
What Was Your HiFi in 1980?

I was 7 in 1980 and was given a small Philips N2208 portable cassette recorder for my birthday that year. I recorded many of my first 'mixtapes' using the Philips' electret mic and a small portable MW radio I borrowed. Great times!

My dad had a typical Belgian system from 1978, of those that were available at independant hifi and TV shops here in those days:
Sanyo DCA 1001A amp, FMT 1001A tuner, RD-5055 cassette deck, Sanyo TP-1020 record player, and some Belgian hifi loudspeakers.
A Ferguson Studio 40D music centre.
My Dad, not a big music lover, surprised my brother and me by suddenly deciding to spend £99.99 at Rumbleows in the January sale.
The 13 year old me was beyond excited. I could play my small collection of punk, new wave and increasingly metal singles and the few LP's I'd managed to afford.
Plus I could tape John Peel and the Friday Rock Show. And I could tape borrowed albums from mates.
It was pretty much the best thing in my life and didn't sound half bad either.
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It was around 1980 that I changed my hifi completely. But I started with a Yamaha combo based around a CR-420 receiver, an integrated-into-cabinet non-descript TT and a pair of oversized and under-endowed loudspeakers. To that, I added a Teac A-103 cassette deck.

Good times!
Garrard GT255AP turntable
Ortofon FF15EO cartridge
Rotel RA500 amplifier
Scott T216 tuner
Sharp RT10E cassette deck
Mission 700 loudspeakers
Aged 15 in 1980.

Ariston RD80SL/LVV/K9 or AT MM​
Technics RS-M205 cassette deck​
Rogers A75 Mk2 amp​
Rogers T75 Mk2 tuner​
Heybrook HB2 on matching open frame stands. Think I was using shot firing wire the old man got from the pit then QED 79 after a HiFi Answers article, bit vague after all these years.​

1980 - my mum and dad's system which comprised of a Garrard SP25, unknown cart, Eagle receiver and matching speakers with bell-wire leads. I would position the speakers either side of the french doors and lie on the floor between them, as I discovered that way I got a sense of imaging - stuff happened between the speakers. I would play my brothers albums (Pink Floyd, Mike Oldfield, Sparks) as my parent's tastes were Readers Digest compilations and film scores...
At 12:

JVC QLA51 turntable - average
Boots receiver - goodness knows who made that!
Some small Goodmans speakers

Valhalla arrived three years later courtesy of Sysyemdek, Akai, Creek and B&W.

