
What the Fukishima is going on there?

WIll we ever know? Sounds like no one agrees on death rates casued by Chernobyl and the figs are inflated as it guarentees one a state income in The Ukraine to have a Chernobyl related disease etc

The ppor ppl working their lives away to fix it for all when Tepco appear quite incompetent in a friendly General Electric sandbag sort of way
Well there's two different sides of the same story, almost as if the HUFF guys don't read other peoples news.
Oh, the Huffington article reminds me somewhat of many articles written during the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Always best to do your own research! (in as much as one can).
WIll we ever know? Sounds like no one agrees on death rates casued by Chernobyl and the figs are inflated as it guarentees one a state income in The Ukraine to have a Chernobyl related disease etc
and Belarusians, do they get a state income?
When I meet one I shall ask - I wuz good at Geog - is it

that sort of ?
the reason I ask, Ian, is that whilst I'm more than willing to remain open minded about Chernobyl and its legacy, the bit that doesn't make sense to me (based on personal experience) are the many many Belarusian children that come to the UK each year for respite holidays. Of the few I met personally, the majority of those were dead within 18 months. This just doesn't seem to stack up against the overall claim that there are no increases in cancer rates amongst children. Either it's a massive swizz; or these sick children fall into the norm in terms of numbers (there have been thousands over the years); or the truth is being suppressed.
or the truth is being suppressed.

I don't think it's being suppressed, just nobody likes to talk about it.

It's public knowledge that the Russians seeded the clouds over Belarus to prevent the fallout hitting Moscow, as that was the direction of the wind.
More disturbing developments ...

Efforts to control the collapse of Fukushima are continuing to face problems.
The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), had intended to cool reactor 1 by filling the containment chamber with water.

But Tepco has now discovered that melting fuel rods have created a hole in the chamber, allowing 3,000 tonnes - more than could fit inside an Olympic-sized swimming pool - of contaminated water to leak into the basement of the reactor building.
Some experts fear the water could pose a serious environmental hazard to groundwater and the Pacific.
End of 'all things considered didn't it go well' pov?

Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant

The nuclear fuel in three of the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant has melted through the base of the pressure vessels and is pooling in the outer containment vessels, according to a report by the Japanese government.
The findings of the report, which has been given to the International Atomic Energy Agency, were revealed by the Yomiuri newspaper, which described a "melt-through" as being "far worse than a core meltdown" and "the worst possibility in a nuclear accident."
A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company is presently revising the road-map for bringing the plant under control, including the time required to achieve cold shutdown of the reactors.
In a best-case scenario, the company says it will be able to achieve that by October, although that may have to be revised in light of the report.
Water that was pumped into the pressure vessels to cool the fuel rods, becoming highly radioactive in the process, has been confirmed to have leaked out of the containment vessels and outside the buildings that house the reactors.
Tepco said it is trying to contain the contaminated water and prevent it from leaking into the sea, but elevated levels of radiation have been confirmed in the ocean off the plant.
End of 'all things considered didn't it go well' pov?

Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant

The nuclear fuel in three of the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant has melted through the base of the pressure vessels and is pooling in the outer containment vessels, according to a report by the Japanese government.
The findings of the report, which has been given to the International Atomic Energy Agency, were revealed by the Yomiuri newspaper, which described a "melt-through" as being "far worse than a core meltdown" and "the worst possibility in a nuclear accident."
A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company is presently revising the road-map for bringing the plant under control, including the time required to achieve cold shutdown of the reactors.
In a best-case scenario, the company says it will be able to achieve that by October, although that may have to be revised in light of the report.
Water that was pumped into the pressure vessels to cool the fuel rods, becoming highly radioactive in the process, has been confirmed to have leaked out of the containment vessels and outside the buildings that house the reactors.
Tepco said it is trying to contain the contaminated water and prevent it from leaking into the sea, but elevated levels of radiation have been confirmed in the ocean off the plant.
End of the 'all things considered didn't it go well' pov?

Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant

The nuclear fuel in three of the reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant has melted through the base of the pressure vessels and is pooling in the outer containment vessels, according to a report by the Japanese government.
The findings of the report, which has been given to the International Atomic Energy Agency, were revealed by the Yomiuri newspaper, which described a "melt-through" as being "far worse than a core meltdown" and "the worst possibility in a nuclear accident."

A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the company is presently revising the road-map for bringing the plant under control, including the time required to achieve cold shutdown of the reactors.
In a best-case scenario, the company says it will be able to achieve that by October, although that may have to be revised in light of the report.
Water that was pumped into the pressure vessels to cool the fuel rods, becoming highly radioactive in the process, has been confirmed to have leaked out of the containment vessels and outside the buildings that house the reactors.
Tepco said it is trying to contain the contaminated water and prevent it from leaking into the sea, but elevated levels of radiation have been confirmed in the ocean off the plant.
3000 tonnes, that sounds manageable doesn't it? much better than 'three million litres'...
I've never been comfortable with organic vegetables and bean sprouts. Are the risks acceptable? I think not!
The 3000 tonnes figure is interesting. As SQ says, 3 million litres sounds a lot worse. It does until you reflect that my small 2 bed house has an internal volume of about 400m3 from kitchen floor to bedroom ceiling, so we are talking about 7 or 8 housefuls of contaminated water. As ever the devil is in the detail, the level of contamination is key. Provided it stays where it is though, 7 or 8 housefuls of water isn't going to be difficult to treat.

