
Who has got rizz?

Does one's ability to attract a romantic partner largely depend upon the amount of overpriced hi-fi you own? :confused:

If so, the PFM demographic will score highly for rizz.

If not, then I imagine the only type of rizz you will find among the PFM demographic is the one below

Had never heard the word until I heard this on R4 news at lunchtime. I guess that tells you all you need to know about whether I have rizz, or not.
He must have rizz:

Had never heard the word until I heard this on R4 news at lunchtime. I guess that tells you all you need to know about whether I have rizz, or not.
Same here, driving back from Gainsborough [Lincolnshire] to Bromyard [horrible rainy trip].

Also suspect I have no "rizz;" except the Rizla sort!

Upload of Lu playing in snow on Sunday in Lincolnshire to follow on Lu's Thread. If I have "rizz" then it is with dogs ...

Best wishes from George [born on 5/12/1961, and so five years from retirement. I am hoping to live that long].
Same here, driving back from Gainsborough [Lincolnshire] to Bromyard [horrible rainy trip].

Also suspect I have no "rizz;" except the Rizla sort!

Upload of Lu playing in snow on Sunday in Lincolnshire to follow on Lu's Thread. If I have "rizz" then it is with dogs ...

Best wishes from George [born on 5/12/1961, and so five years from retirement. I am hoping to live that long].
Happy birthday for tomorrow, George. You are two days older than me!

