
What Was Your Most Expensive Hi-Fi Purchase?

Mine was a second hand pair of Shahinian Obelisks. Made less painful by trading in a pair of Arcs against part of the cost.

Back in 2004, a Classe' CP-500 pre-amp with the bespoke and matching dual-mono phono stage on daughter-boards set me back ~GBP 4,150.00 (R54,000 in 2004 terms).

No regrets...
Event Opals two weeks ago. £1850 ex demo. Sold Art Audio Quitet and a pair of Albarry M1008s which had been battling it out for months to finance it. Feel a bit silly about the shenanigans of the past few years now ..... Neat Motives, Shahinian Compass, Opera Super Pavarotti, Dali Mentor Menuets, etc. Three hundred quid speaker cables :-( ... All done now ...... well part from the MDAC upgrade :)
Grey Grease 301, 300 mile round trip to collect was the worst bit.

Its no better than my 401, but looks nice.
All those years and records that its seen I'm a happy custodian (weak provenance ex BBC Lancashire?)
5000€ for second hand Focal Alto Utopia speakers 2 weeks ago :) ouch, still hurts little bit even they are great :)
In relation to income, it must be a new Lp12, Ekos, Troika, 32.5, hi cap, 250 and Kabers back in the late 80's. I was paying back the bank loan for ages and the bank manager removed my bank card at one point. This was when the bank manager actually took a personal interest in customers.
At one point a couple of years back, the total original UK retail of my entire system, including cables, stands etc was approaching £15k. However, I paid about £5k. ...

Over 23 years...

I think that's fair value.

And incidentally, apart from a single drive unit in my Rogers Studio 3s needing a new surround, and a few valves popping, nothing has ever gone faulty in that 23 years.

Probably a pair of Horning Agathon Ultimate loudspeakers before I was able to design and build the things myself :)
It's a Sme 20/2 with a Sme v arm. It has the old psu. Loved my old gyro but this was a considerable change in class (directly compared the gyro and Sme with the Sme v arm and same cart etc).
And incidentally, apart from a single drive unit in my Rogers Studio 3s needing a new surround, and a few valves popping, nothing has ever gone faulty in that 23 years.

You really do like to tempt fate, don't you... :)
Quick - touch some real wood right now!!!
I have had ATC 100`s since `96 then changed to 50`s in 2000 to go into a smaller room.
A new SCA2 preamp about 5 years ago and that was that for me, I built my CD transport (£400.00) then the 8 stack DDDAC (£1300.00) and I am sorted. I have never heard digital so good and that is SPDIF 44.1 :)
The LFD integrated and separate phono stage were not exactly bargain components.

However, I'll probably hang not them for many a long year.
A pair of original Tannoy corner GRF's (ex SABC) with a pair of Leak 12.1 power amps. Expensive enough but I had to fly to Cape Town to buy them and I never turn right on long haul fights, wifey came too and we stayed for 10 days.

