
What's The Last Bit Of Audio Equipment You Have Bought?

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A pair of Canary 300b mono's this week, but this thread would be 50 pages long if I was a regular contributor.:(
Woe is me, 10 Aiwa ADF 990 Cassette decks, Akai GX-9 Cassette deck and 3 pairs of Celestion AVf 302 Glass speakers, Sansui SE99 SE88 Equalisers, oh and JVC QL 5YFY Turntable, and now on ebay getting a fraction of their worth due to moving house!
Well Tempered Simplex (waiting for delivery)
Croft RIAA phono stage (arrived this morning)
Okki Nokki a few weeks ago and is fantastic.
Just returned from a 600 mile round trip to collect an immaculate pair of MK2 Naim SBL speakers. Now just need to find time to set them up. Roll on the weekend.
This is supposed to be a list of Audio Equipment...

It is audio equipment. It isn't a set of golf clubs, is it?

When we plugged the first Audiomica cable in to one of our reference systems, the first thing that struck us was how the reproduction system suddenly vanished leaving us with an effortless portrayal of musicians at work. These cables, at less than £1,000 were doing things that cables at many times their price had previously failed to achieve. We were hooked.

Steven wants his equipment to vanish and Audiomica is the way to do it.
An old JVC Super A amp for £34 which is more enjoyable to listen to than a Job 225 with a passive pre (which is now on Ebay, thank you very much).
New Amphion Argon 3L speakers in white. Will arrive in a few weeks. I am confident that these will sound perfect with the LakeWest Vfets.
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