
What the Fukishima is going on there?

I've not come across Jeff Rense before but he appears to be a conspiracy theory nutjob.

Indeed but his site also breaks loads of stuff before anyone else-just don't believe everything you read and look at the reps of who he links to and it's a mine of information.
Yup and a few said it at the time, on the earlier PF Fukem thread I mention the US commentator from the BBC who said this had happened based on the releases/explosions etc etc.
I think a good indicator a very bad nuclear incident had occurred was when the US Navy decided to retire to a ahem, safe distance.
The answer is a fiasco.

Mistakes Report lists tsunami safety flaws

Protection added to Japan’s nuclear plants after a 2002 review of tsunami risks fatally underestimated the hazards that emerged in the Fukushima disaster, the first independent assessment has found.
A report published yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency also found that:

• Regulators had failed to review or approve the improved defences.

• Accident plans could not cope with multiple plant failures.

• Sites have no seismically robust buildings to shelter emergency teams.

• Instruments essential to monitoring reactors were not sufficiently “hardened” against accidents

• The risks of hydrogen explosions was underestimated.

• There were “dedicated and devoted” workers available but in the crisis “complicated structures and organisations” resulted “in delays in urgent decision making”.

Launching a four-day ministerial summit on nuclear safety in Vienna, the IAEA’s head, Yukiya Amano, urged a worldwide review of measures to prevent future disasters.

Source: The Guardian 21.6.11

There are questions about how much of japans agricultural land has been made dangerous by the radiation blow out, there is also a similar question about marine pollution and in particular (for now) shellfish being off limits on the NE coast, the 'fiasco' included the Tsunami. The amount of arable land there is mostly limited to the coastal strip - a great wadge of land is affected - at least till they alter the acceptable exposure levels for crops and farmers etc.

Surface crops cereals etc do better than sub surface crops such as potatoes, but rice lies in water and water rich plants eg tomatoes also end up radiated.

There is no agreed number of deaths from Chernobyl even among the firemen who saved the day and nobody bothered about the Reindeer. So re the OP theres plenty of effects but no one will admit anyone has died from it except the ever .. firemen, nuclear workers etc

With US and japanese and Global Nuke Industry on the job one may (IMHO) rest assured there will be no official figures on death from FukUshima. I note that the mass media no longer provides public info on what radiation from Japan is being found these days around the globe.No doubt figs for injuries from wind turbines will soon emerge.

However the pro Nuke have taken a huge knock in credibility and I pray what I feel is a global human concensus (just say No) prevails.

The Germans and Japs are dead set against Nuke power, the Italian People are just about the same, here I feel the wheels are turning - even in the US though some 5 are near completion - if FukUshima just goes on getting worse then I doubt the other 20 or so on the US books will go ahead. As of now 2 US plants are a serious cause for concern due to Missouri floods etc

Im with the 'lets use less mob' not the 'let me sell you more' brigade
However whatever did go?is going on is or was being viewed by (wait for it)

Jerusalem Post

Israeli firm’s cameras recording Japanese nuclear core

Security cameras installed by Israeli defense company at Fukushima plant

As the world continues to gaze with concern at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, hi-tech security cameras installed by an Israeli defense firm are recording events at the troubled core from an insider’s vantage point.

The Arava-based Magna BSP company, which specializes in producing and installing stereoscopic sensory and thermal imaging cameras, had been contracted to place cameras around one of the plant’s six cores – the core that has been experiencing explosions and overheating.

"Aren't IDF suppliers in your local nuke station BRILLIANT!"

I cant find much certifiable comment on this little thread but its mentioned here & there that the existence of the remote viewing capabilities were unknown to the Japanese Gov and Tepco...... till after the damge
Ah ****ushima - it just gets better all the time.
The honourable criminals in the japanese government have passed a law to allow removal of internet postings that are 'bad nuclear news'


are accused of setting about altering radiation standards which would mean one doesnt have the right to a radiation free environment


The US EPA which checks for rad levels in that country is accused of fiddling with their Geiger counters to suggest lower figs


I expect readers will know that the Japanese populace have begun a massive 'build your own geiger counter movement' - figs from which are collated on line and hugely add to and - yes - contradict the official figs -

This move came about as official test locations where suspiciously located and inexplicably off line in some cases leading to far lower readings averaged out from few results. I heard this on the beeb so have no link for it yet- but of course the beeb is to be trusted

isnt it

"- The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has detected the highest radiation levels at the facility since the initial earthquake and tsunami five months ago, a company spokesman said Tuesday.

The ultra-high levels of radiation were measured Monday afternoon on the grounds of the facility, between reactors No. 1 and 2, Tokyo Electric Power Company spokesman Naoki Tsunoda. The lethal radiation was found at the bottom of a ventilation tower.

The power company immediately cordoned off the area and is currently investigating the cause of the high radiation and how it will affect the recovery work at the plant, Tsunoda said.

The radiation levels -- 10,000 millisieverts per hour -- are high enough that a single 60-minute dose would be fatal to humans within weeks."

etc etc etc
No it all stops at an administrative barrier and is filtered out from the planets air supply by Tepco under guidance from the Nuclear Industry -

you are perfectly safe -
you can believe the Government
they have our welfare as their prime concern
leaking may not be the right term - there are many headlines - I havent read the articles - which state its worse than Chernobyl regarding emissions

Whatever that means - and rewriting history as the - has actively begun

(see link above re japanese government have passed a law to allow removal of internet postings that are 'bad nuclear news')

is not IMO a good sign. Same as Windscale,

Apart from that I wonder what japans ruling elites are actually achieving ?

What a situation

