
Which party will you vote for at the General Election? ( Anonymous).

How will you vote in the General Election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 4.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 101 38.3%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 27 10.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 18.2%
  • Reform

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Scottish /Welsh National /Sinn Fein

    Votes: 14 5.3%
  • Will not be voting

    Votes: 17 6.4%
  • Tactically

    Votes: 24 9.1%

  • Total voters
I think the point is one can afford more than the other. You can extrapolate this argument to any benefit or public service. Your position on whether those better off should or shouldn’t have to pay more is down to your own social conscience. I’m for a safety net.
They can afford more and they do pay more, that's the point. There's far too much conflation in most peoples minds between the ludicrously rich oligarch types or those with huge amounts of off shore wealth who are avoiding paying large amounts of taxation, and those who are normal PAYE employees on good salaries who are already paying their fair share (and proportionally more than most). People are forever using the example of the former to argue for further punishment of the latter through higher taxation, when they are not the problem.
They can afford more and they do pay more, that's the point. There's far too much conflation in most peoples minds between the ludicrously rich oligarch types or those with huge amounts of off shore wealth who are avoiding paying large amounts of taxation, and those who are normal PAYE employees on good salaries who are already paying their fair share (and proportionally more than most). People are forever using the example of the former to argue for further punishment of the latter through higher taxation, when they are not the problem.
I see. I thought you were arguing we should all pay the same. As you were.
20 votes for Reform. 30 by tomorrow?
I wonder if any of them were taught about 1930s Germany at school or visited a concentration or extermination camp. It starts like this. Looks innocuous enough to begin with. This Channel 4 exposé - surprised a racist bigot or four were exposed was nobody at all. Goes to show you struggle to polish a turd. The façade of decency is thin indeed. Fact is these 20 are flagging their intention to vote national front in my opinion There is N O magic formula for fixing the economy or immigration. Look what happened with Brexshit - EU immigrants replaced by people from outside Europe and the UK unable to return failed asylum seekers to Europe - mainly France because the Dublin Regulation is no longer applicable post Brexshit.
The top 4 things Reform voters believe in. Says it all:

Young people today do not have enough respect for traditional British values 89%
Migrants coming to the United Kingdom across the English Channel should all be immediately removed from the United Kingdom and prevented from ever returning 86%
The sentences that the courts hand down to people who have been convicted of crimes are not harsh enough 85%
Multiculturalism has made the UK worse 78%
Potentially interesting piece on tactical voting, including reasons why, where and how (especially for seats where LDs have a chance).
That's an excellent piece. Hadn't really considered how a different opposition might move the overton window. Constituencies where this might be possible appended.
The top 4 things Reform voters believe in. Says it all:

Young people today do not have enough respect for traditional British values 89%
Migrants coming to the United Kingdom across the English Channel should all be immediately removed from the United Kingdom and prevented from ever returning 86%
The sentences that the courts hand down to people who have been convicted of crimes are not harsh enough 85%
Multiculturalism has made the UK worse 78%
As they pet their XL bully, inspect their latest 'English till I die' tattoo and hoist the George Cross up the cheap ebay flagpole they have installed in their horrible little garden that is littered with kids toys and dog shit!
As they pet their XL bully, inspect their latest 'English till I die' tattoo and hoist the George Cross up the cheap ebay flagpole they have installed in their horrible little garden that is littered with kids toys and dog shit!

They are just as likely to be some miserable pensioner in a lovely posh rural neighbourhood which is 98.7% white who’s just been radicalised by the Daily Mail and GB News.
I've always voted Labour by choice but will do so only tactically this time. Starmer does at least appear to be competent but is wholly uninspiring. The UK is broken for the 99% and that isn't going to change anytime soon.
They are just as likely to be some miserable pensioner in a lovely posh rural neighbourhood which is 98.7% white who’s just been radicalised by the Daily Mail and GB News.
True enough, but sadly I see a lot of what I have described when I travel to my nearest town... it's not a good look. Thing is they have all been radicalised by the media no matter who or what they are... it's one of the biggest problems in the UK and has been for decades.... shall I start on about Leveson again... nah, better not! :D
They are just as likely to be some miserable pensioner in a lovely posh rural neighbourhood which is 98.7% white who’s just been radicalised by the Daily Mail and GB News.
The take aways from the top 4 are: old; authoritarian, intolerant; intolerant, authoritarian; clueless, racist, old, authoritarian and intolerant. Fits your profile perfectly. Moving down the list, which I couldn't be bothered to post, and you're straight into tiggers' demographic. Add the two and you have a lot of votes, and foot soldiers.
The top 4 things Reform voters believe in. Says it all:

Young people today do not have enough respect for traditional British values 89%
Migrants coming to the United Kingdom across the English Channel should all be immediately removed from the United Kingdom and prevented from ever returning 86%
The sentences that the courts hand down to people who have been convicted of crimes are not harsh enough 85%
Multiculturalism has made the UK worse 78%
Had a look at the page for Green voters - pretty much as you'd expect, and to the left of Labour supporters.

I've always voted Labour by choice but will do so only tactically this time. Starmer does at least appear to be competent but is wholly uninspiring. The UK is broken for the 99% and that isn't going to change anytime soon.
I'm hoping we might see his real ambition once he's in power. So much he's afraid to say, and who can blame him with our rw press.
Seems the Reform vote has stabilised.
They WhatsApped all the friends they had. They just want things back the way they used to be.


