
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

I can't help thinking that the antifa people are inadvertenly helping the facists to spread their message via the media. If we learned anything from Trump's election it is that there is no such thing as bad publicity and the more outrageous he was the more media attention was lavished on him to the detriment of saner but less controversial opponents, particularly in the Primaries.

Antifa seem to be falling into the same trap, particularly when some of them came with masks, clubs etc clearly looking for a scuffle. So instead of a byline in the local Charlottesville newspaper that a bunch of facist gobshites with ridiculous flags and banners marched downtown, this has now grabbed worldwide attention and given Spencer et al the coverage they need to spread their hate.

Fighting this nonsense requires dicipline. A peaceful gathering (in another part of the city) condeming the hate preachers would be far more effective and would not allow Trump his "many sides" get out.
'@Yes, you're racist' on Twitter looks to be outing the fascist shite/KKK terrorists from Charlottesville and trying to get them fired. Excellent stuff. Its a shame so few will actually have jobs to lose!
Egregious presidential. Someone told him to use it.

MOST Egregious and Highly Presidential - like Bill & Ted.

He'll still be able to ramp things 'up to 12' on the Badly Scale.


Bogus (bÇ!gcs)
English definition: Counterfeit; fake.
B&T Speak: Bad.

Egregious (0-gr‘!jcs)
English definition: Outstandingly bad; blatant; outrageous.
B&T Speak: Really bad.

Heinous (h~-ncs)
English definition: Grossly wicked or reprehensible; abominable; odious; vile.
B&T Speak: Really really bad.

Odious (Ç!d‘-cs)
English definition: Exciting hatred or repugnance; abhorrent; offensive.
B&T Speak: Disgustingly bad."
Tony Schwartz stopped talking about on Trump on Twitter, but recent events with North Korea have made him start again.

As always, his insight into Trump is invaluable.

Why won't Trump condemn?

"Understand this: Trump will never do what's ethical and decent because he has no conscience. That's why I called him a sociopath a year ago."
"Is Donald Trump a racist? Yes."
Not sure if anyone has mentioned them yet but these ANTIFA dummies would want to get a grip too, IMO. They arrived at the white supremacist protest with only one thing in mind: to start trouble, as they've done on many an occasion of late.

This backs up the assertions in the minds of many on the extreme right that their extreme left counterparts are violent agitators intent on preventing freedom of speech and expression.

Had they stayed away and left the racists hold their protest then any trouble could have been laid squarely at their feet, and they couldn't blame anyone else for it.

Now these extremists are only more determined to have their say the next time, and will come in even greater numbers.

EDIT: I see Audioq has already mentioned this.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned them yet but these ANTIFA dummies would want to get a grip too, IMO. They arrived at the white supremacist protest with only one thing in mind: to start trouble, as they've done on many an occasion of late.

This backs up the assertions in the minds of many on the extreme right that their extreme left counterparts are violent agitators intent on preventing freedom of speech and expression.

Had they stayed away and left the racists hold their protest then any trouble could have been laid squarely at their feet, and they couldn't blame anyone else for it.

Now these extremists are only more determined to have their say the next time, and will come in even greater numbers.

EDIT: I see Audioq has already mentioned this.


And that makes it alright to run people down with you car does it? Murder?

The white supremacist movement is simply repugnant and has no place at all.
Not at all. Every sensible person in possession of a functional moral compass needs to stand against fascism/racism. It is the only logical response to an evil we have seen time and again through history that is once again on the rise. The idea of turning a blind eye to a load of far-right/Nazi/KKK terrorists walking into a town is simply beyond comprehension.
Not at all. Every sensible person in possession of a functional moral compass needs to stand against fascism/racism. It is the only logical response to an evil we have seen time and again through history. The idea of turning a blind eye to a load of far-right/Nazi/KKK terrorists walking into a town is simply beyond comprehension.
ANTIFA's presence and actions there will mean that there are now more of these scumbags than there otherwise would have been, because in their minds they were protesting legitimately having even got the backing of the ACLU to do so, but were stopped by the police and the extreme left-wing.

That's how they'll see it. That's how others on the right will see it. Why can't we express ourselves they'll be thinking, without hostility from the likes of ANTIFA, when other groups like Black Lives Matter can.

I know this because I've watched several video clips of the leaders of these scumbags and they all say the same, that they're rights aren't being taken into account, they had their permit, they were going to be peaceful etc etc.

This is what they're all saying, and others on the right will agree with them, and more of them will join too.

If they'd have been left to protest within the confines of the law and had started trouble then the likes of Trump and others would not have been able to say 'all sides' should stop etc. It would have been them and only them that took the blame, and if by some chance it had of passed peacefully then they would have no further grievance and hardly anyone would have heard about it.

Now, they feel in their sick minds that they're the victims of suppression of freedom of speech and expression, and will be more determined next time, with new recruits on board.
i may be going out on a bit of a limb, but i suspect that if the press interviewed the participants in this "movement" and asked them to explain what they actually wanted, they would do far more damage to themselves than letting some of the public imagine that they have some credible points. i recall witnessing something like this with a BNP rally in the UK with the interviewee yelling at the polite interviewer about how sharia law had taken over the nation.

then again, when you have a president saying something idiotic every week for weeks on end....

i may be going out on a bit of a limb, but i suspect that if the press interviewed the participants in this movement and asked the to explain what they actually wanted, they would do far more damage to themselves than letting some of the public imagine that they have some credible points. i recall witnessing something like this with a BNP rally in the UK with the interviewee yelling at the polite interviewer about how sharia law had taken over the nation.

then again, when you have a president saying something idiotic every week for weeks on end....


I think they want a Caliphate similarly to murderous leftists mob in Berkeley who also wants a Caliphate .
What I don't understand is why the Taliban is so set on removing the Statues from public spaces ??
Trump has failed to call these scumbags white supremacists, and has failed to call the car attack an act of white supremacist terror.

This is a far bigger threat to him than the Russian crap as everybody in public life and the media have condemned him for it, and these Neo-fascists aren't going away.

Either he gets on board and starts calling it what it is, and risks a huge backlash from all of these people - who support him, or he risks political isolation for not calling it all what it really is, and not condemning them for their views.

Either way, he's in deep shit.

I think you are right in this. Going blatant Nazi is not going to fly.

I think this is going to be the predominate reaction:



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