
What Was Your HiFi in 1980?

That’s what I was using in 1980 (9 years old); the disco version, it was awesome.

I remember adverts like that...10 Watts Peak Music Power!... (aka Amstrad Watts). Which is 5 Watts PMP per channel.....which is 3.5 Watts RMS per channel. So not that much after all.
I think I was still running the Thorens TD160 and the Hadcock, probably with an Ortofon VMS20E/II, along with a Sansui AU217 II amp, and perhaps a pair of Dave Berriman's DBS4 kit speakers, published in Practical Hi-Fi magazine. My late grandad, a cabinet finisher at the local British Rail works, built the cabinets and soldered the crossover parts together for me. I would've been 18 for most of that year. My memory isn't good enough to be certain though- I might still have been using KEF Corellis and a Goodmans Module 90 receiver. The DBS4s and the Sansui might've been 1981...
In 1980 I was using the very same cartridge in my Rega 3 ( S-shaped arm) that I am now using in my Ittok LVIII - my A&R P77 so I have come full circle, although the tip is different, was a Paroc and is now an HE. My amp is the same make - Sugden, then an A48II and now an A21SE) and my speakers are/were 2-ways also, both designed by Mr Comeau (then HB2s and now WD25TEx. Only my phono is now vastly superior - OTT rebuilt Puresound P10 in 2 boxes c/w the then Sugden phono input on the orange/brown monster.
I also drive the same 1975 VW Beetle 1303 (bought new in 1975)so I´m a boring sod - plus ça change, cést la même chose. Still playing the same discs, too. Mayall, Hartley, Van, Blodwyn, Mac. and the odd Bill Evans with a bit of the Dan.
In my defence, I do live in a time warp on the southernmost fringe of the EU where the nearest thing to a hifi shop is a Media Markt.
Sorry, forgot to mention my most recent additions - my Addis pads all over the place.
Not mine as I was only 8 in 1980. My dad had this Sansui hi-fi but with a Sony turntable. I didn’t really start using it in earnest until 1982/83, recording stuff off the radio and listening to the first records I had bought (Madness, Steely Dan) from the local Woolworths in Crouch End.

Radio Cassette from my Grandad. Bless that man's heart.
Recorded the chart show on my lone Curry's C90. Played that tape again and again.
Eventually got a second hand Fidelity record player from a friend who's family moved to Australia. It was white and major cool. This went to my brother when I got a pioneer stack system.
When I was 17 and started work ( I hated school and managed one week of sixth form which I loathed) I bought a watch with my first week's wages (Tissot, still have it) then I saved up for my first proper hifi..... '85 by the time it came along.
PL112D, VMS20E, Linsley-Hood pre-amp plus the 10W Class-A amplifier driving Beyer headphones, not at full volume I might add.
I was on pocket money so Goodmans Q20 ‘speakers, Amstrad EX222 Executive receiver, Sony TC FX310 tape player and a cheap Garrard turntable. The Goodmans and the Amstrad found other homes when I went to college and they continued working for at least 25-30 years. The Amstrad was only 15 wpc but it was simple and sounded good. There was a point in the companies history when they had decent products. All of it came from Comet. They were replaced at college with Yamaha and A&R18LS which I bought from Lasky’s with my award of the minimum grant. The Yamaha was a downgrade from the Amstrad.
The biggest spend was the tape player because I was at school and none of us could afford large record collections. If someone bought a record, it probably did a trip around half a dozen houses and we all taped it. Most of our record collections were probably around ten vinyl records.
There was a hierarchy of tapes. For the recordings I really wanted, they went on TDK SA90s with an album on each side. For records that were less important, I bought bulk cassettes from newspaper small ads for about 20-30 pence each. Metal tapes were beyond my budget.
Schneider TS1403 music centre bought from Currys Leicester:-


Bought on the basis that my favourite band was Kraftwerk and at age 13 I foolishly fancied that this piece of sh*t might be Florian Schneider's own brand!

I had to blutac a 2p coin onto the headshell to stop the needle jumping!

The cassette deck had wow and flutter a plenty.

The tuner from memory was OK and the stand was handy for storing my vinyl collection.

May have been 1981 not 1980 - I can't remember. I do know that one of the first records I played on it was "Computer World" (while I mucked about with a Sinclair ZX 81):-

"I program my home computer

...beam myself into the future"
Bogen TT, Electro Voice amp, Koss headphones - I was 17. The EV amp was cool, but blew an output transistor. Still have the knobs.



phwoar - that Bogen is an early Lenco L70 derivative, fantastic TT and the arm is actually good compared to the later L75s! I still have a pristine L70 in my collection.
Had this superb phillips ghatto blaster with detachable speakers and slide controls , just right for a tiny room in my accommodation

Phillips 8534 ,they still have them on ebay !! Amazing
Mine was a third hand (parents, bruvver, me) Thorn/Ferguson radiogram. Decent looking thing with an angled control panel with tuning window and sliders for tone, balance and volume.
I have never been able to find a piccy of the model though.
Probably a bit nasty but great at the time!
Pioneer PL12d turntable with Shure M75ED cartridge, Pioneer SX535 receiver, Pioneer top loading cassette deck (can't recall exact model number) along with a pair of Celef Monitor speakers. I still have the Celef Monitor speakers although not in current system and my youngest son still has my old Pioneer PL12d in use,
Thorens TD160 with Hadcock arm & Entre 1 cartridge
Lentek phono stage
Quad 33/303
B & W DM2/II speakers
Aiwa 1250 cassette deck

All except cassette deck bought from KJ in Fleet St

Hadcock & Entre soon replaced by Rega RB200 & Elite cartridge after damaging not 1 but 2 Entre's due to being too pissed/stoned!

Quads bought in preference to the new fangled A & R A60 - the difference in build quality was chalk & cheese

All sold in 81 to finance travel to India & Asia. By the time I returned to the UK the Flat Earth philosophy was in full swing
A Fidelity record player with built in amp and a pair of speakers. A Phillips Tape Recorder that sat on top of Cambridge Box with a better external speaker, still Mono. I was 12.

My Dads brother lived up our street, he had a lovely Hifi and a lovely wife, they both inspired my future. I managed the latter, still working on the former!!

Cheers BB

