
What's your favourite summer drink or cocktail?

We’ll see what we can do 😄
Justin Timberlake got lifted for DUI in the Hamptons last week. He pleaded innocence claiming to have had one dry martini at the American Hotel in Sag Harbour. A regular took me there last year and opined that he couldn’t walk after two of their martinis never mind make it to his car.

The offending articles,
Justin Timberlake got lifted for DUI in the Hamptons last week. He pleaded innocence claiming to have had one dry martini at the American Hotel in Sag Harbour.

The Royal Family and all the peerage survive and breed on "those" kinds of Martinis. Got that info from taxi drivers. One said "The Queen Mother is so drunk at times that she has to be held up with scaffolding...."
Justin Timberlake got lifted for DUI in the Hamptons last week. He pleaded innocence claiming to have had one dry martini at the American Hotel in Sag Harbour. A regular took me there last year and opined that he couldn’t walk after two of their martinis never mind make it to his car.

The offending articles,
If you can provide the Margarita if you can supply the summer weather.
The Royal Family and all the peerage survive and breed on "those" kinds of Martinis. Got that info from taxi drivers. One said "The Queen Mother is so drunk at times that she has to be held up with scaffolding...."
One of her Ladies in Waiting said her fishing hut on the Balmoral Estate was known as The Old Bull & Bush.
Apple Cup
30ml apple gin (Tarquins is good here)
15ml Pomona
topped up with a nice sparkling dry cider

garnish with dehydrated and scorched apple slice
When doing a BBQ, always a nice cold beer seems to hit the spot. If relaxing in the sun by the sea (such as in Spain), a nice ice cold Manzanilla Sherry can't be beaten. If just in the garden at home, an Aperol or Campari & Tonic or G&T does the trick.
Iced water with lemon juice usually. I love a chilled Gewürztraminer as a treat. Otherwise, almost any cold alcoholic beverage if I feel I need to be more relaxed. I don’t like sweet drinks because they go down far too easily! 🥴

