


I feel better than James Brown
This evening invited 6 nieces/nephews over, with daddies, and they asked about records and stuff, a couple not realising you could play both sides of a record. Kendrick Lamar was requested and duly played, then I suggested try some jazz. Bearing in mind it took me 40 odd years to get Miles Davis, the eldest, at 18, was straight into it, took photos of the album sleeve and asked what other stuff may appeal.

I feel better than James Brown

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great stuff... I was close to my uncle when I was a kid - as he was really into his music and I'd go around weekly and he'd introduce me to new stuff... this varied from the beatles to kate bush...stuff i still listen to now..

ime - it's an important education for them, keep it up :)
Nice to see a positive thread about youngsters, I love to see teens, or even pre-teens take an interest in good music. I was at the symphony hall last night (Friday) watching, or rather listening to the London Orchestra playing the best of John Williams, there was a little girl, no older than seven and she was in absolute awe, it was a beautiful thing to see.
my S-i-L has been buying vinyl since she was 16 ish (she is now 26). She has shows a great interest in a wide variety of music, but like me and the Mrs, she returns to Grime.
My Neice's daughter at 17 got into vinyl and I duly supplied, courtesy of a fine bunch of men on the Wigwam, a super cheap but good basic system. She LOVED it and to my amazement, also loved the 20 odd albums I donated to get her started. Now we educate each to she about the 60's and 70's and she to me about NOW.
...the eldest, at 18, was straight into it, took photos of the album sleeve and asked what other stuff may appeal.

I thought the story was going to finish “...took photos of the album sleeve and within seconds his phone had downloaded and catalogued the entire recorded output of Miles Davis - which it was playing in chronological order with Alexa singing along.”
Picked up my step daughter from the station last week and forgot to turn down the music and she loved it.

I was half way through my 22 Miles albums on the SD card.

She is more into film than music so maybe we're making progress
Had I been influenced by my parents' musical tastes, I'd be listening to Jimmy Shand and the (non-Detroit) Spinners.

We need Jimmy Shand on New Year's Eve.

I've had enough of all this Jules' Hootenanny shite. Bring back Jimmy, Andy Stewart, and The White Heather Club!
Recently cleared out Mother-in-Law (deceased) house and was amazed that the 14 year old great-niece had never seen a record, let alone how it worked.
Just as amazing was the 20 year old who had never heard one, nor seen a record player.
We set the stereo unit up (only a cheapish SONY), and both were amazed at how good it sounded compared to their mobile phones.

Maybe I'm now officially in the "when I was your age" category...

