
What the Fukishima is going on there?

No it all stops at an administrative barrier and is filtered out from the planets air supply by Tepco under guidance from the Nuclear Industry -

you are perfectly safe -
you can believe the Government
they have our welfare as their prime concern

All OK now, they've sacked a couple of people responsible:

Does mention somewhere down in the smallprint that "At the Fukushima plant itself, workers are still trying to bring the reactors under control by January at the latest.

Earlier this week, Tepco said hotspots had been discovered on an exhaust pipe from the buildings, showing the highest levels of radiation recorded since the crisis began."

So at least we are all fully informed now.

Of course, the real headlines most everywhere (at least where I'm sitting) is about a fake bomb necklace on some poor Sydney girl - truly awful.
It's hard to get much of a handle on the scale of the disaster. There's a fair bit of hysteria on the conspiracy forums - nothing new there, remember BP - but if you filter out the noise is a reasonable source.

It's actually very hard to imagine what can be done on the site given the current conditions.
Amazing situation. The lengths the Japanese government have gone to to keep things under wraps beggars belief. Now they have actual 'melt-through' in 3 of the reactors to contend with, the situation makes the Chernobyl clean-up look like a doddle in comparison.
Hmm obviously out of my depth here BUT

what about the 40 years and that potentially hundreds of metric tons of spent fuel rods

That they were stored onsite is not in doubt and not on the ground floor but in raised cooling pools - I read that they were in some senses above the reactors - very prescient design there -

This aspect was covered a bit in the early days but now the is censoring info it isnt discussed anywhere I drive by - is anyone here aware of info on the old rods and storage and whats happened to them?

At least its on the surface where it can be seen and worked with -
Im told he's saying we are snarfed if it goes. But judging by my last posts nobody will ever notice. Translations versions are in the sidebar

"During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant's Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.

(NaturalNews) Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant's Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.

This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable. As some Natural News readers will recall, Unit 4 contains the infamous elevated cooling pool that was severely damaged following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011.

According to the Secretary of former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the ground beneath Unit 4 has already sunk by about 31.5 inches since the disaster, and this sinking has taken place unevenly. If the ground continues to sink, which it is expected to, or if another earthquake of even as low as a magnitude six occurs in the region, the entire structure could collapse, which would fully drain the cooling pool and cause a catastrophic meltdown.

"If Unit 4 collapses, the worse case scenario will be a meltdown, and a resultant fire in the atmosphere. That will be the most unprecedented crisis that man has ever experienced. Nobody will be able to approach the plants ... as all will have melted down and caused a big fire," said Murata during the interview. "Many scientists say if Unit 4 collapses, not only will Japan lie in ruin, but the entire world will also face serious damages."

TEPCO said the lied last week about Tsunami aspects of the site when building. These big businesses - should at least have the owners living on such sites. What is it with this dufus system of self regulation with placemen lobbyists coopted politicians etc. I feel a Strauss Kahn combined with a Tony Blair Moment coming over me. Its probably my question answered ..


if the vid doesnt load heres the link

I have read this in some science place maybe PhysOrg again so it seems reliable news and there has been mini quakes recently too - at least this is what we are told
Shouldn't they just have buried this place under concrete with a coolant exchange system months ago.
Now we know the answer to the 'what's the worst that can happen?' question.
Call me old fashioned but I would have started transferring the spent fuel rods out of there day 1.
It was always said to be totally impossible - fragility was always emphasised and the incredible fact that they were way up in the roof space no longer robustly supported and burnt bone dry meant radioactive dust concerns high

Which I guess is what he is saying as well.

I have no idea if volunteers for death exist as this area is lethal - but IF tepco were to be believed its nigh impossible to reach and address the rods tank without fear of dislodging.

I have no idea if that information remains applicable - my guess is it does - do 'they' care?
They have removed some rubble and steelwork that had fallen into the spent fuel pools eg at reactor 4 pond, but I don't think they could remove fuel [I haven't seen details for many months] because what would you do with it? It needs to be underwater and any damaged rods would be mangled up in their racking. The racking is designed to keep the rods apart to avoid a prompt criticality, neutron/gamma bursts, heat and nastiness. You can't pick up a handful of bent rods and carry it to the combined storage pool on the site.
It always sounded very concerning but even more given the catalogue of errors since conception. I think its 2 years since the last Chernobyl farm lost its subsidy - this lot is urban mythed at way way more than Chernobyl. I have no idea but its was a rumour since the beginning
There is no agreed number of deaths from Chernobyl even among the firemen who saved the day and nobody bothered about the Reindeer. So re the OP theres plenty of effects but no one will admit anyone has died from it except the ever .. firemen, nuclear workers etc

The servicemen who were on Easter island during the bomb tests are still fighting for compensation.

