
Your Loudspeaker history...

Celestion Ditton

Heybrook HB1 (too bright)

B&W Dm550 (rubbish)

B&W Dm17 limited (still own) good

Yamaha NS1000 MM (too bright)

Spendor S1 (not bad)

Harbeth Compact 7 (good)

Harbeth Compact 7ES2 (very good)

Harbeth Compact 7ES3 (exceedingly good - arrived a few days ago):D

Six pairs of speakers! Why?

Are they all tethered to a working hi-fi system?


Jamo Cornet 175 part exchanged for
B&W 601s part exchanged for
B&W 602S2s part exchanged for
Rega Naos sold for
Piega TS5 sold on Ebay to make room for
Heco Celan 700 sold to a pfm-er for a pair of

Tannoy Prestige Turnberrys.
Goodmans something (RB250)
Kef Cantata
Heybrook HB3 (still have)
Isobarik active
Isobarik active (still have)
Keltik (using)

In recent years I don't think I've really got to grips with getting speakers working well in my current room. I'm sure that smaller stand mount jobs (maybe Sonus Faber) would probably be more effective but I can't bring myself to move away from big lumps with lots of bass power. They used to work well in our old property and I can't let go of that experience. Perhaps on the other hand I am just too picky and expect too much.
1974 -- Wharfdale Dentons

1978 -- Gale 401s

1988 -- Epos 14s

2004 -- Ergo IIIs

2009 -- Gale 401s - original pair restored (along with my love of music ;-)


Mr Tibbs
1974 -- Wharfdale Dentons

1978 -- Gale 401s

1988 -- Epos 14s

2004 -- Ergo IIIs

2009 -- Gale 401s - original pair restored (along with my love of music ;-)


Mr Tibbs

Beautiful job Mr.T. So nice to see good old kit brought back, and clearly sounding wonderful!
1974 Wharfedale Denton
1975 Wharfedale Dovedale 3
1982 Linn Kans Mk1
1982 Spendor BC1 (still own)
2004 Harbeth Compact 7 ES2
2007 Wharfedale Dovedale 3 (£40 off eBay in mint condition)
2008 Spendor BC1

Plus several on home demo incl. Harbeth SHL5 , LS3/5a
Been through fewer speakers than I thought - and certainly less than most here.

1981 Mission 700
1998 Acoustic Energy AE109
1999 Linn Kan Mk1 - 2 weeks then back to AE109
2002 Naim Intro - 2 weeks then back to AE109
2004 RMS Revelation R1
2007 ATC SCM10A
My brief and undistinguished history:

1981 Scott (model unknown)
1987 Omega (three-way from now defunct St. Paul, MN manufacturer)
2001 Paradigm Mini Monitor
2008 Quad 11L
2010 Dynaudio Excite X12
2010 Snell Type K/II (now that's more like it)
Linn LS250 (Nexus)
SF Concerto
Predictably, it's now E-X ...


Full range (20Hz @ -3dB in-room), active crossover between woofer and mid, and passive crossover between mid and tweeter using only 2 caps, one inductor and one resistor. Tri-amplified with 125W + 60W + 60W each.

The Ergo adventure may be over with these.
Goodmans RB35 (1977-1982)
Mordaunt-Short MS20s (1982-2010)
Castle Chesters (1994-2006)
Audiovector M3 Signatures (2006-)
Harbeth P3 ESR (2010-) with Velodyne SPL sub.
Celestion Dittion 110 (brother's) 1982-5
Wharfdale Glendale 1985-7
KEF C20/Wharfdale Diamond II on top! 1988-92
Monitor Audio 9 Gold 1992 -1994
KEF 105/3 1994 - 2000
B&W 803 2001 - 2005
B&W 802.......2005 - 2012!!
Wharfdale Linton copies - 1973 to 1975
Videotron Minimax2 - 1975 to 1977
Monitor Audio MA5 - 1975 to 1988
Quad ELS 57 - 1980 to 1988
Nad 300?? - 1988 to 1995
AE100e - 1995 to 2000
ProAc Tablettes - 2000 to 2005
B&W 805s - 2005 to 2007
Naim Allae - 2007 to 2011
Yamaha N10 - since 1982
B&W Solid Monitors - since 1995
Tannoy Cheviots - since February 2011

