
Which £1k integrated amp with DAC?

Hey Jubal, I think I resurrected the thread:), glad you created it and people adding such a value information. So I'm looking to do the same, upgrading from Audiolab 6000A as it opened my love for audio fidelity stuff but I think my Triangles Comete 40th can offer more with a more powerful amplifier so when the 7000A appeared I immediately thought it was the path but then someone told me to check the Hegel H95 and all around the internet it seems it is really a great option but I'm afraid losing the emotions I got with the 6000A. I have external DACs that for sure has improved the 6000A so the internal DAC on the 7000A is not that relevant for me but the improvement of the sound vs the 6000A, could you share how it was going from 6000A to 7000A, of course I don't expect a night and day but smaller improvements are the ones that makes the difference in the songs, did the upgrade bring new emotions to you? Really appreciate your comments, thank you!
I struggle to describe it. It’s a fuller, beefier sound. Punchier bass and yet better/cleaner sounding. It sounds both bigger and brighter. Does that make sense? I only bought the 7000a because I could return it. I clearly like it because I’m only half looking for a replacement. The same option s/h would’ve involved a gamble on resale. But I’m drawn toward a Hegel or Lyngdorf. Let’s see.

I’m very dubious about hearing differences from the streamer itself. The DAC I get but I’m reluctant to head off down an audiophile rabbit hole in a compromised room. I don’t criticise anyone who does believe they hear differences in cables and so on but I am not yet ready for that caper.
Thread resurrection, nice. I ended up with the 7000a. The DAC is better, it’s also punchier especially at family friendly volumes. It’s definitely a better all rounder. Which I guess was Audiolab’s aim. In the streaming world as I am I avoided anything needing a separate DAC. Even if it meant swerving some of the less mainstream makers. ICBA going down that rabbit hole yet.

I still have the urge to upgrade, people tell me the speakers deserve more power. But I’m not actively looking beyond these classifieds.
I don't suppose you have ever owned a Quad 306? If so, would you say the Audiolab 7000A is the better amplifier? ( my 306 is driving Spendor S3/5 R2 SE's)
I struggle to describe it. It’s a fuller, beefier sound. Punchier bass and yet better/cleaner sounding. It sounds both bigger and brighter. Does that make sense? I only bought the 7000a because I could return it. I clearly like it because I’m only half looking for a replacement. The same option s/h would’ve involved a gamble on resale. But I’m drawn toward a Hegel or Lyngdorf. Let’s see.

I’m very dubious about hearing differences from the streamer itself. The DAC I get but I’m reluctant to head off down an audiophile rabbit hole in a compromised room. I don’t criticise anyone who does believe they hear differences in cables and so on but I am not yet ready for that caper.
Thanks a lot for your response, for sure it helps me to get to a decision point.

