
What speaker cable for Naim / Epos?

How much is the Avondale black link? Quite a few people seem to prefer it to Nac A5.
My Naim dealer suggested Tellurium Q Black or Blue cable rather than NACA5. Another alternative was Chord Odyssey 2. The former is 46 pounds a metre. So much more expensive than NACA5, the other two are just a little more. I believe the Telluriums are user-friendly, and don't need to be equal length. Can't say much more because I still have to make my own choice. Thanks!
I have recently bought some tellurium Q Black.
Dirndl my busy schedule I was only able to remove my NAC A5 and replace with the tellurium Q listen for 10 minutes then go.
My immediate impressions were good. I noticed a lot more detail, more realistic timbre, greater air around instruments etc.
I only needed a 2m pair so financial outlay wasn't too bad for the return I received in sound quality.
Hope this helps. When my schedule slows down I'll be able to spend some time with my hifi and assess the real difference. But my immediate impressions were good. Most retainers will lend you a set for home demo.
I can most definitely recommend NVA cable - I use LS5 with my NAP180 and it works superbly.

Not actually tried NACA5 (did own some back in my Nait 2 days) with this rig though, although have used old Exposure cable which I keep as a back-up, pretty much the same as (or v similar to I think) A5.

Second this. I use LS1 as part of an ongoing NVA integrated experiment, but it really seems to like my Nait 2 and 72/140. The Tellurium Q Blue cable also works a treat - a bit more relaxed.
NAC-A5 is the 1st choice always with Naim, but especially the older pre-black models
But I agree its not easy to lay & stay around bendy bits

I need to run one channel thru a conduit under my stone fireplace, NACA5 just wont push or pull thru the 2x 45 degree bends. So I tested a number of alternatives & settled on Chord Odyssey which (IMO) is very close sonicaly to A5, plus its inductance & capacitance suit Naim & seems to be a preferred alternative in the Naim world. But it is so easy to lay, it bends easily & stays bent exactly as you left it.

Another thought is Linn K20 - this is (reputedly) the same as the old NAC-A4.
The cable spacing, general appearance & the electrical specs look almost identical to A5, but it is significantly more flexible than A5.
Its reputed to sound similar to NAC-A5, maybe slightly softer from what I remember. But it may depend more on your elegances to Salisbury or Glasgow, I once read a heated debate on how bad (or not) A5 sounded in an all Linn system. Amazing how excited we get over a few stands of copper.
I've nothing against Naca 5. I'm sure it's a class speaker cable. It's just it's so user unfriendly. The same as having a sports car on bald tyres. Fine on the straight but wont go around tight bends. It can also be a strain on the connectors unless your very careful at trimming it in.
Could be handy for a shower or cooker though, or maybe a welding set!

QED Qudos, £3.15 per meter, simple, thin enough to bend and very low capicitance so will work well with 3.5 - 5 meter lengths.
You dont have Naim speakers so why would you downgrade your system with Naca5 ?

Chord is in another league,and if you want a cheap one try van den Hul's D352

