it to "vent"...

I fully agree.

Positive energy, what is the intent of your continuing criticism?

This sort of drift to a thread has occurred before and it achieved nothing then.

i have read this thread very carefully and i can't see the point of banging your head against a wall that is set in his ways, if you will excuse the mixed doodahs.
Some like naim religiously, some don't. There is no debate though, it's down to personal preference which is always 100% true.
Not noticing much positive energy coming from you!

Not sure what the point of this thread is?

I like being able to call the designer and have a chat with him about my hifi needs. Avondale are a small outfit and can take their time, but in my opinion, well worth the wait.
The major draw backs of the brave new world of online forums are that you don’t have nowhere near the same interaction that you do in face to face meetings; no body language, nobody to referee a debate, which is why bits of this resemble a brawl. No sound – cannot relate to the tone of a person’s voice. Therefore the written word is only a smidgeon of a person’s genuine personality. I personally don’t find Les “angry/disgruntled/resentful” online, as PE put it. Maybe that’s because I’m biased having had the pleasure of his hospitality and talked to him countless times on the phone, eh... from Germany.

However, when somebody comes along and profusely slags off something that you put heart and sole into then one is surely entitled to get a bit peeved off, online.
I posted something about someone and used the word "twat" , to me it means "silly" , not realising the american connection .oh well , we live and learn.
Oscar Wilde: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

I'm grateful to the honourable but obtuse gent for the free advertising brought about by his obsession with my business practices.

I'll have to bow out now as there is some paint drying in the next road and I'd like very much to observe to process..;)

It is quite clear this thread had or indeed has little meaning.

Given that; Les won the day with a delightful and poignant quote from Oscar Wilde which has very much worked in his favour.

The paint thing was just plain funny.

I think that's all other than Flat P's remark which I echo; Les can run his business how he chooses to do so.
May I remind the honourable participants of this thread of the circular argument clause in the AUP. If you don't find a new direction for the thread (such as talking about Avondale products, for example), this thread is likely to get locked in the not too distant future.

Markus - moderating
I have talked to Les a few times inquiring about this and that. I have had nothing but helpful and kind responses from Les (and Ben). As for the website, yes, it has changed cosiderably in the last couple of months. I would have called again if there was some price I couldn't find.

Best wishes,
Peter (keeping the thread on course ...)
To change tack slightly, has anyone tried Avondale's interconnects or mains cables and can share an opinion? The phono i/cs look remarkably like Chord Cadenza to me....
... and coming up with a question for Sq..., who I suppose has tested both the TPX1 and the MSX:

What is the fundamental sound quality difference between the TPX1 and the new MSX? What does the MSX do better (or worse) than the TPX1?

I am still looking for a solution for my Naim Prefix. And, I am well aware that a Naim Hicap or Supercap would also do the job.

Best wishes,
I use the interconnects from my DAC to power amp and they do the job nicely. I have tried quite a few different ones over the years but never found anything that actually bettered the Avondale cables.

The cable Les uses comes from a huge real and they are then made up by Avondale.
What are you thinking of building? I built a couple of really great PSU's for my DAC and SB3 based on Avondales older TPR1's. Les helped me along when I was unsure and even gave them the once over when I had completed them. I rang him with what I wanted to do and he gave me a shopping list of bits with his price.


Sorry, I didn't spot your question earlier chrism. I've just ordered a set of HackerNAP boards so I can build a dual mono power amp for use in a second system. A bit of a jump up from the three DACs and a Hicap copy I've somehow managed to cobble together so far!

Zener, many thanks for your kind offers of help; much appreciated. Expect some silly questions...

Best wishes, Tony.
I am still looking for a solution for my Naim Prefix. And, I am well aware that a Naim Hicap or Supercap would also do the job.

Best wishes,

I run a Prefix from a homemade version of the TPX1 using Les's excellent DIY modules. Very pleased with this, to me it's so much better than a HiCap. Happy to discuss with you by PM if you wish.

Les's website is done by a friend of his who IIRC has fallen on hard times. Les is helping him out of the goodness of his heart.

The Avondale website isn't bad but it is still amateurish compared with something like the Inspire HiFi site, who I think are a similar sized firm.

The look and feel of the 2 websites is completely different; the Inspire one has obviously been done by someone with a real feel for page layout, colours, font sizes, pictures etc. i.e. an artist.

The Avondale website has been done by a programmer doing their best. Incidentally, as a programmer myself I'd produce something very similar :D

I'm sure Les could hire a firm to do his website for him and get a similar result, there are plenty of website design firms about. However, he's chosen to help his friend and I personally respect him for that.
To change tack slightly, has anyone tried Avondale's interconnects or mains cables and can share an opinion? The phono i/cs look remarkably like Chord Cadenza to me....


I use Avondale's mains cables, interconnects and speaker cable.

I can recommend them all, they are excellent in sonic performance and in value for money.

What more can you ask for.



