
Why do decent audio cables cost so much?

@Bodhi I've said this before, so I'll say it again, cable non believers should stay off cable threads. I don't go onto threads that have no interest to me. I'm always interested in different cables, although I will add they only make a subtle difference to my ears. The biggest improvement (which was most surprising to me) was a Crystal Cables power lead. I'm still unsure whether one should stick to one brand throughout your system though, in the same fashion as using valves in your dac or phonostage, preamp, and power amp.
. The only thing that matters is what 'I hear' and since that is my only objective frame of reference it is also the only thing that counts.

Therein is the central flaw of the argument cannot possibly hear objectively.

The proponents of uber expensive fuses and other audiophile jewellery always claim objectivity is reason for their believe in the products.
We've never tried any of the audiophile fuses, unsure about safety even though there has been good reports about sq improvement.

Tell me if you see the problem I see with the statement from Salamander.

( edit for Salamanders query below )

"there has been good reports about sq improvements "

Those reports are not reports ..they will just be anecdotal opinions, opinions that ,whilst people are entitled to them , are just subjective. There will not exist on this planet a study worthy of the name that will back up that subjective opinion.
Don't get me wrong, I think and feel that people can spend any amount on anything that then want's when the sometimes fantastic claims for those thing start that be put forward as absolute objective fact that I feel I have the right to express my opinion.

A vast amount of the audiophile firmament as based upon sentences that start ...."there has been good reports about sq improvements "
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Yes, excellent, reminded me of a cross section of the Golden Gate cables I saw in San Francisco. Now they are cables.
Dense comes to mind.

What does this mean? I'm sure everyone here believes in cables and their existence, use and electrical parameters?
Exactly what I've stated. Cable threads would be nowhere near as long if it wasn't for posts telling us they don't make a difference, and far more interesting for those that maybe want to upgrade.
. I'm really sorry if some members here apparently can't handle another member owning a better system than them

You really are strange ...or more precisely , you have a strange way of looking at lives outside of yours if that statement is how you see things.

...and you seemingly can't tell trolling from rebuttal. Folk can disagree with you ,you know? is allowed.
@Bodhi I've said this before, so I'll say it again, cable non believers should stay off cable threads. I don't go onto threads that have no interest to me. I'm always interested in different cables, although I will add they only make a subtle difference to my ears. The biggest improvement (which was most surprising to me) was a Crystal Cables power lead. I'm still unsure whether one should stick to one brand throughout your system though, in the same fashion as using valves in your dac or phonostage, preamp, and power amp.
I agree. Everyone's ears are different, and our hearing does degrade to an extent with age. That said, it's been my personal experience that the more resolving your system is, the easier it is to hear changes in the sound when any component or cable is changed. As well, a more resolving system will allow you to hear the full potential of a cable change for example.

My friend has several Crystal cables in his system. They're good, though i'm not a fan of the owners of that business. Re: my plans to use a full loom of cables from the same manufacturer; in this case Lessloss. My view is if the manufacturer has done the hard yards and invested in properly developing their lines of cables, there can be benefits in using a full loom from the same manufacturer - namely in coherence and naturalness of tone, timbres etc.

But that isn't always the case. For example I found my Jorma power cables somewhat less successful on my Vitus amp and conditioner than my ic's and sc's due to their inherent design. So that has been a learning experience. A reviewer i've correspondended with previously, Fred Crowder is an advocate for mixing and matching cables where one cable sounds better in a particular application. So there are different schools of thought on this.
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@krenzler I'm far to old to be bothered whether someone agrees or disagrees with me, especially on a cable thread. I don't hear that much difference, but a small improvement here and a small improvement there can add up. Many cable threads have been spoilt by others continuingly posting and re-posting that XYZ brand are no better than their Amazon basics that cost a tenner.
Fair enough.

Just perusing the What's Best Forum (which is more focused on high-end gear), I see they have a dedicated cable section that do seem to discuss all manner of audiophile brands without much interference from non-believers. Personally I'd have a look there if I was into audiophile cables.
You really are strange ...or more precisely , you have a strange way of looking at lives outside of yours if that statement is how you see things.

...and you seemingly can't tell trolling from rebuttal. Folk can disagree with you ,you know? is allowed.
There is a saying "You are what you accuse others of". And you have a funny habbit of showing up on threads and sewing discord whenever any member posts about expensive audio equipment. I haven't forgotten that you were one of the members who got me banned after I was subjected to a trolling attack in another thread and reacted to the baiting posts. I was only allowed back on the forum after appealing to the owner. So as far as i'm concerned, you can keep to your side of the forum, and i'll keep to mine......
There is a saying "You are what you accuse others of". You have a funny habbit of showing up on threads and sewing discord whenever any member posts about expensive audio equipment. I haven't forgotten that you were one of the members who got me banned after I was subjected to a trolling attack in another thread and reacted to the baiting posts. I was only allowed back on the forum after appealing to the owner. So as far as i'm concerned, you can keep to your side of the forum, and i'll keep to mine......
At the risk of boring others I will say....

I don't believe I have a funny habit...but you are the one obsessed with the value of your equipment as you repeatedly let us know it is expensive.

Neither I nor any others did anything to "get you banned"...I wasn't even aware that you had been. If you were it would be the Mods judgement as no one else has that power.

People querying statements you made like ....." I have been an audiophile for 35 years and my system is very expensive so I deserve respect " deserves to be questioned for tone .Questioning "I'm really sorry if some members here apparently can't handle another member owning a better system than them" is not trolling...if you can't see how tone deaf some of your comments look then you will continue to be offended by peoples replies to some of your posts.

Again I say... you seemingly can't tell trolling from discussion, argument, disagreement or rebuttal. You will have a hard time on any forum if you can't.

If it makes any difference to how you read this....I have been an audiophile ( as you term it ) for 55 years and my system is priceless.
How can a cable thread make it to page 8 without Trek content?!?

In my day, trekkies worth their weight in salt would have posted a picture of Captain Kirk installing new power cables by page 4.

Standards are slipping.

What do you mean " in my day ? "

In your day it was you who posted all the trekkie content....greatly missed it has been.Time to up your game again I think. ;)
Fair enough.

Just perusing the What's Best Forum (which is more focused on high-end gear), I see they have a dedicated cable section that do seem to discuss all manner of audiophile brands without much interference from non-believers. Personally I'd have a look there if I was into audiophile cables.
I'd go on there if money was no object. 😁 I'm lucky enough to have two systems (one in the uk the other abroad) which although not expensive I'm happy with plus when in the uk I have access to a high end system as well. Now I'm retired I'd rather spend my money on a long trip abroad to get away from the British winter.

