
what is wrong in this picture?


i gave away the first part in post #19. a few others have filled in the rest pretty nicely.

this may help you understand everything in full context:

Thanks for that Vuk, I lasted about 21 seconds before upchucking my lunch. It'll take me a while and several doses of Foo Fighters to get that out of my head.

I vaguely knew that pop music was horribly manufactured these days but that was truly revolting. It's like Rick Astley raised to the power of Rick Astley. It actually manages to make Duran Duran look like a serious band.

If you want to know why there's been a vinyl revival then I'd point them to that video. Anyone over 12 must be violently reacting and are catapulting in the opposite direction.

So the answer to your question is ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I do not understand why the air that they are breathing (assuming that they actually do that) doesn't spontaneously fling itself away from them.
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back in the 90s there was a study that looked at the social interactions of teens getting together to watch rented (mainly VHS) horror movies. among the key findings was a display of sex-role-appropriate behaviour, whereby girls reacted to scary scenes with lots of terrified vocal responses like shrieks, whereas the boys pretended to be cool and not afraid.

your reaction here is either a variation on the cool teen boy or you want me to believe you are so stupid as to not understand why soiling the underarm area of a suit that costs at least 100 to 10,000 times the price of an undergarment is wrong. that's even before we get into the crass aspects of gino fashion showmanship.

get a life please!
we used "gino" back in the 80s to refer to guys who dressed like this:


in montreal, they could be found working in shoe stores, of which there are a lot.

modern-day ginos range from cristiano ronaldo to lewis hamilton (though not so much these days). trump doesn't dress like a gino, but his home decor taste is very much so.
hmmm. moderator posts personal attack based on false information and then fails to say anything well after this is brought to his attention.

Hmm, or maybe said person felt your response didn’t need a reply? Or was busy out all day with family and has more important stuff to do than the internet?

Interesting that you’ve chosen my post to bitch about, not many of the others. Have you checked what comes up when you google Gino?

If you set yourself up as an arbiter of taste why would you be surprised if people consider your qualifications in these matters?

I could put my post another way. Aging man tells young person he doesn’t like the way he’s dressed. You’ve got form for this, I recall a thread about hair colour as a starter for one.

To be honest, I know I’m nearly fifty, it’s up to the young how they want to dress. I’m not one to ridicule others.

If my gentle jibe about this has so hit the mark, well I’m sorry. It wasn’t intended to be anything other than a gentle ribbing. However they have a saying round here that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. You haven’t covered yourself in glory in this thread, and this isn’t the first time. You should also maybe be aware that I have in recent time taken no moderation action against you. I suspect you may be tilting at the wrong windmill.

yeah, you made the bitch cut and it's because you are a moderator. i'm hardly the first to raise a point like this about you (see the football thread). you've also side-stepped the key point here, which was about a personal attack, that also happened to be a lie, all written by someone who is supposed to regulate conduct breaches like that.

as @Marky-Mark pointed out a few weeks ago, the lack of glory you observe in the thread has nothing to do with me, but the nastiness of people bent on finding offense in the most banal of places, like an obviously light-hearted thread poking fun at a pair of millionaire celebrities. 10 years ago, it would have been very different, but too many people have either been driven out or are afraid to touch a "social" topic anymore. as mark also pointed out, when moderators set a particular kind of example, etc.

now, as for your accusations of bigotry, what about the contention that older people are not able to make judgments about fashion, which you are now repeating? only someone who knows little about fashion or art would have such a perception. i suspect you're simply trotting out a tabloid-grade cliché with little thought behind it.
Sounds like I touched a nerve? Feeling your age @vuk?

more taunting and avoiding the issue? unbelievable.

no, i don't have a problem with my age. in fact, i posted a couple of selfies here not that long ago. the clear problem in that domain is with your reliance on the age cliché. whether that's to do with ignorance or malevolence is the only open question at this point.
Not quite, vuk.

We should all have to make allowances; just like not all Italian-Canadian young men work in shoe stores in Montreal, not all Czechoslovakian emigrates ended up like the fictional Festrunk brothers in America, some even came to Canada and managed to benefit from higher education. Not that they should spend the rest of their lives apologizing for who they are, and/or grovelling in appreciation, mind; only that they should know better than most that labelling others whose parents did similar (many out of desperation after two world wars) can be deeply hurtful.

Forget the celebrity fashion boundary pushers, 'gino' and 'rice' are widely used racist labels, only slightly softened versions of 'wop' and 'chink', there should be zero tolerance for using such to describe other human beings on a public forum.
Wow, I read that post and thought of poor Spud’s bad morning.

After you started what has turned out to be a poor taste ‘let’s laugh at some rich youngsters and their appalling dress sense’ thread, then shat the bed with your borderline racist Gino comment:

Where’s the glory in that?

the lack of glory you observe in the thread has nothing to do with me, but the nastiness of people bent on finding offense in the most banal of places, like an obviously light-hearted thread poking fun at a pair of millionaire celebrities. 10 years ago, it would have been very different, but too many people have either been driven out or are afraid to touch a "social" topic anymore. as mark also pointed out, when moderators set a particular kind of example, etc.

Your attacks upon me seem like an effort in deflection, the fabled ‘throwing a dead cat’ into the room. This thread is littered with your personal attacks upon many posters. It’s not just me who has benefitted.

from YOUR link:

"A person of Mediterranean (especially Italian) descent, stereotypically regarded as shallow and materialistic"

i am a person of mediterranean decent, with lots of chest hair. only an anglo mémère bending over backwards to be offended could twist this the way you are.

now, as for the second part of that definition, that's not how we understood it in montreal. it was mainly a fashion and taste thing. feathered hair, shirt unbuttoned, camaro as car, etc. the fashion/taste aspect is co critical, that mediterranean decent isn't actually that important. plenty of russians and ukranians fit the bill here in toronto.

Your attacks upon me seem like an effort in deflection

my attacks on you. my deflection. yeah right, dear moderator.
Forget the celebrity fashion boundary pushers, 'gino' and 'rice' are widely used racist labels

so i am being racist against myself? is my very close italian friend who uses it also racist? actually, are all the people i knew at university racists? it's nothing at all like words you compare it to. it's about a particular, uncommon style, not a generalization about a group.
You carefully ignore the part of the definition that notes it is a ‘derogatory’ term.

now, as for the second part of that definition, that's not how we understood it in montreal. it was mainly a fashion and taste thing. feathered hair, shirt unbuttoned, camaro as car, etc. the fashion/taste aspect is co critical, that mediterranean decent isn't actually that important. plenty of russians and ukranians fit the bill here in toronto.

The definition specifically mentions that it’s a Canadian/American term. You’ve mentioned two large cities. Are you quite sure you’re as well up with the nuanced flow of language as you think you are? You do seem to take a very denigrating attitude towards certain groups? Case in point being starting a thread to criticise someone’s fashion sense, then using a derogatory slang term to describe the male in the picture.

