
What Was Your Most Expensive Hi-Fi Purchase?

Ok I just for the bill for the room, for a giant white box with a lid, it sure feels like a bottomless pit. I am not saying figures but it is eye watering. Greater than spec insulation, fancy schmancy acoustic plasterboard and weird-ass plaster, decoupled inner frame and a helmholtz frame unit tucked away way high above in the ceiling void = near mana casualty costs. If you can equate that in money-to-mates-lost-contact-with on the open market its neck and neck.

Glass wall will no doubt have the know-it-all fishies shaking their heads, (please don't graph me to oblivion, chillax we have a plan... acoustician had a look yesterday and did some preliminary readings on the empty room and reverb impulses, horrible as expected but not as horrible as she had expected and thinks we won't need those skyline thingies which personally is a dissapoint as they look dead serious. I may insist. In fact I will insist.

The mixing desk is being decoupled from the rest of the room which I could pretend to be serious ass stuff, but in reality we did it because that part of the room's floor was ruined after a year open to the elements so we needed 6" of pure conk dumped into the floor space on top of 2" thermal insulation and 1" of acoustic insulation, it has a resonant mode of very low hz (according to calcs which are downstairs and I am upstairs and not getting out of bed for) anyone with half a brain knows what a lot of conk that requires.

Nearly there, now my first string quartet recording in there in the summer. I really like the opticool that Martin Clark of this parish recommended. The glass wall is a nice touch. Plan is we drape that for record/playback and pull to reveal field of ponies and electron pump.

Not bad for a living room and workspace.

Still a head****. stuff is butt clenchingly expensive these days am glad it's not my money.


Gear cost wise, irrelevant, gear is irrelevant blah. Living well is more important.
Event Opals two weeks ago. £1850 ex demo. Sold Art Audio Quitet and a pair of Albarry M1008s which had been battling it out for months to finance it. Feel a bit silly about the shenanigans of the past few years now ..... Neat Motives, Shahinian Compass, Opera Super Pavarotti, Dali Mentor Menuets, etc. Three hundred quid speaker cables :-( ... All done now ...... well part from the MDAC upgrade :)
Was it worth it?
I think my CD5x, which irritatingly has depreciated far more than anything else I've owned...
Ok I just for the bill for the room, for a giant white box with a lid, it sure feels like a bottomless pit. I am not saying figures but it is eye watering. Greater than spec insulation, fancy schmancy acoustic plasterboard and weird-ass plaster, decoupled inner frame and a helmholtz frame unit tucked away way high above in the ceiling void = near mana casualty costs. If you can equate that in money-to-mates-lost-contact-with on the open market its neck and neck.

You are making very good progress with the room.

The past is the past, it has gone, good to be back in contact now and hopefully in the future. A visit up North would be good.

Gear cost wise, irrelevant, gear is irrelevant blah. Living well is more important.

Getting much closer to your viewpoint re gear etc. Certainly agree that living well and in my words, being happy is what matters, not all the gear etc!
Ok I just for the bill for the room, for a giant white box with a lid, it sure feels like a bottomless pit. I am not saying figures but it is eye watering. Greater than spec insulation, fancy schmancy acoustic plasterboard and weird-ass plaster, decoupled inner frame and a helmholtz frame unit tucked away way high above in the ceiling void = near mana casualty costs. If you can equate that in money-to-mates-lost-contact-with on the open market its neck and neck.

Glass wall will no doubt have the know-it-all fishies shaking their heads, (please don't graph me to oblivion, chillax we have a plan... acoustician had a look yesterday and did some preliminary readings on the empty room and reverb impulses, horrible as expected but not as horrible as she had expected and thinks we won't need those skyline thingies which personally is a dissapoint as they look dead serious. I may insist. In fact I will insist.

The mixing desk is being decoupled from the rest of the room which I could pretend to be serious ass stuff, but in reality we did it because that part of the room's floor was ruined after a year open to the elements so we needed 6" of pure conk dumped into the floor space on top of 2" thermal insulation and 1" of acoustic insulation, it has a resonant mode of very low hz (according to calcs which are downstairs and I am upstairs and not getting out of bed for) anyone with half a brain knows what a lot of conk that requires.

Nearly there, now my first string quartet recording in there in the summer. I really like the opticool that Martin Clark of this parish recommended. The glass wall is a nice touch. Plan is we drape that for record/playback and pull to reveal field of ponies and electron pump.

Not bad for a living room and workspace.

Still a head****. stuff is butt clenchingly expensive these days am glad it's not my money.


Gear cost wise, irrelevant, gear is irrelevant blah. Living well is more important.

You may have missed out.........but stereophile July 2004 implied that you need horse hair plaster for the best acoustic effect!
FWIW my heart sank when I saw the acoustic board or the plaster wheeled in, it was called "something something Royale". All I could think of was "ouch that word Royale" (note the extra e) is gonna come with a price tag"

But mostly I had a curious mashup between Oscar the Grouch and Pulp Fiction... Which needs to be a thing more than I need a studio.
It will be fantastic when it's finished. That view through those windows.

The view is why I bought the place, and the land pour les poneys... Seemed a shame not to just tank down the south wall and turn it into glass while we were roofless.

The porno is

Oscar (pulp fiction) Royale is the eye watering foo foo black monolith radiators (somewhere off shot)

Oscar (the grouch) Elite (no relationship) is the eye watering foo foo plaster

Knauf Silent Board Elite (no relation, but elite is very popular when it costs) is the eye watering foo foo plasterboard

There are some daft decoupling brackets as well that our suffering French builder shrugged, rolled his eyes and mumbled "something something audiofillies, merde"

And gobs of foam, ~240mm Kingspan in some places with squirty insulating foam between cuts. joists and so on. Super thorough.

I dislike paying foo foo prices and my tendency towards foo foo gullibility but I can tell this foo foo stuff probably works, short of building an identical space with identical dimensions (being the only real scientifical method any self respecting PFMer would accept), I feel the monkey gets the ladder and the banana... you smack your monkey in this large, laddery space and its a lot deader... Banana-ier if you like than you expect. Not dared wheel the subs in until the flooring is down. Acousticbod likes it, "this is a quiet room" which is good because I intend playing loud: ATCs only come alive at loud volumes, (as any fule kno, isn't that right Merlin?).

I reckon two more months and it begins to start waking up. Then we find the Bits Wot Rattle.

Been too fecking long... I think the room is the most important thing, then the view then the equipment.. room haz priorty.
One helluva view fox and damn nice looking room shaping up as well.

We need a dedicated thread with pictures as construction progresses.

Looks real spiffy-like.

Program almost complete; enter when ready.

Old gaffe made new. We started with four bare outer walls No roof. Acts 15:16, yo.

Frankly I was all for bulldozing, skipping it and and re-doing it at 5% VAT council delisted as ruinous but "too many walls standing to demolish" le buggers. It's about the same £ in the end. Superb job but just over two years to get there 8 months insurance fannying about the contents is still insurance fannying about. Don't go there.

Lovely place, nothing to put in it. I have applied for an Apple store
I paid way too high a price for that room (and the house). I have satisfaction at its rebuild and zero energy consumption -- but no pride. It remains to be seen if I can live there. I am not moving back unless we have our own ponies. I stand by that. when the lawyers agree on a sum and it comes down to Music or Ponies, then I walk away from audio, studio, music, pHD, instruments, academia, sell the lot and grow old around ponies and comics.

A room is after all just a place to stuff your junk. Sometimes you cannot have it all. Perhaps time for a change. I'm angry I am Ill and ugly as sin. As the great Devoto said...

...Or As the great Davito once said "What do you call 500 lawyers lying on the bottom of the Ocean? A good start..."

But yeah, that room is quite something. Would be a shame to trip at the final hurdle. Especially after the work on sound management. But it's all invisible, it can be a normal room.

